German Fraulein National Team 2020 & beyond

Discussion in 'Germany Mädels: NT and Frauen-Bundesliga' started by hotjam2, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Your right, she really shouldn't be the uncontested #1 based on form... but with Berger unable to get any serious match time at club level, I don't see how she should be this wnt's #2 GK either..:speechless:

    Yes... beyond Iceland's forward shooting right through Berger for her wnt's 2nd ever goal Vs Germany, overall you'd still have to say Frohms really wasn't missed today.

    And even if I've been vocal on the strange growing unwillingness of Forhms to catch basic high crosses, or showcasing calm to her defence on FK's/corners, after what Hrubesch previously said about players needing good form, and healthy match time, Berger really should not be ahead of Grohs, Mahmutovic, Johannes, as the wnt's #2 GK.
  2. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    A few more personal talking points concerning Solano... I've seen nothing to suggest she's a great CB talent...:unsure:

    Yes, she provides a much needed calmer CB presence, but nowhere near as fast as Doorsoun, not a better aerial presence than Doorsoun, and not even particularly better at passing either.

    The only skill set she does better than Doorsoun is better decision making on the ball, where Doorsoun always seems easily overwhelmed within Germany's system, resulting in her make a lot of poor decisions.

    Even when I compare Solano to Kleinherne, beyond a weaker physical presence, I see Kleinherne being just as calm, but quicker in 1v1 defending, showcasing better passing too, but with the added unique ability of being able to carry the ball into CM spaces.

    So... looking at Solano's overall game, with her superior physicality, speed, technically ability, alongside a strong arial presence, what's the excuse for not to bringing Küver into the senior wnt...
  3. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    If you look back at the defensive positioning and marking of Icelanders prior to the two goals especially the first one, you will see what I mean. Both Schuller's goals came from the same position and were quite similar.
  4. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    I actually think both of Linder and Bühl's assists were basically perfect...:coffee: Not only making it hard for Schüller to miss, but almost impossible for either of Iceland's 2 CB's to stop.

    Yes, you can defiantly argue one of Iceland's defenders trying to step forward and play Schüller offside, allowing Schüller to get a completely uncontested free header inside the penalty box for the games opening goal.

    But for the Germany's second goal, the angle of Bühl's cross is absolutely perfect; so perfect, it would remove both Iceland's CB's from the equation, also rendering Iceland's GK almost useless to prevent Schüller scoring.

    Schüller wasting at least two more great chances created through Bühl's excellent crossing, to me highlighting just how good Bühl's effectiveness is right now. And trust me... if Germany's goal simply the result of random luck, or bad defending, I'd be first to say so lol.

    However... looking at at the quality Bühl's crossing Vs Iceland, I think it's very harsh to claim both Iceland's CB's poor.
    luka74 repped this.
  5. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    Oh it's a combination of many factors for sure, I just though the defending was horrendous at times most notably on Germany's third goal which was a scrambled mess.
  6. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    I thought it was strange seeing Maren Meinert sat next to Wück during the latest wnt match, only to realise some time later that Meinert was Wück's assistant coach...

    I mean... talk about a mini revolution lol. Out of nowhere Meinert returns to the wnt program, but this time as the assist coach to Wück, wow!

    With Neid still around, I didn't see any relevance in Künzer's new role with the DFB. But the space of a few months now, she might have set in motion an epic course correction for the next decade of the senior team....:speechless:
  7. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    The 3rd goal was a scrambled mess lol... but this one moment within a game Germany should have scored at least 5, requiring some horrendous finishing from various German players to keep the final score respectable.

    Meaning I can see where some might feel Iceland's defending really poor at times. But again... I genuinely think Bühl was producing truly elite crossing Vs Iceland. And so good, I don't see other CB's in world football being able to prevent Schüller scoring the games second goal.

    Centrally, both Iceland's CB's actually doing well considering all the pressure they'd be under. But look at Iceland's FB's and wingers Vs Germany, and you start to understand why their team would concede so many chances facing Bühl, Linder, Gwinn, Brand.
    luka74 repped this.
  8. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    Everything taken into account, Iceland played much better than last year in Bochum where they had no shots on target for 90 minutes and didn't manage to create a single proper chance. On the other hand, I thought Germany looked better in that game in 2023 than they did this time around.
  9. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Which is why this game appears so inconclusive when you realise Germany would create more chances and shots on goal during the recent encounter between these two sides, compared to the previous 4-0 Nations League game, where like you I believed Germany delivering a more impressive performance...:confused:

    Personally, I also felt Germany's mid-field trio during the 4-0 Vs Iceland (Oberdorf, Lattwein, Lohmann), the best CM trio we've seen for this team since the Euro's.

    But it was still the most recent match which saw Germany dominate more possession, and create better chances than the game they'd win 4-0 last year...:cautious:

    So... it makes you wonder, did Iceland really play better, or were elements of Germany's general play worse...?

    As we did see really sloppy counter pressing on more than on occasion from Germany, leading to Iceland not just creating chances, but actually managing to score a goal on an opponent that largely completely dominated proceedings ...:unsure:
  10. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    I thought Germany played worse than in 2023 and Iceland played better but ultimately Germany's win was never really in doubt.
  11. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Watching some of the u20's game Vs Canada, I'm still lost on what Peter is doing. This side filled with the type of talent that basically selects itself, but it still feels like someone is actively attempting to sabotage anything that could be good lol...:confused:
  12. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Visually yes...the Nations League 4-0 win seeing Germany with a much stronger mid-field trio performance, in a game including the additions of Popp, and Hegering, enabling a higher quality of general play between the defence and attack.

    However, in overall chance creating effectiveness, it's very interesting seeing how much better this latest performance would be compared to 2023's side Vs the same opponent...:cautious:

    So I don't have any data on individual players, but I wouldn't be shocked to see comparisons reveal the forwards (Bühl, Schüller, Brand), this time all having far more touches of the ball inside the danger areas of Iceland defensive zone.

    And you have to wonder, if the general lack of organisation from Germany seeing Oberdorf, Senß, Nüsken, all moving forward to try and score goals, was the factor that allowed the team generate so much more offense...?

    Last time Germany controlling the match in a more commanding style, but without ever coming close to creating the same amount of chances as they would during the teams most recent encounter.

    If the final score ended 5-1, I think people still would have said Germany didn't play well, wasting too many chances lol...o_O
  13. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    This was precisely said after Germany beat Wales by that same scoreline last year and it was 3-1 until the 80th minute in that game.
  14. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Germany started that match with an unfit and overweight Oberdorf, playing next to Däbritz within a double 6, just so a incredibly underwhelming Freigang could start up front next to Schüller...:speechless:

    So yeah lol, seeing that team gradually improve with substitutions to all three of these players, defiantly played a role in Germany appearing to become stronger during the games final 20 mins..:rolleyes:
  15. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Sydney Lohmann.jpg
    LOL.... looks like somebody is reflecting on recent career decisions...:giggle:

    Seriously though, I used to be convinced post Euro's we'd see an Oberdorf - Lohmann duo become the long term heartbeat of the wnt's mid-field....:(.

    And this based on seeing Lohmann produce impressive dominating individual performances on the elite stage of club football. It only seemed a matter of time before she'd replace Däbritz to do the same for the wnt.

    But here we are... a few years later now, Lohmann not even considered relevant to her clubs mid-field anymore, with the fate of her wnt career seemingly tied to the remaining duration of Hrubesch's contract...:unsure:.
  16. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    didn’t know you posted it already, just found & saw the reply myself.

    overall very entertaining soccer from Germany. But that’s the thing, when Horst’s at home, he allows the team to play on an high pace, attacking style, but at away games it’s way more deliberate passing—-so on an neutral ground like the Olympics, will the real Horst please stand up! lol

    the flow was great out of Germany, especially how exhausted Iceland looked by the 60th—whereas Horst’s squad looked like they could of played high pace indefinitely, or at least for the all important 120 minute(in case an Olympic playoff game goes into overtime). Senss-Oberdorf-Nusken was the strongest midfield lineup we’ve seen in a long time. Senss proven to an excellent playmaker, Oberdorf might of had her best game in an very long time, both offense & defense, but again, it’s cuz Horst allowed her & others the freedom to move up & attack in HOME games.

    Schuller vs Popp for striker(.#9), the constant chances created felt Popp might have been able to score more goals, do to her stronger header game, but her habit of going down an half dozen times(whether it’s for real or diving. I truly never know, lol) would have given extra break time for Iceland to recover from the exhausting pace the game was being played at. Schuller at least kept the flow going.

    Though they played well too, Brand & Buhl were getting too much inverted. Though this was meant for the FB’s(Linder & Gwinn) to overlap & take their place at the flanks, unfortunately the defenders who are shadowing Brand & Buhl, draws them more into the central field area, thus overcrowding the penalty box with too many defending Icelanders--logical thinking is you would want to create space for your attackers instead of cramping them

    Defense wise; Germany still got problems—As long as Jonsdottir was on the field, Iceland was able to go toe to toe, they only faulted after she came out. This has to be a concern if they can handle multi top notch attackers from stronger teams, Hard to say, but this was one time where just one player can make all the difference.
    To be sure, Hendrich made a nasty foul on Jonsdottir, but at least was around midfield, previous to that were nervously giving away fouls at more dangerous free kick spots—-strategically fouling at mid, rather than last ditch efforts is what I see a lot of the rest of thr world doing,
  17. Lohmann

    Lohmann Member+

    Arminia Bielefeld
    Feb 24, 2020
    Nat'l Team:
    That was after the Icelandic equalizer. So you expect her to look happy?:confused:. Watch this video.
  18. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    #4818 Batfink, Apr 12, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2024
    This is hilarious... Germany's wnt display bad/incoherent football, and it's almost guaranteed you'll come here and find a way to hail the performance as this teams best...:rolleyes:

    Hrubesch in his post match analysis saying how much he didn't like/enjoy seeing the mid-field be so disorganised for the first 45 mins; it's crazy seeing you constructing an else-worlds narrative, suggesting he actually wanted to entice chaos to unleash player freedom lol...:confused:

    I mean, do you not remember how this would look the last time these two teams faced each other on German soil..? Germany not conceding a single attempt on their goal during a far more overall impressive 4-0 victory.

    Yes... while the recent 3-1 victory would see Germany create more chances than last years 4-0 win. The recent 3-1 victory would see Iceland generate numerous clear chances on Germany's goal, to suggest Germany's recent victory FAR from this teams best.

    Just looking at the way Senß would lazily jog back on the poor counter-pressing scenario, that saw Iceland eventually score their equalizer lol, sorry... even if last years 4-0 came with an unfit overweight Oberdorf, her combination alongside Lattwein - Lohmann, was more impressive than what we'd see alongside Senß - Nüsken..:whistling:

    Honestly... I actually think once Minge replaced Nüsken, she'd help the mid-field look overall better/more controlled in her short 2nd half cameo, allowing Oberdorf to move forward even more knowing Senß, and Minge, would both be more defensively responsible.
  19. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Yeah... seeing you repeating all this garbage about Popp is pretty pointless...:rolleyes: but continuing with the rest of your points, I'm still in the belief once a German wnt coach uses better options for a 2nd forward/CAM, we'll see this team benefit from a far more diverse offense.

    Left foot, or right foot, the quality of dribbling and crossing coming from Bühl was continuously impressive. With Bühl's strong positional IQ never needing her to move into central spaces to receive the ball either, making it hard for me to understand this idea she's was "too inverted" vs Iceland...:confused:

    Brand being the wide forward within this wnt showcasing the lowest positional IQ. While slightly better not doing Vs Iceland, compared to Bühl, you can still see Brand making really stupid decisions, that removes her from positively effecting the game with her big strengths.

    LOL... just go back and look at what Brand's poor positional IQ does during Schüller's 2nd goal, and ask yourself... what the hell is she supposed to do surrounded by 4 Icelandic defenders on Bühl's side of the field lol...o_O

    HUH...? Other than the random African little men..:rolleyes:, SJJ is one of the fastest forwards in all of women's football to deal with. So yeah... when Germany's mid-field is offering ZERO protection, of course she's going to find extra space to be effective.
  20. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Seeing hotjam2 say the recent CM trio of Oberforf - Nüsken - Senß, the best trio we've seen for the German wnt in a long time..:unsure:, I actually think it's interesting this trio has Senß probably performing better than Nüsken the 3 times she featured so far for the wnt.

    From joining the 2nd half at home Vs Denmark, to starting away Vs Wales, and now recently home Vs Iceland. In these games, between Nüsken and Senß, I think Senß has been the more impressive mid-field presence...:cautious:

    During the Euro's...
    ---- Däbritz (CM) -------- Magull (AM) ----
    ------------------ Oberdorf (DM) ----------------
    Vs Iceland 4-0
    ---- Lattwein (CM) ----- Lohmann (AM) ----
    ------------------ Oberdorf (DM) ----------------
    Vs Iceland 3-1
    ---- Senß (CM) ---------- Nüsken (AM) ----
    ------------------ Oberdorf (DM) ----------------

    Yeah.... look at these trio's. I don't think Oberforf - Nüsken - Senß the best we've seen, and this having Minge join the recent victory Vs Iceland, helping the CM look more stable without Nüsken...:whistling:

    But in the end none of this really matters anyway... as we all know if both Popp and Schüller both healthy, the Olympic team will be using a 4-4-2, meaning we'll see a return to a double 6 mid-field.
  21. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    dunno what your whining about; Germany one of only 4 teams to win both games over the week—-of those others. France could only muster an 1-0 win over #25 Ireland at home/Spain at home as well, 3-1 over #30 Czech Rep. Iceland was a much higher #15 ranked. Germany could have scored much higher if Iceland didn’t bottleneck the penalty box.

    The rest of the world was inconclusive with 3 out the 4 Sheba Cup matches ending in initial ties.

    Germany’s in an way better place right now than the US with its new MVT style coach, Emma Hayes

    do they got the Xtra something to beat France & Spain? It remains to be seen, but Spain benching Paralleulo, couldn’t get an goal until they brought Salma in at the 60th min, and then walla, they booted in three of them in the next ten minutes. So it goes to show how missing one or two key players(as Bonmati was missing as well) can seriously effect an squad’s performance
  22. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    #4822 Batfink, Apr 14, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2024
    Really... after everything we've seen with this wnt over the past 2 years, your really pretending Germany are currently in the same overall condition as France, or Spain lol...o_O

    And it's not whining dummy.. it's called post match analysis...:rolleyes: You know... the thing Hrubresch and the players will participate in after every wnt performance; where facing Austria, and then Iceland, we'd see them continue this tradition with media, by discussing the EXACT same issues highlighted within this very thread...:whistling:

    Meaning when I speculated about the teams poor defensive posture Vs Iceland, Hrubresch and Gwinn would come out post match saying the exact same thing lol So no, it's not whining to point out how contrarian you are, if it's seeing you randomly overly positive about a game Hrubresch and the players, didn't even feel like this close to their best quality of performance.

    Oh, your serious about this....:speechless:
    Look, I know UEFA is generally very strong in major competitions now, but your crazy if your trying to paint a reality where Germany currently in a more stable position than the USwnt lol...:ROFLMAO: You think we can't see every game from every wnt in the world right now..?

    Buddy... the full 90 mins of every USwnt game can be found VERY EASILY, and everything I've, seen of the USwnt over their past two games, had them constructing a highly balanced mid-field trio built around Coffey (DM) - Sonnett (CM) - Horan (CM/AM) - Shaw (CAM).... so yeah, you aren't going to convince me the USwnt are behind Germany lol.

    See... because followers of the German wnt are still watching a collective coaching staff of failure, thinking it perfectly normal to do thing like start a mid-field trio featuring THREE DM's...:speechless:, having previously needed to change a mid-field 3 to a CM 2 at HT (AGAIN), by bringing a not so mighty Laura Freigang into their match Vs Austria lol.

    So again... no. Right now, the USwnt are further ahead of Germany when it comes to the construction/identity of their side. With most followers of the German wnt having absolutely no idea what this teams final form will look like come the Olympics.
  23. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    LOL... I think most people following this wnt would think them 100% capable of beating France. With the last match Vs France probably providing a little more perspective on why most followers of this team would genuinely believe this too.

    But when it comes to facing Spain... while I believe it very possible, I'm not sure if Hrubesch possesses the time/tactical ability to make this team ready to truly compete against them right now.

    However, I'm personally in the belief Germany in possession of all the necessary tools to become a legit problem/rival for Spain in the future Wück era...:whistling:

    Right now though, Spain's far more organised leadership has provided their wnt program with a major advantage of being able to remain a highly effective unit regardless of key players being absent.

    And while this happening for Spain, it's at a time coaches for Germany will change the entire system because they didn't believe or know Gwinn could replace Linder...:speechless:. Leaving us to wait and see if this type of behaviour will be a relic of the past during the coming Wück and Meinert era.
  24. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    Whatever reason Japan didn’t want to put up an game vs US & decided to bunker instead

    Shaw’s 19 year old winger who played for the first time CAM, Coffey, Sonnet along with Albert & Moultrie are dispensable mids, sort of flavor of the week do to the often injury prone Lavelle & Sullivan
    Twice opposing & tying them in 90 min regulation games was Canada’s unassuming center mids, Beckie, Awujo & Fleming(apparently their trans named Quinn been injured). Beckie Fleming along with Coffey play for currently NWSL last place Portland Thorns.

    dunno if the intern named Twila was in charge or Emma was giving turn instruction from afar, but Chelsea anyways list again an domestic cup game yesterday using the dreary 4-4-2 configuration—-the US would definitely be screwed if their stuck playing with it.

    I might have been get first time Horst ever used together the Senss Oberdorf Nusken trio but they looked good & will only get better. They controlled the pace & tired out the Iclanders in the process

    I can see now Germany beating the US in group play but Horst could to back to his cautious, conservative self too if going by all his ‘away’ games. Germany could have more of an problem once again with the ‘she-men’ of Zambia lol
  25. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    LOL...:rolleyes: You really think Japan wasn't trying to play football...?

    And right here you've confirmed exactly what I'm saying positive about the USwnt lol. The USwnt lose 1st choice players, but retaining a very clear identity to the way they intend to play, continue to select particular more players with skill sets to try and make their system run effectively.

    However, Germany will have various ideas what they want to do, no clear idea how they want to play, seeing coaches select various random player skill sets deployed in random positions the hope they can find something functional...:(

    Germany no longer recognising what a CAM does anymore lol, having spent years with MVT not wanting to use a DM...:confused:. It's funny seeing you trying to convince me the USwnt are behind Germany, as your coaches lose their 1st choice CM options, but intelligently look to find similar replacements to fit a clear/defined system

    When they all featured within DM/CM roles for their clubs three/two years ago, Senß - Oberdorf - Nüsken, literally the top three German mid-fielders in the whole nation. So yeah... their pretty good lol.

    But when it's creating a balanced CM trio, if you compare the CM trio Vs Iceland to the Euro's trio of Oberdorf DM - Däbritz CM - Magull CAM, or Oberdorf CM - Lattwein CM - Lohmann AM we'd see during the nations league, I think it easy to argue we've seen better trios...:coffee:

    I mean, it only when Senß told to move closer to Oberdorf, allowing Oberdorf to play more like a double 6 who could move into the attack, that we'd see a better balance to Germany's mid-field Vs Iceland. But Nüsken as a CAM... yeah, no... :cautious:

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