God help us - random thoughts in 2023

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by Samarkand, Jul 25, 2023.

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  1. newterp

    newterp Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jun 6, 2007
    North Potomac, MD
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Who here plays guitar?

    i'm re-attempting to learn the guitar after 20 years. Had a grand plan of learning it during my third year of law school when I was was able to coast and have fun - But in retrospect, I definitely went about it the wrong way in terms of trying to learn. And then life and a brutal work schedule caught up. I've dabbled with the idea of picking it back up the last 10 years or so because I have a couple of friends in California that are fantastic players who keep encouraging me to just get back into it.

    I finally got my electric guitar restrung last week And have been able to put in about an hour of practice every day for the last 10 days. Feels good (though my fingers hurt lol).

    My goal is to get some good practice for about a month or two and then start with lessons once a week. Going to start working on tabs today.

    Please post resources for beginners that you find helpful. I am definitely looking for online videos where they break it down slowly. Thanks!!

    Genres of music I am interested in will be rock and classic rock - for now.
  2. bayred

    bayred Member+

    Liverpool FC
    United States
    May 28, 2018
    Mmmm, yeah. Simpson was a great running back, electric in his prime. The rest of the package, not so great.
  3. bayred

    bayred Member+

    Liverpool FC
    United States
    May 28, 2018
    I'm a former (failed) rock musician - bass player - now I play a lot of acoustic 6 and 12 string material, still have the old Stratocaster and Jazz Bass lying around with some amplifiers that annoy my wife. imo a few lessons from a good teacher will kick start you on proper posture and technique to avoid frequent playing injury; the internet is also a good resource - full of pretty high quality lesson material covering rock / classic rock. I think Marty Schwartz does a really good job of breaking down popular rock songs on YouTube. He works on both electric and acoustic arrangements. Final note: Electric is easier on your fingers / hands because of the lower string tensions but acoustic is what will make you a better player in the long run. No pain, no gain. If you go the acoustic route I would recommend a Taylor guitar, they are well known for being easy to play.
    usscouse, newterp and Samarkand repped this.
  4. hubbabubba

    hubbabubba Moderator
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    May 17, 2002
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Liverpool FC
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    I really think there is no substitution for in-person lessons. I'd look around locally and ask at music stores whether they can make any recommendations. You can usually find solid teachers for whatever genre you would like. I think that getting assignments and then preparing for your next weekly/biweekly lesson is the best way to ensure that you stick with it. If you aren't "feeling it" with a particular instructor, just swap until you do find someone who can help. I went this route when I picked up an acoustic guitar when in college. I played clarinet through highschool but then quit when I graduated. After a year or two I missed playing and so grabbed a guitar from a buddy. Messed around with tutorials and books for about six months, and then finally just decided to go with a local classical guitar instructor. Best money I ever spent - even though I could not convince him to let me start with chords... I later took a couple of months of lessons with a local blues musician who taught me some new techniques that I put to good use when I was in grad school and played with a couple of buddies in a garage band we called "DogJar" (don't ask it was a drug and alcohol-induced naming procedure). We even booked a couple of gigs at departmental retreats and birthday parties... ah the days when I had enough spare time (and energy) for that sort of thing.
    LiverpoolFanatic and newterp repped this.
  5. zaqualung

    zaqualung Member+

    Jun 17, 2015
    San Francisco
    Liverpool FC
    Good luck. Never too late to learn something (except maybe ballet!)

    Don't try to play "Jack Fig" by Leo Kottke straight away ..... ;)

    newterp repped this.
  6. newterp

    newterp Moderator
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    Jun 6, 2007
    North Potomac, MD
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Great family owned music store of about 60 years near me where I'll be taking lessons!
    LiverpoolFanatic repped this.
  7. bayred

    bayred Member+

    Liverpool FC
    United States
    May 28, 2018
    See if they'll give you a package deal on a Taylor and lessons!
  8. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    Repubs keeping an eye on what's important to Americans. This is a list of their legislative priotities. and no, this NOT made up ....

    House Republicans are proposing a number of bills that focus on rules around household appliances on April 15. The six bills are the Stop Unaffordable Dishwasher Standards Act, the Liberty in Laundry Act, the Affordable Air Conditioning Act, the Clothes Dryer Reliability Act, the Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act and the Refrigerator Freedom Act.
    newterp repped this.
  9. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    I think the whole world knows that unless he’s found not guilty, Lumpy’s gonna appeal. Plus, while we can speculate on the verdict, god knows what the jury might actually decide.

    What we can guess at with a reasonable degree of certainty is that Lumpy is going to get in trouble with the judge at some point during this trial. I’m pretty sure I’d only get rather short odds on that proposition, no?
    LiverpoolFanatic repped this.
  10. bayred

    bayred Member+

    Liverpool FC
    United States
    May 28, 2018
    Well, the man - literally - cannot keep his mouth shut, and polling indicates this particular trial is actually a positive for him. So yes, he will make a royal pain in the ass of himself for the duration.
  11. zaqualung

    zaqualung Member+

    Jun 17, 2015
    San Francisco
    Liverpool FC

    In fairness, the Refridgerator Freedom Act does allow for you to drop a refridgerator on top of Matt gaetz's head from a great height....

    Always satisfying in dreams and now it can be reality.....
  12. zaqualung

    zaqualung Member+

    Jun 17, 2015
    San Francisco
    Liverpool FC
    It's already happened. They've set the hearing for bail conditions/gag order for next (week) Thursday. Where's he'll be fined and told after the basic hearing that he will sit in the Manhattan County jail if he spouts more cr@p about relatives of judges or jurors.
    Then it'll get interesting - however, how does one put him and a secret service detail in a county jail cell?
  13. zaqualung

    zaqualung Member+

    Jun 17, 2015
    San Francisco
    Liverpool FC

    Ever think that polling can be as much of a counter-value as a value? In that it gets (via telephone polling anyway) at people's responses largely from people who are pre-disposed to want to respond to such things. I nearly also, snap, snarl, remonstrate about the particular time, or flat-out lie my way out of those calls.... (just for example)
  14. SamScouse

    SamScouse Member+

    Jun 1, 2015
    Liverpool FC
    would have loved to have seen the look on his face when this exchange happened :p:p:p

    zaqualung, newterp and Samarkand repped this.
  15. zaqualung

    zaqualung Member+

    Jun 17, 2015
    San Francisco
    Liverpool FC
    Bloody brilliant!

    (Come to think of it, I doubt I'd make the jury either.)

    Attached Files:

  16. newterp

    newterp Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jun 6, 2007
    North Potomac, MD
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    The confederate flag?
  17. zaqualung

    zaqualung Member+

    Jun 17, 2015
    San Francisco
    Liverpool FC
  18. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    #1093 Samarkand, Apr 23, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
    For those who celebrate such holy days as this, without prejudice and with diversity and inclusion, may I wish you Happy Bleach Injection Day.

    May all your needles be clean and all your bleach be pure.
    usscouse repped this.
  19. zaqualung

    zaqualung Member+

    Jun 17, 2015
    San Francisco
    Liverpool FC

    And I don't give a fvck...... go away.....
  20. Samarkand

    Samarkand Member+

    May 28, 2001
    Happy International Penguin Day!
    LiverpoolFanatic repped this.
  21. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    Always reminds me of Grealish.
    Samarkand repped this.
  22. CB-West

    CB-West Member+

    Sep 20, 2013
    Liverpool FC
    That’s a decent pic of him…
  23. bayred

    bayred Member+

    Liverpool FC
    United States
    May 28, 2018
    Always wondered if Grealish practiced at being a tubesteak, or if it all really just came naturally to him.
  24. usscouse

    usscouse BigSoccer Supporter

    May 3, 2002
    Orygun coast
    Practice, practice, practice.
    He does have some natural ability as a tube steak though.
  25. speker

    speker Member+

    May 16, 2009
    Liverpool FC

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