the cutest couple Looks like someone had a little too much of those churros... poor bastards can we start a fat fan thread?
Wow, the quality of this board has gone WAY up! I thought it would never happen. After seven years, a San Jose fan has finally posted something beautiful, intelligent, witty and clever. To answer the obvious question - I'm on the left.
Y'all without sin can cast the first stone. It would be funny if we were all fit and trim, but we have our own set of lardasses that other fans can make fun of if they choose to. So let's not.
BTW, Bill, I hope the Grill Commander will be back in his rightful place on the 17th! I am looking forward to that you know.
I don't know about the Grill Commander, but I will be at the tailgate on the 17th with the Casbah Grill. However, the Magic Cooler will not be there -- remote Club Quake member "Ross from St. Paul" will be making his annual appearance at Spartan Stadium, and he is sponsoring a keg, so there will not be any shortage of beer.
He's tired....he always does everything, you kids never help with the's just tiring, you never take him out to dinner, you never just cuddle in front of the fire anymore. A Grill Commander likes to be appreciated, not taken for granted!
Actually, l_d_b's not too far off. It's a lot of work, and more often than not, (a) someone shows up 45 minutes before game time and wants to cook something, and (b) 30 minutes before game time, I'm still waiting for the grill to cool down so I can put it away when everyone else disappears. So I don't like a title that implies that I have some kind of responsibility to bring the grill, without fail, for every tailgate. I reserve the right to not show up, similar to how I skipped the last two tailgates, so everyone who is expecting a grill should be aware of that. That said, on the 17th, I have friends who are coming to the game, and I promised them a tailgate. So I'm showing up and bringing the grill for them. The rest of you may take advantage of it if you want.
I think they had a tour guide taking them places. If that camera had a 360 degree lens I'm sure we'd see Eric Wynalda taking the pics with great pleasure..damn him... TRANSFORM MARI
Re: Wow, the quality of this board has gone WAY up! Dan's been outed... Seriously, if you're planning not to hang at the Galaxians, should try to sit on the West End on September 21. However, if any Quakes fans fire any projectiles, you're on your own... Of course, the "code" says never bring an opposing team's fan into your section... Cheers!
-To the Galaxy fans present at Wednesday Night's game, all I could say was: "Two words: Luis Hernandez." -As for the Galaxy themselves, I had a little message for Carlos Ruiz: "Hey Ruiz! Yeah you! I don't know about you, but I graduated from preschool...I learned how to share!"
LOL!! This cracked me up!! Do they charge membership by the pound? Seriously, it's not nice to make fun of them for being so big. Now their lack of class is another story. They just seemed so trashy at the game on Wednesday. They're just a different breed I guess. Quake fans seem so much more nice. I mean I don't think our fans would be saying stuff like that above about other fans of our own team.
No, your fans only spit in the faces of opposing fans. Especially underage female fans. Now that's class.
pull your acts together, spitting or any other showing of animosity here or in games please...let's love one another....
Love the Galaxy fans! No way!! Seriously though, if someone spit at an underage female Galaxy fan, I'm really sorry to hear that. That person should have reported that. Because that shouldn't be tolerated from anyone for any reason.