General Football Thread - Any other business

Discussion in 'England' started by Marcho Gamgee, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. TRS-T

    TRS-T Member

    Aug 21, 2014
    Aston Villa FC
    Tbf I think our commentators and pundits are biased. If a player goes down injured from a foreign club, straight away they're pointing out how it's time wasting and how they know all the tricks in the book. If player from an English club goes down easily to run down the clock, they say nothing.
  2. Marcho Gamgee

    Marcho Gamgee Member+

    Apr 25, 2015
    Somewhere in English Arrogance land
    Manchester City FC

    Not sure what triggers this guy but I’m not a big Royalist fan myself but I wouldn’t go out of my way to start singing anti-monarchy songs. Just find it all a bit odd why he goes out of his way to do things like this. Probably presume his many English team mates aren’t Royalists either.
  3. Jenks

    Jenks Member+

    Feb 16, 2013
    Being anti-English is the one prejudice that liberal orthodoxy permits the Welsh and the Scots, so with all other forms suppressed they grab this with both hands.
    Marcho Gamgee repped this.
  4. MrSnrub

    MrSnrub Member+

    Oct 7, 2018
    He shouldn't get booed for not wanting to wear the poppy and all the hysteria he gets with that, but he's clearly an odd guy who goes out his way to provoke (turning his back in the national anthem for example).

    I remember when Declan Rice declared for England, McClean made a very odd Instagram post literally saying ""We are a strong race, we never give up. Our pride is deep in our heritage. It's not something you can learn to be, it's something we are born with."

    I mean, can you imagine an England international posting about being a strong race about a player defecting? There'd be a massive uproar about it.
    horrisengleton repped this.
  5. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
  6. Marcho Gamgee

    Marcho Gamgee Member+

    Apr 25, 2015
    Somewhere in English Arrogance land
    Manchester City FC

    Terrible decision from our FA, I mean how many of those lower league Clubs need money from the replays to help them financially. Once again the selfishness of the Premier League wins through.
  7. BarryfromEastenders

    Staff Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    It’s because of the expanded UEFA European club schedule. Leaves no room to wait for replays.
  8. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    #908 Fireburn47, Apr 18, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
    They should just do what Spain does and have the lower ranked club host every tie.

    The quality gap means there hasn’t been that many replays recently compared to previous seasons. And arguably it’s easier to beat a big team over 1 match than it over 2. The big teams always seem ro do well at the smaller grounds anyway.

    Last season for example there was only 1 PL vs Lower league replay. There was four this season.

    Will be interesting to see if they are many penalties. In covid seasons they were not many matches that went all the way.
    AJ123 repped this.
  9. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
  10. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    I remember Van Dijk speaking a couple of seasons ago about how the winter break messed up his season. Says it ruined his rhythm and brought on quite a few injuries for Liverpool. It can be quite an injury risk if you dramatically reduce exercise intensity then dramatically increase it again all in a short space of time.
  11. ht_hu96

    ht_hu96 Member+

    May 23, 2019
    I really do fear not just for football, but that the entirety of the sporting landscape will change and become unrecognisable over the next 10-15 years.

    All of these terrifying proposals that the big six have been wanting for years have been resisted up to now. But unfortunately it feels like they’re finally starting to get their way, the FA cup changes feel like the canary in the coal mine. We’ve got the amended CL starting next season, talk of PL games being played in the US, Super League talk not going away, the Saudis wanting a hostile takeover of every sport, IPL owners trying to buy the County Championship and many more scary scenarios seemingly on the horizon.
  12. AJ123

    AJ123 Member+

    Man Utd
    Feb 17, 2018
    It's globalisation writ large. Blame Thatcher.
  13. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    The new football regulator specifically prevents PL games being played in the USA without its permission.
  14. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    The sport is definitely at a crossroads. Some big decisions are going to be made in the next few years and they'll probably largely be decisions we don't like. In all honesty, I think the only way this ends is that some decades down the line the wealth bubble bursts catastrophically (which it will eventually) and forces a major reset.

    Wrt to FA Cup replays getting scrapped, this isn't the last thing like this we'll see in the near future. The football calendar is way too congested and if we think injuries have been bad this season they're only going to get worse. It's unsustainable to have players playing this many games season after season and we know what types of games will be the first to be sacrificed.
  15. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    International football is probably high on the list after the league and FA cups as well. Maybe even above them as the clubs do earn from the cups.
  16. AJ123

    AJ123 Member+

    Man Utd
    Feb 17, 2018
    Why do you think that international football is at risk? The World Cup is the second largest sporting event in the World. It's about making money and international football has the much higher prestige than club football.
    horrisengleton repped this.
  17. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    Because the clubs don’t like it.
  18. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    International football isn't just going to end. Most players players care about it way too much and the vast majority of fans want it.

    What will happen imo is big teams will push for a reduction in the number of teams in the their league and if they don't get it eventually they'll just all break away to a super league and be in charge of their own club calendar.
    Marcho Gamgee and AJ123 repped this.
  19. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    The German and French leagues are already 18 so that wouldn’t be massively controversial.

    But a super league will be illegal soon under the regulator and with the regulator being seen as Goverment linked ir won’t want to approve anything unpopular.
  20. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    It'd be controversial in England. Maybe less so in Spain but I don't know. How do you not think there wouldn't be a huge uproar if international football was scrapped? Can you imagine this sport without the World Cup? It'd cause a huge upheaval. The World Cup bears so, so much responsibility for maintaining/growing the sport's global popularity. It's the biggest event in the entirety of sport.
    Fireburn47 repped this.
  21. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    Tensions between the EFL and PL are strong at the moment. I wonder if it will out PL clubs off wanting to send players on loan and buy from them.
  22. KHSAFC

    KHSAFC Member

    Feb 12, 2023
    I think the World Cup is far bigger than the olympics to be honest.
  23. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    Might be tight the Olympics is bigger in America, Japan and China.
  24. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    Going by the backlash online EFL club fans will not want PL players on loan at all next season.
  25. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    Pretty sure I read Qatar 2022 was the most watched sporting event ever.

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