With the Presidential election upon us here in the States, I thought it would be kind of funny to have our own election to determine who gets to live at the White House the next four years. No need to make comments on who you voted for unless you would like to. I know some people think talking politics and who you vote for is tabboo. Regardless, let the voting begin......
Yes of course, just note that I am a "write-in" candidate. I thank you for your support and will continue push to be the next man living in the Black and White House.
Yeah, I am in on the one of the threads right now and it does get heated. Everyone, including myself is so stubborn about out thoughts and views on the particular candidate we want to win!
I just voted this morning, it took an hour and a half just waiting in line. and Mike...Chelsea fans vote for Kirk Grimes for the National Facist Union (similar to bush)
The guy advocates selling cocaine in stores sounds like a chelsea fan to me people in DC are really worked up about this right now. Its like super bowl sunday, bars are throwing big parties, except this year they have to seperate reps and dems becuase there have been fights breaking out when they showed the debates a month or so ago. DC is an interesting place to watch these things though, especially on capital hill. Its bigger than sports...these things cause people to lose their jobs.
Well according to this Board Kerry wins by a large victory. But, according to everyone else Kerrry loses.Kerry still has a chance to win but, he would have to get every other vote in Ohio.Bush is the President for 4 more years according to almost every channel.
It really, really saddens me that Bush won. I am disappointed in my fellow Americans and I just do not understand how and why Kerry lost. I obviously do not understand the country as a whole.
Truly shocking result. Kerry was a crap candidate though. Howdy Doody would have gotten just as many votes as he did. It wasn't enough to just "not be Bush", there wasn't enough real reasons for people to vote for him over Bush apparently. Dean probably could have won...4 years from now will be interesting as it'll be Hillary Clinton Vs. Jeb Bush or Condi Rice...
I have heard this a lot. I actually liked Kerry, but obviously Americans did not. I disagree that anyone could have gotten this many votes. What I am most disappointed in is the fact that "Moral Issues" was the biggest determining factor for most who voted for Bush. Moral Issues? What is that crap about? The freakin' red neck bible bangers in the South and all over the country are why Bush is still President. I am saddened by all of this. I am disheartened about our country and I see us continuing a decline in the world.