Hey y'all, Even though the ESC is not organizing a bus for Saturday's game against the Revs, hopefully some of you are still coming up to Foxboro this Saturday for the fight for 2nd place and homefield advantage in the 1st round of the playoffs. As Metrostar fans at Foxboro, we should join together to support the Metros, sing, and perhaps add a few "1918" chants if you don't mind the baseball reference. Anyway, I propose we get together in Section 120. This is the section we rocked on July 12th during the tripleheader. It is behind the goal in the South endzone opposite the Midnite Riders in Section 143 behind the north endzone. Again, that is Section 120 behind the goal in the South endzone. These are General Admission seats and the cheapest tickets ($16) at the box office.
yeah that section is cool... The trip for that trple header was great! but Im saving my Sat. off for the playoff game... For those of you that are going, ROCK THE HOUSE! It's easily done, NE fans aren't too loud...
How long of a drive is it??? I'm considering going and spending the night up there.... Allez, how is the night life in that area??
Well, from Giants stadium on Saturday afternoon should be about 3.5 to 4 hours. Hopefully someone from past bus trips can chime in since I've never done the drive right to Foxboro from North Jersey/Secaucus area. There is not much nightlife at all near Foxboro stadium. There is a sports bar about 1-2 miles north of the stadium (the Funway Cafe) where allegedly some of the Revs go after the game. Within 5-10 miles north there are some restaurants like Chili's and strip malls etc. Nothing exciting. The stadium is pretty much in the middle of nowhere only accessible by one road (Route 1). The Stadium is about 3 miles from both I-95 and I-495. From Jersey you'd just take I-95 north to the exit for the Stadium (I'm not sure which exit it is from the south, probably Exit 8, but check a map). Boston is about 45 minutes north and Providence 35 minutes south. I don't think I need to expand on either of those options--where the night life is certainly much better. If you have more questions, feel free to post and I'll reply. Also, anyone else wants to help, please add anything since I live in Jamaica Plain I may be missing out on the real local 411.
Anyone going to New England this Saturday (10-25)? I know there is no ESC bus, but Kim and I will be there. We'd like to sit with other Metro folks if there are any, maybe do some tailgating. Feel free to email me at tutorman101@yahoo.com if you want to meet up in Foxboro and make some noise for our boys. Thanks.
There's already a thread on this. We are going to get together in section 120. (Behind the South goal opposite the Midnite Riders) It is the same section we were in for the July tripleheader.
Anyone going to New England this Saturday (10-25)? Thanks for the info. I looked for a thread about this game but must have overlooked it. See you guys in 120.
How about tailgating? I hope to get there a little early and tailgate but not in the overly-expensive-to-park-in parking lot of the stadium itself. There are some across the street which will cost you half. I've been to the Funway Cafe before and it's a good time. It has the same set up as a Jillian's or Dave and Buster's, if you are familiar with those places.
Sweet! I'll be coming to the game via my apartment over in East Providence. Hopefully I can get tickets in sec 120.
It's general admission for all the sections behind the goals so it will be no problem for all of us going to get together in Section 120!
Any plans yet for any pre or post game activities? I only got 3 friends going with me, none of whom care about soccer. But yeah, they're willing to do the tailgate thing if anyone is willing to do so. Also, if anyone's interested, I have an apartment only about 30 mins from Foxboro in East Providence. All are welcome to come and hang out if they want. We can pick up some booze and watch the Wiz/DC game or head out to Dave and Busters at the Providence Place Mall. Either way, if anyone else is down, it's an option if willing.