Looking around here, I saw nothing about this posted, so I will post it here. Goff's soccer insider is reporting Gallardo has officially arrived in DC, apparently to finalise details of signing with D.C. United. Short Article Here. Mods Note: If there is a better place for this thread, please move/ merge it. Thanks!!!
Goff's print edition story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/27/AR2008012702499.html
I know that he is a very skillfull, talented player, but he has big shoes to fill. Christian may not have been a marquee world talent, but he brought a lot of heart with him to MLS. I hope that Marcelo still has some heart left for us and that DC has not been conned by a guy that has lost his ambition in the game. Time will tell but, like it or not, Marcello is on DC United now - not Christian. Quite frankly, I think that the whole thing is a shame, but hopefully, once they start playing, things will work out for a very hard working DC United franchise. Here's to hoping that it all falls together the way that the front office envisioned.
Ive kind of worried about the same thing. He does have a bit of a history of some not so great behavior. Its not horrible, but not necessarily something that would be conducive to good locker room chemistry either. Gomez bled Black and Red. He gave everything he had on the pitch and off here. Gomez was not JUST a player, he was also a DCU fan, and that truly makes a significant difference. I think DC has been pretty damn lucky to date with having players that were more than just players. Most of our more recognised players bled Black and Red, it was in their hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. If Gallardo can even come close to that level of committment and dedication, I think DCU will be pretty well off to have gotten him. Like you said, time will tell.
It was posted in the rumors thread here but i agree that, if goff said it, its not rumor anymore. still not a done deal, but looking good (veron never made it to dc). there is also some great discussion about how to pronounce his name there too anybody know what ususally happens first, the dreaded "paperwork" or the player arriving in DC?
I'd wait to make sure he's good before we rub NY's faces in it. If he sucks, then they may be the winners here.
This team really seems to be coming together quickly ....... in contrast to last year where i remember thinking that the team took way too long in moving forward with getting players in some needed spots. I still recall the coach telling the fans in March (thru an interview or blog) that the team didn't plan on getting any defensive reinforcements because they weren't needed, despite the fact that we had 3 healthy players that were listed as defenders on the roster and it was patently obvious that we needed some guys in that position. Kudos for the team doing the right thing this year, and doing it early.
I also hope that Marcelo Gallardo is motivated to win things with DC United. Maybe someone should suggest to him that winning CONCACAF and making a trip to the Club World Cup would be a nice FU to the folks at PSG. And it would also earn him huge respect back in Argentina.
I'm cautiously optimistic. If he can adapt to the style of play, the physicality and summer games, in MLS and has the desire, not just to play but to be one of the best in the league, then it will be a good move. If he achieves the level that Gomez has performed for us, then I will be satisfied. Hopefully his experience in big tournament situtations will help us in the CONCACAF Champions Cup and the Superliga. It's going to be interesting to watch.
Gallardo signed with DC this past Saturday (inside sources) and Gomez is rumored to go to Qatar or possibly Colorado Rapids.
Do we know what hes going to make? Im not sure I would put this player at the "DP" level in terms of cotract value. Gomez level, yeah... DP Level? Not exactly IMHO.
I believe the Argentine press said he turned down $800,000/year at San Lorenzo. So, I think his DC/MLS salary is more than that and that takes him into DP territory.
WOW! OK, well if that is the case, then he better be a HELL OF ALOT BETTER than Gomez! Seriously, if were using our DP Slot, and spending all that money, he better be as good as some have said.
He is a great player, quality of Saviola, Ortega, Cavenaghi, Schelloto and others, he was with Argentina's National Team and that speaks volume. I understand your reasonable doubts, but hey, don't be pessimistic from the start. You guys give him the motiviation and I think he will produce. It is up to you, too. His qualities will show up. You will forget Gomez 15 minutes into his first game, heck you will forget that Beckham exists, 15 minutes into the game. Great addition to the league. MLS is so building up!
Well, Gomez wants 400K, so with regard to the salary cap, Gallardo is no more expensive. Also, we still don't have confirmation from Goff on whether or not Gallardo takes up the DP slot.
The bottom line is that he will be making much more than Gomez, and expectations will be much more higher. There is no question that he has played at a very high level, whether he can still do so at his age remains to be seen. For DC United's sake, I hope he can consistently play at the level he has shown in the past.
Yeah, I understand were gonna take the 400K cap hit either way, but thats not really what I was getting it. My point was that if were going to be throwing that kind of money his way, then in theory, he should be mounds better than Gomez. Of course with his age, moving to a new league, his seeming disdain for physical play.... just how MUCH better than Gomez is going to be something that will remain to be seen for some time. Its my *HOPE* that DCU gets a great ROI (return on investment) with him, and he proves he is worth every penny of his high dollar contract. Im excited to have him, but im still guarded. I guess you could say im cautiously optimistic.