Have at it. I'm guessing the same starting lineup as Wednesday, unless Mapp is healthy. Rumors abound that we may see Bolaños, which I say only because I still remember how to add the tilde to his name. And Eric Wynalda thinks the Galaxy sucks. Later, COZ
The Sun-Times is saying Mapp and Brown should be back, but with regard to C.J., that seems to contradict earlier information, doesn't it? Wasn't he supposed to take the rest of this week off? Later, COZ
This would be the sweetest win of the year (so far), being thats its the last game in Naperville, the fact we would sweep LA in the season series as well as virtually lock up the East. Lets make it happen.
Depending on formation, yes. In the 3-5-2, I hope he would, so that Gray can take Perez's spot... We are going to have some tired guys out there, but we always seem to rebound against LA. Make the last memory of Naperville a good 'un, boys!
CJ is listed as doubtful. I wouldn't expect to see him back. Frankly, he may not be back for several more games. Achilles injuries are notoriously slow to heal. Luckily Kelly Gray has played pretty decent the last few games back there. I hope Justin is back and we can make an adjustment to possibly replace Orlando in the starting lineup. Beasley had one of his best games of the season largely playing in the middle of the field instead of the wing at the Open Cup match against LA. Maybe he will reprise that roll on Saturday.
http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-child03.html I just saw this on another thread. Do you think the Fire would make some kind of announcement to his memory at the game?
My prediction. 2-1 Fire win. Playing LA so often recently has nurtured a real dislike for the Galaxy...is that bad? Especially Ruiz!
Re: My prediction. After what Luis did to Nowak, that team deserves all the hate I can muster. The organization is crooked if they won't even suspend their own player. And even if they did they should have kicked him off the team.
Re: My prediction. I've hated LA since the first time I heard about them. The best part of the season has been beating them. I hope we do it again.