GAM scum training

Discussion in 'FC Dallas' started by Brushes Sand, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. Brushes Sand

    Brushes Sand Member

    Oct 12, 2000
  2. ElJefe

    ElJefe Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 16, 1999
    Colorful Colorado
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Some of us only give a rip what he does in an FC Dallas shirt and a USA shirt, not arguing whether or not he's "good enough" for Manchester United.

    Personally, it would not bother me too much if EJ spent his entire professional career in Dallas, knocking in goal after goal on a very regular basis and eventually far eclipsing Kreis' MLS goal-scoring record. And I would be very happy if did the same for the USA.

    But what do I care if he becomes the greatest thing since sliced bread in Manchester or London? His success there does nothing for me as an FC Dallas fan.
  3. Chamo

    Chamo New Member

    Aug 9, 1999
    I agree 100% with El Jefe.
  4. Brushes Sand

    Brushes Sand Member

    Oct 12, 2000
    We've already been through this.

    We had this hoedown a month ago leading up to and after the
    US-ES & US-PAN games.

    GAM will be gone. He will be an UN-96er. We all would love to
    see him stay in Frisco forever. And the chance of that happening
    is NIL.

    Where he goes, and at what price, will affect when he goes, and
    what we get in return, and the two latter issues will have a HUGE
    affect on FCD.

    If you want GAM in FCD hoops as long as possible, you should be
    over in the scum thread talking him down. Of course, SAF usually
    sees past spin, and knows bargains when he sees them. A 20-year-old
    Thierry Henry starter-kit with all of EJ's laurels from this year equals
    bargain if Gazidis is stupid enough to let EJ go at cut rate before Germany.

    Throw another useless allocation on the HSG community chest kiddy.

  5. Chamo

    Chamo New Member

    Aug 9, 1999
    I would put the odds of SAF reading the the bigsoccer thread mentioned above right at 0%.
  6. Brushes Sand

    Brushes Sand Member

    Oct 12, 2000
    Where did I say SAF reads the bigboard?

    It's called The Echo Chamber. You know, the NeoCon/Newscorp
    "urban legend" manifesto of "news" creation.

    The scum fanbase is huge. They're collective groupthink has reach.
    Whatever the consensus reality on any player, it will eventually filter
    up to the top 100 or so people who form the closest circle around SAF.

    Fastest way to throw a wrench in the machine?

    Fans of local Dallas club talking down GAM regardless of the truth
    at the base level. Introduce noise in to the signal. Classic op.

  7. BurnFanMan

    BurnFanMan New Member

    Mar 5, 2002
    El Paso
    Personally, I'd put the odds even lower. Anyone would be wasting his time trying to talk Eddie down just to keep him here, not to mention holding a player back.
  8. gotyourback

    gotyourback Member

    Jul 18, 2002

    [SARCASM] A worldwide venue of discussion for passionate soccer fans has no value. [/SARCASM]

  9. Mrs.TexasArsenal

    Mrs.TexasArsenal New Member

    Aug 24, 2004
    Frisco, TX
    I didn't read through all of it but ...Wow, to be mentioned in the same sentence as Henry is cool. :)
  10. texas arsenal

    texas arsenal New Member

    Aug 7, 2003
    Frisco Tx
    Lets just tap those brakes a little bit.
  11. boomersooner027

    May 13, 2004
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    i agree with jefe in this that after GAM is gone from here i will root for him no more than i root for any other yank across the pond
  12. burning247

    burning247 Member+

    Liverpool FC
    Sep 16, 2000
    Liverpool FC
    Nat'l Team:
    if he was on Manchester United I'd cheer him on but I'd much rather have his grown ass in hoops.
  13. mudpoet

    mudpoet Member

    May 16, 2004
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'll be booing him if he goes to ManYoo. I'd rather see him in City's blue. But I'd rather see him in Dallas hoops over anything else.
  14. ZenCarver

    ZenCarver New Member

    May 26, 2003
    Richardson, TX
    you wouldn't use the "Scholes Exemption" on him? where you like the player - as long as he's playing for the Nats?
  15. texgator

    texgator New Member

    Oct 28, 2003
    Didn't EJ train with Man U last summer for a few weeks? I seem to remember something about that. Anyway, I wouldn't get too excited just yet. Besides, just about the worst place for him to go would be a club like Manchester or Arsenal. No way he cracks the starting lineup. I'd rather him do like Beasley did and go to a big team in a second tier league. Immediate contributor, if not starter, and Champion's League or UEFA Cup games galore. Not sitting on the bench, not relegated to the reserves, not loaned out to some backwater crap club in Portugal or Belgium.
  16. mudpoet

    mudpoet Member

    May 16, 2004
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Of course Eddie would get the SE...I didn't mean to imply otherwise. Only the enemy when on the ManU pitch wearing that godforsaken shirt.
  17. inferno man

    inferno man Member

    Nov 26, 1999
    I am with El Jefe on this, too. I rarely see or look to see Americans playing on European teams anyway.
  18. SgtSchultz

    SgtSchultz Member

    Jul 11, 2001
    Parts Unknown
    I wonder how much GAM's transfer will bring to the league's coffers. Personally I want him to stay for 2 more years. There is no way he will stay in MLS. He is just too talented.
  19. ArsenalTexan3

    ArsenalTexan3 Member

    Sep 24, 2002
    Arsenal FC
    I don't care who he trains with as long as he comes back ready to kick of Frisco 05.

    If and when EJ goes to Europe, I rather see him join Bolton where he could get playing time. However I won't pay too much attention to him unlike some of the people on the yanks abroad forum who thinks every American should start(75% of them think that anyways). :rolleyes:
  20. 3rd Degree

    3rd Degree Member

    Feb 6, 2000
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    EJ has trained with them multiple times since he was about 17.
    He also went to france once or twice (brodeaux?)

    He had said before he wanted to go to Europe after his current MLS deal is up.

    But then he went with teh Nats and said talking to some of them (Landon etc) that Europe sucks if you are not playing. SO he then said he would consider a new deal....

    we'll see in two years.. or a year and half... or one year....
  21. terp fan

    terp fan New Member

    Nov 21, 2000
    Any word on other players going over to train in any foreign set ups during the off-seaon?
  22. 3rd Degree

    3rd Degree Member

    Feb 6, 2000
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Other than Nunez maybe to Celtic as TLo reported a couple weeks ago...

    Not that i know of, but I will keep asking.
  23. Rocket

    Rocket Member

    Aug 29, 1999
    Everton FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  24. 3rd Degree

    3rd Degree Member

    Feb 6, 2000
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Grown *ss Man.. ie Fast Eddie Johnson.
  25. theodore

    theodore Member

    Nov 7, 2003
    I think I once heard Eddie say: "I'm Gamby dammit". That confused me, because he wasn't even wearing the green suit. Maybe someone can clarify.

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