I was browsing the world stadiums website and couldn't believe it when I saw that these two stadia are not being used for the world cup whereas these were
There were some discussions here in Germany prior to the decision which stadia to choose. Adding to pure stadium aspects things like regional spreading had to be considered. Looking at this map: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/fifa/06/d/map_la.gif you see that especially Nuremberg is a place where no other WC venue is nearby. Kaiserslautern has a long tradition (Walter brothers), a passionate crowd and the nearest other WC venue is Frankfurt. On the other hand Gladbach and Düsseldorf lie in North Rhine-Westphalia were also Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen and Colgone are WC venues.
I'm not sure exactly what the point of this thread is. If there is a point, please PM me with reasons to reopen it. In the mean time, thread closed.
Reopened and moved (with redirect) from the Germany forum to the FIFA And Tournaments forum after I received a PM from the thread starter.
Firstly I would like to apologise to any Germans whom I may have caused offense. The point to the thread was to investigate the reasons why two brand new world class stadium facilities in Germany were not being used as world cup stadia wheras two older clearly inferior facilites were being utilised. As another poster pointed out geographical considerations were the reasons for these stadia being overlooked. My thread was not intended to cause offence merely to open a discussion about why some of the best stadia in Germany (and consequently Europe) were being overlooked for a showcase event where they clearly had alot to offer as venues for the world cup. However I still believe the Gladbach and Dusseldorf stadia to be superior in appearance to those already selected in that region.
Is the first photo of the Nordpark Stadium in Mönchengladbach? Actually that stadium is a World Cup Stadium. Those photos of Kaiserslautern and Nuremberg are very old. Both stadiums are under construction right now. I don't know why they didn't pick Düsseldorf.