German Fraulein National Team 2020 & beyond

Discussion in 'Germany Mädels: NT and Frauen-Bundesliga' started by hotjam2, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    I don't typically concern myself with players off field lifestyles, but something like a marriage wouldn't typically stop any high level athletes desire of wanting to participate at a WC. Pregnancy though... yeah, that might do it lol.

    Yes...we all heard her say this too, but it doesn't make what she said back then anymore correct, when we can look back now at everything with hindsight, realising it says she was in fact absolutely wrong lol.

    MVT asking FIFA for a larger squads, talking about her desire to select players who can help off field team moral...o_O. It was always very evident from early last year, that MVT was struggling with this aspect of constructing her team, and wasn't selecting players to try and improve squad depth, provide her starting11 better balance, or actually help her to positively change tactics and win games.

    If she wants to concentrate on raising her baby, and retire early to start a new career... that's fine. But I feel like your also coming across like someone unaware how many female players in Europe will continue with higher education deep into their 20's...:cautious:

    So, knowing Leupolz would come back to the wnt for a few months, then instantly retire from the wnt post WC. I guess we'll just have to see what happens with Sellner...
  2. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    to make it more clearer, I meant Schuller remained stagnant under MVT & Barca, but strived under Horst

    Horst coached the Wales game(so you proved my point)

    Freigang vs Schuller(head to head in league play;

    both in the 19-20 & 20-21 seasons, Freigang out scores Schuller by identical 17-16 goals in league play. Then Freigang’s goal tally falters a bit due to being switched back to CM, so Schuller does win out the next couple of seasons, but remember too, she’s also backed by an all-star Bayern squad, that’s market valued 3 times more money than Frankfurt’s squad. But now so far this season Freigang’s pretty hot;
    5 goals in league play
    4 in the Champions League
    2 in Domestic Cup

    for an total of 11 all together vs Schuller at
    2 goals(yep, that’s it!)

    so who’s currently hotter outside the National team?
  3. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    She's played 54 games for the senior wnt, scoring an impressive 37 times... but your currently trying to have your entire argument stand on evidence produced during the last two wnt matches....

    I'm not even going to ask you if you understand how irrational this is anymore, as I know you'll just continue to repeat this exact same practice in the future...:rolleyes:

    All that was proven here, is how flawed your argument remains on this subject of player analysis.

    It making no sense to reduce your argument to a small sample of the players most recent matches, when there's been 52 other wnt games featuring Schüller, that will provide even better evidence to suggest the exact opposite of what your saying here lol.
  4. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    #4229 Batfink, Nov 27, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
    [​IMG] LOL... this is such a poor excuse... once again it appearing you still really don't understand how Freigang's role works within Frankfurt's diamond system attack.

    Talking about the supposed handicap Freigang faces playing for a lesser team too, when both Bayern, and Frankfurt, have scored less goals this season the previously goal deprived Werder Bremen lol...:speechless:

    We've even seen names like Cerci, Kössler, and Kayikci, all able to play for inferior teams than Frankfurt, and all come very close, or managing to produce better offensive numbers than Freigang in recent seasons too...:whistling:

    But few would have been as sensational to suggest a few months of good form enough for players to overtake Freigang's squad role on the wnt.

    Yeah... lets ignore how 8 games in to this season, 3 of Freigang's 5 goals all been the result of PK's...:whistling: Or the fact Schüller's combined 2 goals, 4 assists, in 7 games, still has her with a overall better offensive output then Freigang this season lol...:coffee:

    OK, if we continue doing this your way, lets just place Weidauer as the starting striker for the wnt, because she's scored more goals in open play than Freigang, Schüller, and Popp...:rolleyes:
  5. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    @hotjam2 Take a look at the differences in how these two players operate best

    One chart obviously for a striker, the other a CAM/false #9, and this is what it looks like when you try to compare two VERY different types of offensive player.

    Schüller blatantly a better traditional #9, with Freigang's style of play having to be more tailored around being well rounded in areas Schüller simply doesn't have to think about.

    Tasked with a more unique role moving between mid-field and attack for Frankfurt, when you see Freigang playing up front for the wnt, as she's already admitted herself, your always watching a player learning how to be a more effective #9 whenever wearing the wnt jersey.
  6. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    right now I would say Schuller lucky to still be a starter at BM, cuz if Harder’s back, Straus probably start Damnjanovic over Schuller. Just looking league stats; in just 250 minutes of playing time, Damnjanovic got 3 goals/3 assists compared to Schuller’s 2 goals/3 assists in more than double playing time of 582 minutes
  7. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    Here would be my choice starters vs Denmark


    yeah, 3-back is what’s needed! —-but alas, will never get passed the drawing board!
  8. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Yes... I also believe Schüller set to be dropped from Bayern's starting 11 once Harder returns to fitness; but I've also stated from very early this season, it's looking like Straus actively trying to remove all signs of this clubs 2020/21 foundation for success...:cautious:

    Meaning if Schüller is in fact next in line to be suffer the effects of Straus-ball, it's really not based on her being a declining talent, as this simply the latest suspect decision coming from a coach, I feel only likely to continue going unchecked as long as the previously dominant Wolfsburg remain a underwhelming version of themselves.

    Bayern's 2020/21 offense once featuring Bühl 10 goals 10 assists. Lohmann 15, 6 assists. Magull 7 goals, 13, assist. Dallmann, 10 goals, 10 assists. Schuller 26 goals, 5 assists. I do find it amusing to see this fantasy land we have now, where everyone Straus praised for the way his rather uninspiring vision for Bayern appears right now...:rolleyes:

    But hey... Damnjanovic can score goals, and we know Harder can score goals, leaving my opinion irrelevant to what Straus want his side to accomplish this season. As looking like ass, but doing well, a long time skill of Wolfsburg lol; maybe this is Bayern's path to domestic and UWCL glory...:unsure:
  9. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    I know your trolling your ass off on this one, because you've literally used different names to create the same tactical monstrosity MVT would deploy at the WC....

    Show me ONE women's team that's won a major trophy in the past 5-8 years using a back 3... just one.

    Then try to find the last German women's team to successfully use a back 3.... can't do it, can you...:rolleyes:

    This nonsense you've posted here, the equivalent of saying, hey... the USwnt need to randomly go back to using the worst system we've ever seen them use, but with different names in the starting 11...:confused:
  10. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    I did write it’s just my opinion & wouldn’t get off the drawing board, but when you look that this got to be the worst year ever for the NT, you would think major changes should be made anyways.
    Both England & Netherlands have an 3-back in place, Dutch coach Jonkers actually coached in the Bundesliga(was interim at WOB. Wiegman switched back to just 2 CB’s in her game vs Belgium & got murdered in the counters(same with so many goals Germany givez up
    Could add Wingman’s currently hurting cuz she don’t want to bring new players in, preferring instead to stay with the same 11-14 players, and more her critics are claiming “she’s running her players to the ground”(only subs 1-3 per game)

    Dunno how Denmark’s going to play, they might just completey bunker, thus no need for an 3-back, but if they scouted Germany’s passed games, they would be best holding their ground at mid—-though now their stuck figuring the different coaching style of Horst instead of the MVT/Carlson version.
    So should make things interesting
  11. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    Documentary: Germany players felt unprepared for Women's World Cup

    Frankfurt — Germany players, including Alexandra Popp, Lena Magull and Lea Schüller, have criticized the conditions surrounding the team at the 2023 Women's World Cup in Australia in a continuing documentary series.

    The twice world champions surprisingly went out in the group stage for the first time.

    "I actually don't think we were optimally prepared," said captain Popp in the documentary, titled "Born for This", with the next two episodes due for release by German broadcaster ZDF on Friday.

    Players criticized the late nomination of the World Cup squad by then coach Martina Voss-Tecklenburg at the end of two training camps in Herzogenaurach.

    Bayern Munich's Magull said the second training camp was not about "finding ourselves as a team, but rather about proving ourselves."

    "We as a team didn't see it as ideal," said Popp from VfL Wolfsburg. "That also caused a certain amount of resentment within the team."

    Voss-Tecklenburg has since left her job as coach after a period of ill-health. In the film, she justified the announcement of the squad shortly before departure to Australia.

    "We wanted to give the players as much time as possible to show themselves to us," said Voss-Tecklenburg.

    The location of the World Cup base camp in the remote town of Wyong, around 100 kilometres north of Sydney, had already been criticized during the tournament.

    "I would like to have had more freedom," said Bayern striker Schüller.

    While in camp at Wyong, they were housed two per room, and the German Football Federation (DFB) placed signs everywhere saying things like "Stay Hydrated", "Drink throughout the day and check your urine," "The right sleeping clothes" and "Your bed has one function: sleep!"

    "I think it was meant well, but it was simply uncalled for," Magull commented.

    Veteran DFB man Horst Hrubesch is the interim women's coach and goalkeeper Almuth Schult thinks the 72-year-old or another male boss from the men's game might be named the permanent successor to Voss-Tecklenburg.

    "Basically, I don't see any problem with a coach being brought in who doesn't come from the women's game. You can familiarize yourself. It would be no different with someone from abroad, for example," the 2016 Olympic champion told dpa.

    The 32-year-old former Wolfsburg player has been without a club since the birth of her third child but still belongs to the team council in the national squad.

    The original article is from a US media so I can't post it here because it's geoblocked in the EU.
  12. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    surprised that Schult would say that Horst might become permanent coach as he’s already said that he’s just doing it for the next two games and do to his advanced age, probably only stay as far as the Olympics(if they qualify), but I guess it’s only Schult’s own personal opinion.

    Do agree the remote, spartan training camp was very odd, it’s like MVT watched one too many Rocky movies!

    late WC squad selection wasn’t that much problem; in the end MVT gambled her whole entire career on Wolfsburg players as vs Korea, she started 8 Wolfies with another(Lattwein) coming in later, so an total of 9 in at the same time, she figured would give her the cohesion she desperately wanted to win this match
  13. Lechus7

    Lechus7 Member+

    Aug 31, 2011
    well... suddenly Inka Grings seem like a viable choice? :sneaky::ROFLMAO:

    This guy is competent enough to get some results and stay at the job for longer.. but after 5 years the team will be exactly in the same place as today. ;)
  14. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    The type of "major changes" your suggesting here, simply aren't necessary. Where something as ridiculous as re-using the flawed ideas from MVT's WC coaching manual, could only ever be considered the worst possible outcome for this group of players right now lol...:confused:

    So...? I asked you to name one nation who's wining tournaments with a back 3, not name a random wnt using a back 3 right now...:rolleyes:; so again, why should Germany care about what these two particular nations are doing..:unsure:

    I think the key to this Denmark game, will be how Hrubesch sets out his Oberdorf-less mid-field to compete against the opposing teams mid-field pressure.

    Germany's mid-field 3, the only changed trio of players anyone should be paying attention to Vs Denmark. As the last time they faced each other, it was here where Germany would find themselves most exposed...:cautious:

    Can Nüsken replace Oberdorf as the DM Pivot, or does Hrubesch seek caution and adjust his team back to using a double 6...:unsure:
  15. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    @hotjam2 you always talk about Germany needing to follow random nations all the time, pretending they don't have any identity of their own...:confused:. But if you look at the female players coming through Germany's developmental systems, it actually pretty clear what system suits them best... and it's 100% not a back 3.

    Bühl/Brand/Alber ------------- Popp/Schüller/Kössler ------------ Huth/Endemann/Dallmann
    ---------- Lattwein/Däbritz/Lohmann ---------- Magull/Freigang/Anyomi -----------------
    -------------------------------------- Oberdorf/Nüsken/Senß --------------------------------------
    I'm able to leave potential names out of this, and still have enough options to select 3 strong names for each forward and mid-field position.

    LB: Rauch, Lührßen, Simon RB: Gwinn, Linder, Krumbiegel. Again, leaving options out I'm able to find very competent fullback options.

    With Hegering, Hendrich, Doorsoun, Kleinherne. the only CB's we see as credible options right now, but with at least another 3 potential wnt CB's I can think of, ready and waiting for their opportunities to prove themselves too.

    So why the hell would Germany seek to replicate something their players not suited for, when they have everything but a good coach to mould all this depth into a strong team...:unsure:
  16. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Players felt unprepared for Women's World Cup....
  17. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC

    Spain convinces Barcelona's director of women's football to join them and lead their wnt program, as the DFB can't convince any respected directors of football within1.Bundesliga to leave their club, leaving them with the option of Nia Künzer fresh from her TV studio duties....:speechless:

    And now the DFB are lowering the bar of expectation so low for the announcement of the next senior wnt head coach, people making jokes it actually makes the prospect of Inka Grings appear more respectable lol...:rolleyes:
    Lechus7 repped this.
  18. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    I know it's obvious but it's good that it's coming out even more now.
  19. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    #4244 hotjam2, Nov 30, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2023
    reading something that the team been practicing on snow, even though tomorrow’s actual playing field should be cleared of snow, so does feel like Horst trying to get the squad in tip too condition for tomorrow’s game—-probably will want to play at an fast pace in order to tire out the Danes and use his superior bench to win or close out the game in the 2nd half(this seemed to be what happened in Horst’s first two games)

    That’s why I’m not sure how the Danes will play it? They’ll save energy if they bunker all gsme(they only need the tie or 1 goal loss), but than have to contend with Popp’s unlimited access inside the penalty box. If they make their stand at mid(like previously so successfully done) they’ll be able to contain Popp, but possibly succumb & exhaust vs to Horst’s more quicker & wider spread out tactics

    Bremen plays with an 3-back/HOF & previous NT’s occasionally rolled back to an libero system during a game….and Jonkers should be included as an candidate for NT coach(for an while he was WOB’s coach)
    So it does happen in German soccer

    I’m stunned that you didn’t mention Kuver in your list. Absolutely stunned!
    (this smacks of—trying to give me an heart attack—stunned)
  20. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    there was some reports that he got into an shouting match with German fans at the WC game. Got a reputation as a gypsy wonderer with all the clubs he suddenly he quit. So probably not the image or stability you would want from an NT coach

    Grinks had recent public spats with Bachmann & AMC to go along with current last place in their Nations League group(though it’s an incredibly tough group)

    the one dark horse candidate but more logical is Irene Furhmann, who’s Austrian NT done quite well in the NL—2nd place, but still got France & Norway. Still got to be given credit for at least turning newbies Campbell & Hobinger into top fwds
    Lechus7 repped this.
  21. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    LOL... I'm sorry, the cheap sarcasm wasn't aimed at you. My post meant to be mocking the obvious nature to the title of the article.

    The year leading towards the WC being a complete waste of time, we'd see the two miserable pre tournament friendlies that had the team appear even more lost than usual, the moment even generally positive fans would final break lol.

    Calling Germany unprepared for the WC almost sounding comical when you understand little MVT had to do with this teams Euro success...:speechless: For two years, they haven't had a head coach lol.
  22. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    The players are in the middle of their club season.....

    What extra conditioning could Hrubesch effect within a week, that wouldn't result in injuries...? He's not going to accomplish better than what's already been established by club coaches over months of day to day interaction...:rolleyes:

    Germany played ridiculously poor for the first 45 mins of the first match, looking almost afraid to cross the half way line at times, as their own defenders would sit so deep, it saw the team as a whole remain completely disconnected from each other.

    And even with these issues, Germany would still manage to end the match with enough wasted chances, that it could have seen them salvage a draw, or potentially something better during the 2nd half...:whistling:

    But I just don't know if Nüsken will actually replace Oberdorf as the DM Pivot, or this a game Hrubesch reverts to a double six...:unsure:. This decision likely to be one of the biggest factors for how Germany do in this match.
  23. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Bremen only started to use a back 5 effectively this season, and have ZERO chances of wining anything too. Plus Hoffenheim look like a lesser version of themselves whenever they use a back 3/5, having already firmly established themselves as one of the nations best teams by using a clearly defined 4-3-3.

    Again, your examples here for a back 3 formation being successful within German women's football aren't very good lol, as the key fact always comes back to teams using a back 3 not wining trophies.

    The only time the back 3 truly successful within wider football, coming in the days teams actually utilised specialists to play as the libero, with Germany of all nations having produced some of the finest examples of a back 3 with a libero the game has ever seen.

    But within women's football... the 3-5-2/5-3-2 simply hasn't been relevant to any discussion of true success.

    He's not a option for the cheap ass DFB lol, but he'd be a complete fool to come in and try to change Germany's wnt program towards utilising a 3-5-2.

    And this coming from some who still remembers what this team looked like in the short post Garefrekas time period, where it would have made sense to switch to a 3-5-2, as the wings and wide play in general basically dead.

    But it's crazy to look at the options available to the coaches now, affording them the luxury of being able to lose someone like Sellner, and then be perfectly comfortable leaving out a talent like Endemann...:speechless:

    Intentionally, or more likely unintentionally, Germany's talent pool shaped towards a 4-3-3. With the abundance of CAM's and wide forwards a clear sign of this reality.
  24. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    I also said in the same post, I was selecting 3 players for each position, and still able to leave players out, as it highlighted Germany's strengths within the 4-2-3-1/4-3-3 formation.

    And seeing how I clearly said "With Hegering, Hendrich, Doorsoun, Kleinherne. the only CB's we see as credible options right now, but with at least another 3 potential wnt CB's I can think of, ready and waiting for their opportunities to prove themselves too.", wouldn't it suggest I had Küver as one of those potential future CB's options...;)

    The wnt coaches not selecting CB options, doesn't mean talent in this position doesn't exist. And it's crazy Germany's waste of resources been so bad, it would have you believe the team need to fundamentally adjust the way they play, to accommodate this continued poor player analysis...:confused:
  25. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    All good, no offense taken :)

    I can honestly see Germany struggled in the pre-Euro friendlies just like they did with the pre-World Cup friendlies though I still think they can finish first in their Nations League group with a bit of luck. Denmark is far from unbeatable especially at home and Wales normally shouldn't be an issue even away.

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