Article here:
The guy is a jackass and a know-nothing who thinks cup ties should be settled by who had more corner kicks, and hated RBNY for not infusing more Latinos.
Gardner is a professional whiner who moonlights as a columnist. I've never read an article of his that didn't go far, far out of his way to slam the team with irrelevant and often inaccurate statements. If someone is either negative or positive 100% of the time and can't acknowledge any middle ground, they aren't worth listening to and they sure as hell don't deserve to be published.
Surely people know better than to read anything that Gardner writes. He is the definition of a hack. No one should ever read any Gardner articles.
I think my favorite Don Garber moment ever was during a state of the league press conference. Paul Gardner went on some anti-MLS rant and Don cut him off with an exasperated "what's your question, Paul?" Until MLS teams are all playing Barca quality tiki-taki, there will be no pleasing that jackass.
Not an especially great article. Makes some valid points about our lack of style, helter skelter signings and disjointed team building though.
In all honesty, most of what he's saying has already been posted by Red Bulls fans. Although I don't believe Estonians will be happy to hear he calls Lindpere "nearly Scandinavian".
He's kind of like you, he's negative 100% of the time and then takes a smug attitude when the team fails, as if we can win every game.
I'm negative? ...come on...What is negative is the RBNY management, they are the one who are making all this mess, not me....not Gardner....
When is a negative thing like the way the RBNY are handled, and you applauded, that is negative, because you are denying the true.....