Germany to Host the UEFA Euro 2024

Discussion in 'Germany: National Teams' started by Ger90, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    I don't think its strange as we keep getting ex Bayern coaches and all fixated on Gundo, Kimmich, Goretzka but problem is that none of these 3 are DMs.
    saj7866, BVBFNM and Alex C repped this.

    BVBFNM Member+

    Apr 3, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    DM is a thankless job in football. So overlooked yet so crucial.
    Alex C, saj7866 and Ger90 repped this.
  3. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Gundogan never been a six. His best position is a eight or ten in which he excelled in.

    Kroos is a eight. So is Gross.

    The question is who is the discipline six which is the key CDM position to balance the team?

    Non of the above, nor kimmich or Goretzka are. Infact both kimmich and Goretzka have really regressed.
    BVBFNM, Alex C and Ger90 repped this.
  4. Jordan Khamra

    Jordan Khamra Member

    May 21, 2014
    I think Sane would be an effective sub that can run at tired defenses.
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  5. Jordan Khamra

    Jordan Khamra Member

    May 21, 2014
    Prior to injury, Khedira, to me, was one of the most important players of his generation.
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  6. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    so Nagelsmann hints he might not stay beyond Euro 2024 and Tuchel looking like free agent in Summer he gonna be next NT coach??? LMAO.

    I hope we move past these so called "Big coaches".

    LOL these "big" coaches all seem to be unemployed
    -Low is still unemployed
    -Klinsmann got fired by Korea
    -Flick is still jobless
    -Nagelsmann is free in Summer 2024
    -Klopp taking year off from Summer 2024
    -Tuchel looking like bailing in Summer
    saj7866 and Alex C repped this.

    BVBFNM Member+

    Apr 3, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    Being NT coach means you have to be personable, which Tuchel is most definitely not.
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  8. BandB

    BandB Member

    Bayern Munich
    Nov 30, 2020
    It's too early to judge whether Kroos coming back was a right call or not unless we saw how Nagelsmann is playing him. But one thing for sure neither combination of Kimmich + gundo or Goretzka + Kimmich is working. Tuchel is right too many sideway passing!!
    Ger90 and saj7866 repped this.
  9. rj123

    rj123 Member+

    The team with the most German NT players
    Nov 21, 2010
    Winnipeg, MB
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    hahahha - oh wait, you're serious???:rolleyes::D:D:D:D (the odds of the Germany winning are worse than winning a lottery ticket).
    Ger90 repped this.
  10. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Agree. Loews services are still not required
    Ger90 repped this.
  11. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
    Staff Member

    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
    Fascist Hellscape
    FC Sankt Pauli
    Nat'l Team:
    i agree Kroos passing is sadly missed. it was absurd the criticism he got. the team got worse when he was purged.
    BVBFNM and Ger90 repped this.
  12. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    -Julian Nagelsmann on Toni Kroos: "He will fit perfectly into the team we have in mind as a connection player in midfield. He will do us good with his experience. Kroos has a special role at his club Real Madrid - he guides young players and shows them how they can work well together as part of a team. Toni is a player who will stay calm and keep his composure even in a tight European Championship game and who you can always pass to under pressure. Toni has a very clear view of the state of our national team. With each conversation, I felt that he was increasingly enthusiastic about being there at the home Euros and supporting us"

    -Nagelsmann says Kroos' comeback will not cause any hierarchy problems: "I spoke to many players on the phone in advance and listened carefully to see if anyone could have a problem with Kroos. On the contrary, Everyone was very positive"

    -Nagelsmann says Kimmich would have played at right-back regardless of Kroos' comeback: "Josh would have also played at right-back if Kroos hadn’t returned. Every player has to subordinate himself and is a servant for his country. That’s Kimmich"

    -Nagelsmann: "We have no shortage of excellent footballers. And we have shown time and time again in recent years that we compete with the leading football nations in Europe such as France and England. The reason we lost against Turkey and Austria was because these nations play aggressively. They ate us up. Teams that are between 6th and 40th in the world rankings are more dangerous for us than the top teams

    We have to stop thinking about status. We tell ourselves that Germany is a top football nation, even though we have been experiencing failures for years. This is not how you get back on the road to success. We finally have to start working on football again"

    -Nagelsmann on the DFB president setting the semifinals as a target: "It's completely okay if Bernd Neuendorf says something like that. You should set yourself high goals. As a fan, the way the team plays and performs would be more important to me than a boring result. The national team has hit rock bottom for years. There hasn't been anything lately that could give us hope that we'll get to the semi-finals. But I believe that if we play four or five good games, tear ourselves apart, but then are eliminated in the quarter-finals against a top nation, it can still be a good European Championship for Germany. I don't just want to base our success on a certain round, but rather on whether we gave it our all"

    -Your predecessor Hansi Flick followed the motto "mentality beats talent." But it didn't work.

    Nagelsmann: "That's why we're changing the squad compared to the World Cup in Qatar. We don't have to call up ten new players, but some players, whom many people think will definitely be there, will not be called up"

    Can you already reveal whom this will affect?

    Nagelsmann : "No, I'll discuss this with the respective players first."

    -The World Cup in Qatar was overshadowed by a debate about how the players should set an example for tolerance and human rights. Do you think that political topics will also be carried into the team headquarters at the European Championships?

    Nagelsmann: "I would like the team to be kept out of all debates. When it comes to political and social topics, discussions always arise within a football team where different views, cultures and religions come together - and this usually affects performance. If we play a good European Championship and 15% more kids sign up for clubs afterwards, we will have achieved more socially than with a gesture before a game."
    saj7866 repped this.
  13. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    he'd be perfect for Pengland, LOL.
    saj7866, BVBFNM and Alex C repped this.
  14. Alex C

    Alex C Member+

    Oct 27, 2015
    Nat'l Team:
    Kimmich is not that great defensively at RB, plus he hardly ever plays there these days. We should use players in the positions they are used to playing for their club imo.

    Kimmich is actually best as an 8.
    saj7866 and Ger90 repped this.
  15. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    we need Mustafi and Draxler back......never been same since post-Mustafi.......
    Alex C, saj7866 and BVBFNM repped this.
  16. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Its a case of fitting round pegs in square holes, rather than leave kimmich out, (let's be honest he has been very ordinary this season ) he doesnt want to make the awkward decision .
    Ger90, BVBFNM and Alex C repped this.
  17. Aderthan

    Aderthan Member+

    Schwarz weiss essen
    Nov 17, 2020
    Kimmich should not be in the Germany squad at all. Pavlovic > Kimmich.
    dips82, BVBFNM and Ger90 repped this.
  18. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:

    except neither Havertz nor Sancho lead to their non-Bayern club to be on track for 1BL trophy.

    also IMPORTANT to note, Wirtz was out injured for a like a whole year its why he missed WC22. So he easily would have gotten youngest ever for 50 goal involvement if not for that.
    Ator and Alex C repped this.
  19. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Rudy>Pavlovic > Kimmich
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  20. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    WOW, Low really is a dick, LMAO.

    Löw gives insight into Kruse's decision in 2014: "The truth is: he simply wasn't good enough"
    Former national team player Max Kruse's escapades were not the main reason for ex-national coach Joachim Löw's retirement before the 2014 World Cup. “The truth is: He just wasn’t good enough,” Löw told the “Bild” newspaper. The former Bundesliga professional had his qualities as a player. “But Max would sometimes have been better off in the Uwe Seeler traditional team because the pace and his dynamism in the game were simply a bit too little,” explained Löw.

    Kruse recently reported in a podcast that an incident before an international match in England was the reason he was not considered for the 2014 World Cup, in which the German team won the title in Brazil. At that time, Kruse was caught with an unauthorized visit from women in his hotel room. The way the national team's sporting leadership treated him afterwards was hypocritical, said Kruse.

    “There was one or two things that could perhaps be told. Things like that in the hotel have happened before,” said Löw about Kruse’s account. But that wasn't the reason for Kruse's ejection. “The reasons were performance-related. Not what happened in the hotel. (…) We wanted to become world champions in football – and not in poker,” said Löw.
    Alex C and saj7866 repped this.
  21. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    saj7866 repped this.
  22. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Thiaw is recently back from injury and just today

    Thiaw XI at AC Milan
    Bisseck XI at Inter Milan

    hopefully Bisseck goes fixed XI soon, increase our CB pool.
    saj7866 repped this.
  23. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Pavlovic is a serious talent. If he gets called up for March Friendlies and the Euros then he should be the CDM.

    ---------------------Pavlovic ?????-------------------



    The question is who could partner Pavlovic.

    Ger90 repped this.
  24. Ator

    Ator Member

    SC Freiburg
    Mar 19, 2021
    That´s right and really impressive! Too bad though we only play really old guys. I have a 1998 feeling when we only played the 1990 dudes except for the two more or less young Hamann and Jeremies (damn, how we need a 23 old Jeremies right now!!!).
    Aderthan and Ger90 repped this.
  25. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    best XI
    -GK=Neuer, 38 y/o
    -LB=Gosens, 29 y/o
    -CB=Rudiger, 31 y/o
    -CB=Tah, 28 y/o
    -RB=Kimmich, 29 y/o
    -M=Gundo, 33 y/o
    -M=Kroos, 34 y/o
    -M=Muller, 34 y/o
    -W=Hofmann, 31 y/o
    -W=Sane, 28 y/o
    -CF=Fullkrug, 31 y/o

    Average Age=31.36 y/o
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