Germany to Host the UEFA Euro 2024

Discussion in 'Germany: National Teams' started by Ger90, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    crazy timeline
    -Nagelsmann vs Wagner, both players

    -Nagelsmann coaching Wagner

    and now
    Nagelsmann and Wagner as coach and assistant coach, LOL. It reminds you of how young Nagelsmann really is. 36 y/o could still have been playing pro if not for his injuries as player.
  2. Alex C

    Alex C Member+

    Oct 27, 2015
    Nat'l Team:
    Neuer is literally older then any of the coaches.
    Germanyfan1993, BorisG, saj7866 and 2 others repped this.
  3. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Julian Nagelsmann about...
    ... his goals with the DFB selection: The goal is to play a very, very good home European Championship in the summer. This is an extreme incentive for me, a great challenge that I approach with great anticipation and the necessary sense of responsibility. We want to inspire people with good football. The path to the European Championship should not be complicated. But we have a certain idea. And it will be the case that we want to inspire people with attractive football, not just with results. A home European Championship is something that doesn't happen that often. So we want to inspire people on the way there, develop anticipation and use the fact that we can play at home in a great country with great people. It goes without saying: When you play a tournament, a European Championship - this is the case from children's football to professional football - you take part in it to win. I'm not nervous because I have confidence in the team and the coaching staff. It is a great privilege to be national coach at a home European Championship. It's a great incentive to build on the positive mood after the France game. A summer fairy tale 2.0 is the ideal. I will do everything to ensure that this happens again.

    ... his game idea: We have a clear idea, which is well described with the heading "Good and healthy aggressiveness towards the opponent's goal - but it doesn't just affect your own possession of the ball." We want to create stress for the opponent. It must hurt to play against us. This awakens the necessary emotions that we need. We have developed an idea that we will adapt over time - and also adapt it to the players. There is still a long way to go until the European Championships. The players have to be in very, very good form until the European Championships. Confidence and atmosphere are not only important in football. In order to develop a good spirit, you need ideas that the players can implement. There will be times that will be difficult. It's important that the players have something to grab hold of. The ideas won't be too complex, but we want to play attractive football. Because therein lies the great opportunity to push ourselves. It won't be as complex as in club football. It's about giving the players support. Hopefully you can see that in the next two international matches. Simplicity is a good keyword. But with regard to the tournament: There we will be able to react to circumstances. We must have the ability to produce the necessary result. We have our idea of how we can rekindle trust in the team.

    ... the trip to the USA in October: There are always pros and cons. In this case, it's a big pro for me because we're together for a long time at a time. I know all the players, but not everyone personally. I would like to get to know the new protagonists and my new team better. We have to use every unit, every game to get to know our game idea and to create an atmosphere. Of course, we have to make sure that the players stay healthy so that we can always have everyone on board. Of course, a trip like this is also physically demanding, but all the players are in good shape and young. I'm not really worried, I'm just looking forward to the time together.

    ... the captaincy of the DFB team: I'll leave it at that: I'm absolutely convinced of Ilkay Gündogan as a player and person. I have already informed Ilkay that he is our captain and will remain our captain.

    ... Manuel Neuer: We have to give Manu the time he needs to get healthy and be 100 percent productive again. If we can answer that with "yes", then we are very lucky to have not only the two (Neuer and Marc-André ter Stegen; editor's note), but also a few more outstanding world-class goalkeepers to have.

    ... the Bayern players in the national team: I'm really looking forward to them because I really enjoyed working with the players. But I'm just as excited about the players from my previous positions and those I haven't coached yet.

    ... his coaching team: I see Rudi Völler as part of the coaching team. A very close exchange is very important. He has a positive influence on the team, which is very beneficial for us. I am very happy that we have Rudi at our side. We want to carry on the belief that emerged from the France game. Sandro Wagner is an extremely intelligent man. He did a very good job in Unterhaching and now. So it made sense for me to ask him if he wanted to be part of the new coaching team. When I spoke to him, the phone got warm to my ear because he immediately burned. I'm very, very happy to have him there. He's already out and about in the stadiums at the weekend. I have been working successfully with Benjamin Glück for several years. He knows what makes me tick. He also carries this into other areas of the team so that I don't have to do it. It is valuable to have such a close confidant with you. He has been a very important part of my team for ten years and I am pleased that this path is continuing.

    ... his respect for the national coaching position: I like to let my gut feeling guide me, even if there is a risk that you might end up buying pants that are too big. That's not always a good thing, but generally I didn't doubt it. There was not a moment of doubt! I let my emotions guide me - and they were: Let's do it! Let's whip it up!

    ... possible advice: My main contacts are the players. Their impressions are the most important thing for us - how they feel, how they implement the idea. Therefore, the main task when we are not together will be to keep in touch with the players. Personal exchange is the most important thing. We also have a large team around the team - I would like to maintain a close relationship there too.

    ... the contract term: For me it is very, very important: the focus is on the European Championships. The most important thing is to play a good tournament, a good home European Championship. The second point: I want to inspire mutual trust through work. It is important that the work works, is fruitful and successful. If the joy and success at the European Championships should be there, stimulating the work, in my opinion nothing is out of the question, then nothing stands in the way of continuing. But I'm not going to waste any thought on what happens afterwards. I want to repay the trust through good work, not feel the trust because I have a five-year contract. It's about making the work successful together. I really want to feel mutual trust. That's how it feels good.

    ... the first discussions with the DFB: I thought the discussions were extremely good. There was no need to convince me.

    ... the time after his release in Munich: I went on vacation and spent time with my family. The first few weeks were a bit unusual. I am someone with drive who enjoys working. But I used the time to do private things that I otherwise didn't have time for. I also reflected on my time at Bayern Munich. I'm glad that I have the chance not to repeat the mistakes I made at Bayern and to do things better.
    ChrisSSBB repped this.
  4. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
  5. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    everything Nagelsmann has said in that instagram PROVES why the NT coach ALWAYS needs to be German. The pride, the hunger, the desire to represent your nation is something no foreign coach will ever relate foreign coaches, its just another job that's it, they don't care about Germany as they aren't German. DFB needs to stop even considering foreign coaches, they did it post Low and post point.

    also I like that Nagelsmann has mentioned numerous times his desire/goal to build on the France W and elevate the team. Do wonder if the France W is one of reason why he was more open to idea of NT. I recall in past he kept saying no to NT and wanting to focus on club.

    Also took at indirect jab at Flick with whole 14 different systems and overcomplicated all over place system, LMAO.

    so far everything he's said sounds right, now its about action over words and showing us what he can do next month.

    will the team improve and build from France game or just play more like Low+Flick era.......
    Alex C, BorisG, dabny and 1 other person repped this.
  6. BandB

    BandB Member

    Bayern Munich
    Nov 30, 2020
    It will be interesting to see how Nagelsmann transform Germany. Unlike Flick, Nagelsmann love to attack at half space and interchange direct short pass build up play through the middle.

    His shape of football is very compact, I guess that it's simplicity in modern football.
  7. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    Alex C repped this.
  8. Alex C

    Alex C Member+

    Oct 27, 2015
    Nat'l Team:
    Selke >>> Kane.
    Ger90 repped this.
  9. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    still 1BL's top 3 greatest CF will always be Davie Selke, Sandro Wagner and Carsten Jancker. Only one of those 3 is still active.....come on dfb......
    Alex C repped this.
  10. BandB

    BandB Member

    Bayern Munich
    Nov 30, 2020
    Nagelsmann should call up Maximilian Beier, the boy have high confidence on good form curling 30-40 yards to top corners good trait of CF always aim at bottom left right high angles stuffs.
    Ger90 repped this.
  11. BorisG

    BorisG Member+

    Sep 30, 2009
    FC Nürnberg
    Nat'l Team:
    So wonder who is this Frans Kratzig - he has never played for any of the U-teams has he? Left back, Bundesliga debut for Bayern...
    I guess behind Davies and later also Guierreiro he probably wot been see that often.

    But when I hear we have a young talent at LB or RB I have hope. Speaking about that how is NETZ developing ?>
    saj7866 and Ger90 repped this.
  12. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    NO, its his 1st REAL 1BL season, let the boy dev in peace. With Weiper out next month, he's needed in U21 Euro qualifiers.

    people did same with Moukoko try to push him for Senior NT when he's never ever played long with U21 and was never ready for Senior NT, as he needs game time, work on his rawness etc.

    now is not time to experiment, we need to work with what we have until Euro 2024.
    saj7866 repped this.
  13. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    he's played for Germany U20 this month and his 1st ever call up. You have to realize that in past he was an INJURY PRONE AM/ retrained to LB out of desperation by Bayern II due to Herold going on loan and Fust and other LB options injured themselves.

    debut for Bayern means nothing long term though. A lot of players make debut and then never play for 1st team later on or get loan dump and never return. And yeah he's back up option.

    bro we have a wave of LBs who are breakingthrough pros and plenty who are soon enough. LB is NOT an issue for future. As for RB there is potential and pro breakthroughs are not that far off for plenty of players, getting pretty close.
    saj7866 and BorisG repped this.
  14. BorisG

    BorisG Member+

    Sep 30, 2009
    FC Nürnberg
    Nat'l Team:
  15. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    -Kevin Schade.............OUT again, crazy how injury prone German players are.....
    “He will be out for months,” said Frank. “It’s a blow, of course it is. He’s a player we have big expectations for, and he was starting to show some of his fantastic abilities with a goal against Crystal Palace.

    the injury prone player pool is one of biggest deterants in terms of improving Germany......

    -while injury prone RB/LB Vagnoman is back in team training.
  16. Alex C

    Alex C Member+

    Oct 27, 2015
    Nat'l Team:
    With Schade out what are our likely CF options next month? Fullkrug is fit again, will Werner get recalled?
    saj7866 and Ger90 repped this.
  17. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:

    4 names that can raise hopes Nagelsmann is planning a sensational striker

    Based on experience, Nagelsmann would prefer to play with a real striker again for the national team. Therefore, the national coach is currently focusing on finding a striker and he is planning a striker sensation.

    SPORT BILD knows: Nagelsmann has Maximilian Beier (20) on the list as his first DFB debutant as a storm hope for the USA trip!

    Union striker Kevin Behrens (32), Cologne's Davie Selke (28) and even second division professional Robert Glatzel (29) from Hamburger SV can also imagine their chances in the new DFB striker casting and dream of the home European Championship in 2024.

    I don't like how we constantly want to shove in young CFs to NTs and it NEVER EVER works. We tried to force young Gomez, young Werner, young Moukoko etc and it doesn't work. They all do better when they are older.

    Beier is playing his 1st REAL 1BL season, how is that enough for Senior NT? We all know at some point he'll hit a wall like any young player does. Fun Fact, Beier isn't even top 5 most potential German youth CF either........

    PS Nagelsmann KNOWS Beier as both were at the club when Nagelsmann was still the Hoffenheim coach. So he's not unknown to him.

    then Behrens, Selke, Glatzel...........1st all of all Glatzel flopped in 1BL and is in 2BL why is he even in consideration??? Why does the media always OBSESS with listing 2BL CFs.....And then neither Behrens nor Selke are Senior NT material.

    why not try Ducksch instead? At least he has chemistry with Fullkrug.

    I'm curious to see if we lose Dinkci perm or not. Would be surprising if Turkey doesn't call him up after his hit season.
    saj7866 repped this.
  18. saj7866

    saj7866 Member+

    May 10, 2014
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    We need to build chemistry around the main side now. We have limited games. Got to use them sensibly

    If Fullkrug is the main CF then we need to give him ample game time and play rest of the first choice attackers with him. Likes of wirtz, sane, Ganebry, musiala.
    BVBFNM repped this.
  19. Collected

    Collected Member+

    Jul 19, 2014
    [Bild] The hot topic of conversation in Dortmund is Karim Adeyemi's girlfriend rapper 'Loredana'. It is said that Adeyemi's focus on football has diminished due to his love for his girlfriend and his girlfriend's daughter.
  20. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    BorisG repped this.
  21. BVBFNM

    BVBFNM Member+

    Apr 3, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    Füllkrug scores his first BVB goal!
    BorisG, Ger90 and Alex C repped this.
  22. Shwass5555

    Shwass5555 Member

    Bayern München
    Nov 21, 2022
    I still don't understand the US trip, why are we travelling to play away when we are hosting a tournament at home in few months especially to a different continent.....Such a bizarre decision.

    As for the striker discussion, Nagelsmann will likely use Füllkrug like he used Choupo Moting at Bayern. Hopefully he will use the failed Sadio experiment as an example as to why he should stay well clear of any false 9 nonsense.
  23. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    its obvious why, because German footy is obsessed with propping up USA footy, that's the truth. We had DFB and German coaches helping to improve USA footy......don't ask me why DFB wants to improve footy in rich countries like USA and China.....if you clowns are that generous help out Africa and poor countries.

    and we seem to be trying to boost USA who will host Copa America 2024 and WC26 instead of focusing on OUR own tourney.

    just a stupid organization.
    Alex C and BVBFNM repped this.
  24. BVBFNM

    BVBFNM Member+

    Apr 3, 2016
    Borussia Dortmund
    The friendlies also intend to promote the 2026 World Cup, as the other friendly is with Mexico.
    Alex C and Ger90 repped this.
  25. Ger90

    Ger90 Member+

    May 13, 2016
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    we should let the USA win so that they think that they are better than us, LOL.

    I recall in 2015 after winning WC we lost 2-1 to them with Bobby Wood (HUGE FLOP CF in Germany) scored winning goal and they thought that they made giant strides beating world champ etc, LMAO.

    as for Mexico.....we need some revenge on that one.....
    Alex C repped this.

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