Germany to Host the UEFA Euro 2024

Discussion in 'Germany: National Teams' started by Ger90, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Moukoko doesn't fit Terzic liking for a more complete package CF like Fullkrug or Haller. But what's annoying is when he does play XI if he's eh in the match.....he's then punished by going unsued bench for next 5 games or plays like scrap mins for awhile. You can't dev younger player in this manner. There is 0 patience for the position with Terzic who wants result and Terzic also sees him at CF so he more likely to replace the CF who plays so if CF plays full 90 then chances are=unused bench.

    I'm not too worried about Moukoko, tbh. As you mentioned loads of potential and 0 risk of him going to 2BL-1st Abroad level. He's already shown that he's 1BL level so if he stays at Dortmund or leaves Dortmund he's likely to still be in 1BL.

    look at Beier, he's 2 years older than Moukoko and he's having his 1BL BREAKOUT season in his 1st REAL 1BL season and a season where he's XI all season with patience for his dev. So Moukoko still has loads of time to fully go breakout season in 1BL.

    but yeah the potential for CF is so loaded that we aren't dependent on 1-2 players breakingthrough.......not that this seems to be a problem as not only are there loads of variety for the position but the 1BL-2BL clubs rate so many of them highly that they are jumping to pros 1st teams super quickly. Imagine when was last time we saw 10 young CFs (12 if you count 1st Abroad too) who have played XI in 1BL-2BL with 11=regulars in matchday squads (one of them has yet to play XI but close)!!! Then loads more seem on track for breakthrough at this level soooooon enough whether this season or next or with Summer transfer. Future is bright for the position 100%. Main issue will always be dual issue.

    could see Gruda get call up when we seal the deal with U21 Euro qualifiers. Will be curious if Ouedraogo jumps to U21 next season, could happen since every top club is interested in him.
    Alex C repped this.
  2. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    on topic of M Ouedraogo he might closest he look to have to a Bellingham. In terms of package and playing style, he's also 6 cm taller than Bellingham too.

    I recall some here were like why can't we produce Ms like Pengland's Bellingham in past. Nevermind that one has to be in similar style and package to begin with and majority are different type of players.

    LOL, Germany always and will always produce class Ms. Just that most have 0 patience and not like the need for someone is NOW.

    let every player dev in peace and Ouedraogo isnt a player at risk of poaching either.

    in terms of progress
    -both started in 2BL vs Championship around similar age.
    -Bellingham brokethrough earlier simply because Germany has lovefest for U19 to last second. S04 U19 coach Elgert is notorious for bitching about players getting promoted to 1st team because he doesn't want to weaken U19 and because he wants to win youth trophies. LOL cringe. I'm sure if it was up to Elgert he would have played U19 until Summer 2025, LOL.
    -Only reason why Ouedraogo brokethrough so quickly because he was given a chance to do Summer 2023 preseason (ONLY because of winning U17 Euro, LOL).........and result was that he was best player in entire team (same reason why Gruda brokethrough Mainz 1st team directly as he was best player in entire team in Summer 2023 Preseason). But the plan was NEVER for him to get promoted. Once they saw how he embarrassed the rest of the team, they were forced to up him, LMAO. Even during season, both S04 coaches talked about how they need Ouedraogo in XI and how crucial he is and how the fans+media are pinning for him to save them. Although all 3 young players Kabadayi+Topp+Ouedraogo are doing good job to save S04.
    -while Bellingham never won anything with Pengland YNT. Ouedraogo has already won U17 Euro (scored winning PK in shootout final and also during GS vs Fwance Ouedraogo was unfit for XI but once he came on the field he dominated the Fwench and due to his dominance of the M, we did a down 1-0, to 3-1 comeback W). Imagine we beat Spain, Argentina, France 3 back to back in U17 WC AFTER Ouedraogo got injured in GS of U17 WC. What would have happened if he was fit for every match??? Some say we lost the midfield battle vs Spain (although we should have won that 2-0 instead of 1-0, Yalcinkaya was full on in and would have scored but drew a red card as he was fouled to stop him from scoring) but would that be the case if Ouedraogo was present?
    -just like Bellingham after 1 season in 2nd division looks headed towards top 1BL club. Bellingham went to Dortmund. Ouedraogo linked with Bayern, Leipzig, Frankfurt and tons of other top clubs from around Europe. Eh Dortmund can integrate 06 M Watjen who was on bench today vs Atletico and who signed pro contract they don't need Ouedraogo.

    will be curious to see how both dev in future........lets go Germany!!!
    Alex C repped this.
  3. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:

    I actually think its IMPORTANT that Neuer's successor is German. BARF if Neuer's successor is non-German. Would be very bad for SNT if the Bayern #1 isn't German. As Bayern is one of biggest clubs in Europe and regulars in CL who go far. Also a non-German GK for Bayern is something that should never happen tbh.

    as of now Nubel is only German GK who could play that role. Can't think of any other GK who could go anywhere near Bayern come 2025 or 2026 and thats fact too.

    the younger GKs which are showing a LOT of potential and doing good career progress (nevermind the hilarious DFB calling GK doomsday just 2 years ago, LOL. Now we are seeing a LOT of them breakingthrough relevant pros and MORE on the way.) its too early for them to go near a club like Bayern if ever good enough for that.
    Alex C repped this.
  4. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    BorisG repped this.
  5. Alex C

    Alex C Member+

    Oct 27, 2015
    Nat'l Team:
    I notice that the Wirtz hype is starting to happen in more countries media then usually happens with German players, maybe he can build the sort of PR you need to be a future Ballon d'Or contender? Both him and Musiala gonna be even more in the international spotlight with us hosting this summer.
    BVBFNM, Ger90 and BorisG repped this.
  6. Aderthan

    Aderthan Member+

    Schwarz weiss essen
    Nov 17, 2020
    Ballon d or is a rigged award. They favor the likes of Mbappe, Haaland and Bellingham as the next pin up boys so no chance for Wirtz unless he win all the trophy of football competition that is available lol.
    Germanyfan1993, BVBFNM, Ger90 and 2 others repped this.
  7. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:

    Lets go frick EPL,on track for BOTH 2/2 teams to be eliminated in QF!!!!!

    LOL Kimmich at DM=useless......
    BVBFNM repped this.
  8. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Lets go 2 German clubs in SF of CL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SF CL Germans
    -Bayern=Neuer, Kimmich, Goretzka, Sane, Gnabry, Muller, Pavlovic, Musiala
    -Dortmund=Hummels, N.Schlotterbeck, Can, Brandt, F.Nmecha, Moukoko, Adeyemi, Sule, Wolf, Reus, Fullkrug

    19 players in 2/4 teams. Wait and see if Real Makes it and that would add Kroos+Rudiger.

    and then Bayer on track to make EL SF and with that there is Wirtz, Tah, Andrich, Hofmann

    its nice to see that Pavlovic, Musiala, Moukoko, Adeyemi, Wirtz that 5 youngsters made it far!!!

    also Fullkrug playing role in getting Dortmund to only their 2nd SF in CL in this century while Havertz no role in 2/2 matches vs Bayern........ I believe if I recall that Havertz has always struggled to score vs Bayern even during his Bayer days too.

    heck CF Kleindienst vs Bayern this season
    1 goal in Game 1 in 4-2 L
    2 goals in Game 2 in 3-2 W
    3 goals in 2 games this season in 1BL vs Bayern

    Kleindienst>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Havertz, LULZ. And Heidenheim is a club inferior to Arsenal too.
    ShadowX repped this.

    BVBFNM Member+

    Apr 3, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    I'm actually rooting for Real Madrid to oust that smug Catalan.
    saj7866 and Ger90 repped this.
  10. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
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  11. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    It would have been a sweet victory in normal time had Rudiger not gift Debryune.
    Ger90 repped this.
  12. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:

    respect to Buffon, frick Casillas, LOL.
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  13. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Ruuuuudddigggerrr scores the winning penalty
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  14. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Update SF Germans in CL
    -Bayern=Neuer, Kimmich, Goretzka, Sane, Gnabry, Muller, Pavlovic, Musiala
    -Dortmund=Hummels, N.Schlotterbeck, Can, Brandt, F.Nmecha, Moukoko, Adeyemi, Sule, Wolf, Reus, Fullkrug
    -Real Madrid=Rudiger and Kroos

    so 21 players in 3/4 teams!!!!

    in comparison
    -Germany=21 players
    -Spain=14 players
    -France=13 players
    -Pengland, Portugal=5 players
    -Netherlands=3 players
    -Italy=1 player

    elimination of all Penglish clubs and only 1 Spanish club making SF means less players for both countries.
    BVBFNM repped this.
  15. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    so 21 Germans make CL SF and then we could see another 4 make EL SF with Bayer. Also Thiaw and Milan can still make EL SF too.

    its clear the problem was never the players or their talent/potential but the coaching/tactics and the 0 balance XIs.

    our wins vs France X2+Netherlands shows that all this GS or R16 Exits were us MASSIVELY underperforming.

    the current NT should at min be good enough for SF run at the Euros.

    we also look to be fixing our holes in team too and THIS is what allowed us to improve a lot more.
    -with Kroos back we can now be a REAL threat at FKs+Corners+Long Balls+Through balls. Also dominated M too, and even assisted winning goal in 2/2 matches on his comeback too.
    -with no Kimmich at DM (Thank God!!!), we now have a pretty good RB option
    -with no more Kimmich at DM, it opened door for a REAL DM to play in M. Kimmich at DM, LOL was just another CM.
    -With Rudiger+Tah we are looking to have a more stable back 2 and both are making good progress. Tah looking to play his best career season.
    -With Fullkrug we have a reliable CF too. He needs to be XI over Havertz

    what hole is there left? I'm sure some will claim LB but I don't see it as a major hole especially since we are talking about a debutant in Mittelstadt and had to jump and directly play vs 2 rivals as his debut matches. Also he has 0 European experience outside of U21 Euro too, so its all new. But between him, Raum, Gunter, Gosens we seem to have good to not too bad options. I would put Mittelstadt in that Hector level.

    if the players can show similar mentality and commitment that they do with their clubs and that they did in March, should be no excuses.

    but 1st up is GS vs teams that are likely to bus park too.
    BorisG and BVBFNM repped this.
  16. BVBFNM

    BVBFNM Member+

    Apr 3, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    Also stop this false 9 nonsense once and for all.
    Ger90 and saj7866 repped this.
  17. dips82

    dips82 Member+

    Oct 11, 2013
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Havertz was so underwhelming as center forward today and I was thinking about the difference Fullkrug made yesterday to bring Dortmund back into the match
    Ger90, saj7866, Alex C and 1 other person repped this.
  18. Alex C

    Alex C Member+

    Oct 27, 2015
    Nat'l Team:
    German NT pool in CL SF

    Bayern (8) Neuer, Kimmich, Goretzka, Pavlovic, Muller, Musiala, Sane, Gnabry

    Dortmund (11) Hummels, Schlotterbeck, Sule, Wolf, Can, Nmecha, Brandt, Reus, Adeyemi, Fullkrug, Moukoko

    Real (2) Rudiger, Kroos

    Plus Tah, Andrich, Hofmann & Wirtz could all make EL SF tonight.

    Could be 25 players with recent NT caps involved in European SF, that's good experience of high level clutch matches.
    BorisG, Ger90, saj7866 and 1 other person repped this.
  19. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
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  20. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    The false Nine utter rubbish is one of the main reasons why the National team hasn't performed.
    BVBFNM and Ger90 repped this.
  21. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    saj7866 repped this.
  22. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Agree. Once FFP steps in, their history. Pep fraudiola is A ceriel version of READY BREK.
    Ger90 and BVBFNM repped this.
  23. BVBFNM

    BVBFNM Member+

    Apr 3, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    Juve were demoted to Serie B due to Calciopoli. If M. City aren't subjected to equally harsh punishments should they be found guilty over the 115 I'll be about as pissed off as I was when FIFA gifted Spain the 2010 World Cup. The only downside would be Ilkay most likely having his CL title revoked, but whatever.
    Ger90 and saj7866 repped this.
  24. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Bald Fraud is the no name cereal brand who sells clone products of name brands aka he leeches off others.
    Alex C and saj7866 repped this.
  25. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
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