Is it just me, or was the visual (I don't speak Spanish) production quality far superior to what we get on ESPN. I assume it's a combination of more cameras and more experienced producers, but there was also something about the quality/clarity of the images. Since I assume the Gold Cup does not have a huge TV budget (mostly from Mexico?), how is this done?
I actually found that they interfered with the action more than I liked (lingering close-ups, replays of replays). It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great, either. The production is Univision's. They do a solid job.
i agree with you. way too long on replays and audience shots. and their on-screen graphics are a bit obnoxious with the arm that swings out and the lens flare that blocks the action just to bring up a box that is way too bit that says mexico will be playing jamaica tomorrow. and the annoying sound effect on the goals is pointless
You mean Pablo Ramirez's shrieking? I also think they get a little carried away with the replays, but otherwise pretty good overall. FWIW, my impression of MFL telecasts on the Univision nets has been that they tend to give a lot more replays than you'd expect to see on say, ABC/ESPN or the EPL telecasts on FSC. Maybe it's just a preference of the MFL audience. Dunno.
no, the announcer is fine. i like hearing "gooool goooool goooool gooool" or "golaaaaaaazo golaaaaaaazo golaaaaaaazo" it's the strange metal on metal sound in the background i was commenting on.
I agree that that preview-graphic-refresh thing is weird, as is the slot machine sound effect. I like to multi-angle replays, though. There are few enough goals that we should savor them.
i could not stand the AGONIZINGLY LONG REPLAYS while important midfield battles/attacking set-ups were going on. i screamed at the TV many times. horrible job by the guys in the production booth.
That was my favorite part about watching the Gold Cup: Anytime a 'Golaso' was scored, Pablo Ramirez would say this: Golaaaaaaaaaaaaaaso Golaaaaaaaaso Golasssssssso Golaso Golaso Golaso Asso! Asso! Asso!