German Fraulein National Team 2020 & beyond

Discussion in 'Germany Mädels: NT and Frauen-Bundesliga' started by hotjam2, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    don’t know anything about Grings alleged info, but do remember the downfall of Sampson of England who was first accused but then cleared of making racial remarks, but upon further investigation, found out he was cheating with the lovely captain of the Lionesses, Steph Houghton who was married to an invalid(to an auto accident), so the FA fired Sampson due to all the bad publicity even though he was otherwise he was an pretty good coach.
    So makes you wonder why would the DFB want to go down that same road with Grings?
    on Denmark’s perspective, wonder if their confident enough to take on Germany in the open field or just bunker the whole game as an tie or 1-0 loss will be in it for them? If they’ve scouted Hrubesch sufficiently enough, they’ve probably want to bunker since Horst tactics seem to want to spread his team out & thus open up opposing team defenses(which you can’t if you stay bunkered). Horst also devours in the 2nd half with his strong bench, but tiring his less depth opponents out with an faster paced game, something though Denmark can stop if they bunker(thus their players wouldn’t have to run so much).
    BIHfan repped this.
  2. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    #4202 hotjam2, Nov 22, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2023
    @Batfink at least this time you admitted you were wrong about some things, lol So keep on trucking!
    But if you don’t mind a bit of constructive criticism; you go a lot on ‘past tense’ example; Lohmann scored tons of goals 2 years ago blah blah blah

    my view is; so what, after an half dozen injuries, she’s not doing it now(actually lately flopped quite a few easy sitters). Same with Magull; got subbed in at 90+3 vs Bremen. I mean Germany’s NOT putting its current best unto the NT.

    as me knowing that MVT was going to pick Anyomi over Sellner(someone who i actually loved too) there were so many subtle hints, most noticeable Sellner announcing her marriage the day of the start of long list NT training(so obviously she was told in advance she wasn’t going to make it, lol)
  3. Weltmann

    Weltmann Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    Destiny is calling !!!

  4. Weltmann

    Weltmann Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    I loved Nia as a TV commentator, but this sounds like a typical DFB hiring. I just looked and she still has that old Frankfurt Siggi Dietrich connection.
  5. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    I think someone else mentioned this fact about Switzerland on multiple occasions losing heavily to Spain... but are we really going to use that as the main factor behind Grings suddenly deciding it perfect to leave on a mutually agreed contract termination...

    This the same Swiss team that took heavy 7-0 defeats back to back Vs England, and Germany, prior to the Euro's lol. Making it VERY difficult to consider Spain of all nations, the one opponent that would be the breaking point to the staring contest between the Swiss FA, and a much criticized Inka Grings lol.

    Seeing Künzer made the wnt's first ever director of football, should be setting major alarm bells right now when it comes to grasping the level of nepotism involved in the DFB's decision making when it comes to women's football...:cautious:
  6. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Yeah... and it's even worse when you see how an always politically toxic Spanish FA is handling things with their own women right now; ignoring ideas of affirmative action, financial limitations, and potential negative public relations lead by media, to provide their women's program one of the best individuals possible to oversee the continued progression of their various wnt's.

    It's made it more annoying seeing the DFB allow this continued Neid inspired path of mediocrity to persist, while the program stay afloat/relevant thanks to completely random circumstance of legislation allowing the nations best girls to benefit from playing/training with boys, far longer than many rivals would typically deem healthy...:rolleyes:

    Seriously... are we to honestly believe Künzer the football mind who's going to construct the pathway for Germany's various wnt's to maintain their current position, and one day soon improve towards being contenders and title winners again..?

    This might be as blatant a puppet leadership appointment as I've ever seen lol.
  7. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    Yes, prior to the Euros, not DURING the Euros (or during the World Cup and twice in the Nations League in this case).
  8. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Instead of understanding everything I say here through the lens of me wanting to see Germany's various women's teams be successful, you and others seem far more interested in me simply being right or wrong..:cautious:

    But I've only ever made it perfectly clear being perfectly happy to be wrong on everything I say, if it meant Germany's wnt actually play to their full potential. Always making it increasingly weird to see the joy you seem to take with me being wrong, when you being right doesn't ever appear to result in the players, or the team as a whole, ever being successful...:coffee:

    Where do you think relevant data for player analysis comes from..? Understanding what makes a player like Lohmann so good, only possible thanks to what she's been able to accomplish at the elite stage in the recent past...:rolleyes:

    So I'm not sure why you can't understand how any single players form a year ago, might be incredibly important to understanding how they might be most effective right now...:unsure:

    I mean seriously... I've never seen someone else other than you place so many poor generalisations on players, all based on mere secs/moments of a 90 min football match lol. But your the one trying to tell me my use of data wrong..
  9. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Wow... and what is your view based on exactly..? Because you'd need to be pretty damn ignorant to create a narrative where both Lohmann, and Magull, genuinely considered bad lol.

    Anybody with a slight amount of reasonable comprehension of the way positional roles function within football, understanding the various negative effects that can happen, whenever you see a coach do something as stupid as removing two strong CM/CAM's to the wings...:rolleyes:

    This like asking Graham Hansen to play as a CM, and then call her an diminished player because she's not contributing the same stats/numbers she used to prior the change in position...:confused:

    Everything about Magull, and Lohmann, within the context of their preferred CM/CAM roles actually saying their very elite. And the fact I even have to argue this whenever it comes to Popp, Oberdorf, Lohmann, and now Magull, will never stop being ridiculous.

    Ughhh.. again... this has NOTHING to do with the reasoning behind me hoping Anyomi left out of the final 23 WC squad. With me openly never giving a f*ck if I was going to be correct, or incorrect, trying to guess the final 23 MVT would eventually select. (I could have done that pretty easily)

    My entire point on largely ineffective squad players like Anyomi, or Dallmann, always being how they weren't actually needed to construct a more balanced/better tournament squad; and yet all you've managed to take away from this, is stupidly simplistic notions of me either hating these players, or not being smart enough to predict how flawed MVT's final 23 would appear..:rolleyes:

    Making your desire to gloat like you won something here absolutely baffling, considering the end result of MVT's final 23 producing Germany's worst WWC ever lol...:confused:, with my points on the flawed nature of MVT's squad actually being 100% correct in hindsight too...:whistling:
  10. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Losing during the WC one thing, but the Nations League isn't a tournament finals.. so I don't get the correlation your attempting to make here...:unsure:

    And I know some WSL fans would believe otherwise..:rolleyes:, but I'm still in the belief Switzerland simply an OK wnt, who's chances of reducing Spain to 5 or less goals at the WC an always incredibly difficult task, no?

    Meaning I'm not sure how Spain magically the key to Grings departure, when they were able to make it through their WC group stage, only succumbing to 1-0 loses to Italy, and Sweden, either side of successive heavy defeats home and away to the new world champions.

    The Swiss players not liking Grings probably playing a far bigger role than any defeats to a tactical nightmare opponent like Spain. Are we really believing Switzerland a wnt who'd be looking at matches Vs Spain more critically than games Vs Italy, Norway, New Zealand...?
  11. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Simple... she'd be cheap, Neid knows how to control her, and it continues the already well established manifesto of the German wnt only being lead by female coaches.

    The answer to this is already present in the first Nations League encounter between these two teams; where a very poor Germany still found a way to obtain more possession, and somehow manage more attempts/shots. (but with only one of those being on target)

    It suggests why it would be suicide for Denmark to try and go blow for blow Vs Germany away from home, as they didn't even do that in the home match...:rolleyes:; instead preferring a mid block defensive structure, that benefited massively from Germany making individual errors, in a game they also remain incredibly offensively negative for large periods too.
  12. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    The Nations League was basically created to be like a tournament finals, at least in League A. Losing to similar scorelines 3 times against Spain in 3 months is enough to get someone fired + bottom of a group with a -13 goal difference.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Grings would have left even without the Spain losses but they definitely accelerated her departure.
  13. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Switzerland losing to Iceland at home should be considered a problem, not losing 3 times to an opponent significantly better than Switzerland could ever hope to be...:confused:

    If the coach of Switzerland was being measured by their results against the games very best, I don't believe Inka Grings would have been the next in line to replace MVT lol.
  14. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    @BIHfan LOL.... Switzerland's record with Grings has seen them only produce 2 wins in their last 16 matches...:speechless:

    2-1 win at home Vs Wales for a WC qualifier, and then 2-0 win Vs Philippines during the WC. Grings would see 7 defeats in those 16 games, 3 of those being the heaviest she's receive each time Vs Spain.

    So yeah... I'm thinking 3 beat downs Vs a strong Spain the least of Switzerland's woes...:whistling:
  15. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    It was a combination of many things but overall I still think the 3 huge losses against the same opponent in such a short period of time definitely didn't help. Either way, I don't want her taking over the German team and I hope it doesn't happen.
  16. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    #4216 Batfink, Nov 24, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2023
    I don't think anybody who follows this team wants Grings to have any part leading the future of German women's football. But I also believe the DFB truly apathetic to many of our concerns, so...

    My opinion, the appointment of another old friend like Künzer making it more blatant now that Neid holding a huge say on the key individuals allowed to run the day to day operations of this program.

    And when you place this alongside the DFB's financial troubles, and an already proven lack of drive to recruit male coaches... the sad reality is an incredibly underwhelming Gings still a very viable option for the current German wnt...:(

    Again... the leak of potential senior wnt coaches names was not an accident, with the media not showing any signs of negative/positive energy towards Inka Grings being a part of those candidates.

    LOL, Künzer as TV personality, with little connection to the game for 20 years, is the new director football setting the manifesto on how the wnt program tries to improve. Yeah... seeing Grings appointed as the wnt's head coach now, wouldn't be surprising at all...:rolleyes:
  17. Lohmann

    Lohmann Member+

    Arminia Bielefeld
    Feb 24, 2020
    Nat'l Team:
    Lena Petermann for Schüllero_O
  18. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    That’s a shame, it was under Horst, Schuller debuted with 4 goals in her first game
  19. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    :confused:... Before the Wales match, weren't you them same person who claimed Schüller not fit for purpose lol

    After accusing Popp, Oberdorf, and more for being players in decline, I'm sure if I go back in this thread, I'll find a post with you randomly throwing Schüller into this list prior the recent Nations League matches lol...:rolleyes:
  20. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    29yo Petermann with 2 goals in 7 games for a 7th placed Leicester City, replaces injured a Schüller... and all I'm thinking is...

    You have Endemann on the back up list... and while I believe she should have been part of the WC squad, I think with all the injuries now would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce her to the senior wnt squad.

    I mean... the retirement of Leupolz, and injury to Oberdorf, has finally allowed Senß get her moment to be part of the senior wnt. So what's the excuse for the wnt coaches holding back on selecting Endemann...?

    Endmann having less minutes than Dalmann, Bühl, Brand, Huth, but has still produced better or equal numbers this season...:confused:; it's like the Linder situation all over again.
  21. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC

    I forgot to address this... but it's really not so strange, or stubble, finding out your pregnant weeks prior a WC finals lol.
  22. BIHfan

    BIHfan Member+

    Borussia Dortmund
    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Oct 13, 2020
    If I'm not mistaken, Petermann hasn't featured for Germany since 2020..
  23. hotjam2

    hotjam2 Member+

    Nov 23, 2012
    Real Madrid
    nope, I just thought Freigang would an better starter at striker. Freigang exhibits endless energy out there, easily the best thing Frankfurt had going for them. She would have been best for high pressure on the GK. I was hyping her before the 1st Iceland game(before Horst took over)

    Within MVT’s or BM systems, Schuller can remain stagnant while she waits that final pass. She’s way better suited for Horst’s more wide open style
    her pregnancy was announced late August, she announced her marriage the day of the start of ‘long list’ WC camp(which was maybe mid June)
    It could be conceivable that she could have been pregnant by mid June(but why only announce that two months later? & she was rostered/on the bench for the two pre WC friendlies)
    Prior to first WC camp, MVT was not just hyping Anyomi to the press but said she’ll e used as an upfront winger(where she’s usually been played at the right side). So at the time it looked more & more like it was going to be battle between her & Sellner for final WC spot.
    Meantime, Sellner who was the heroine of 20-21 WOB, by next season was reduced to barely visible sub(other than.maybe starting against Bundi bottom clubs). Didn’t even get playing time in the CL finals. And shoring signs that she was ready to get out of soccer—just graduated with an masters in psychology(there’s a ton of Mooney to be made in that field then the typical woso pro, lol) announcing oddly her wedding the day of the start of WC tryouts(it was an list of 35)
  24. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    EXACTLY! Bremer, and Petermann, being included on the back up list, it's a reminder how absolutely useless the wnt selection process has been through recent years...:confused:

    So random and flawed at times, I've speculated the people making the decisions on how the wnt squads constructed still mentally stuck in the early 2000's, not fully grasping the fact their own domestic league very capable of providing talent outside the nations top 3/4 clubs.

    We all know Endemann a wnt player in waiting, and playing for Wolfsburg now she's been in better form than any of the current wnt wide forward regulars selected.

    Leaving me thinking the only reason Petermann, and Bremer, still in contention with the current wnt, simply based on them playing in the WSL..:cautious:
  25. Batfink

    Batfink Member+

    May 23, 2010
    Manchester United FC
    Still doesn't make sense though. I mean, seeing Barca's defence recently face Frankfurt's attack, it's like you've already forgotten the damage Schüller would inflict on Barca last season...:coffee:

    Plus we're talking about Freigang who's never come close to replicating the offensive quality of Schüller on the elite stage of women's football.

    I just have a hard time understanding how you suddenly decided Freigang the best forward within the German wnt player pool, if it's purely opinion based on incorrect factors such as Freigang demonstrating better energy than Schüller...:confused:

    Yes, it might be hard to see these elite qualities within Straus-ball Bayern, but Schüller for a long time defiantly proven herself a more elite forward than Freigang.

    o_O... stagnant? This sounds like a bad way to describe Schüller as a forward lol, and a really poor description if your analysis simply based on her two goals Vs Wales.

    You clearly choosing a very narrow perspective to asses Schüller's style as a forward, when actual evidence beyond a narrow scope of ONE game Vs Wales, actually highlights how genuinely elite her off ball movement can be as a #9.

    Again... you can just go watch how Schüller would give the always much hyped Leon absolute nightmares during Bayern's home match with Barca last season, then compare that to the far less stressful work load Leon had to contend with facing Frankfurt's forwards....:whistling:

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