Will Russia finish 2nd or 3rd or take another step back and embarrass themselves again like last time? Will Ukraine hold steady or take a step back? Can Belarus medal in soccer?
Dude wtf? Russia got third last time, we sucked it up in the winter games. We're projected to get around 70 medals this time around. Prior to China's emergence we were in the 90 medals range and right up there with the U.S. who only bested us due to swimming.
Russia are always strong, I'd be fairly surprised to see them go 4th or less. Although home ice/snow/field did a lot for Canada last go around. We'll see about their cousins.
I only got home when they just started with the teams coming into the stadium. I have to say, listening to the Ukrainian TV commentators was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. NBC announcers are absolute bores compared to these guys. Well two girls and two guys to be exact. The two girls looked at it like a fashion show. They went crazy when the Czechs came out in rubber boots and they were trash talking the American team saying "made in China" and talking about how much better the Ukrainian team looked than the Americans. I couldn't stop laughing. I think it was Monaco they said something about how boring their clothes were and it's just reflected that they are a boring country. Then whenever a country came out like Oman or Mauritania where they had a non western traditional costume the girls would say something so inappropriately prejudice it was hilarious. Usually something like those robes are so cute, but there is only so much the muslim countries can do for their girls when they have to cover everything up. The other main guy was trying to give geography lessons like he felt the viewers had no idea where any country in the world other than CIS and neighboring EU countries where. I mean I understand that Ukrainians might not know where Kiribati is or the Cayman Islands, but when you have to tell me that Algeria is a North African country south of France. The funniest part was this guy's little historical anecdotes he tried to through in while the girls were talking. My favorite was about the South African team. There were some white South African girls jumping and cheering and yelling, having a good time, and this guy says, "well the South Africans are happy because they used to not be allowed to participate in the Olympics. They have a very.... well it's not a nice history. And now we have (whatever the next country was)." It was non stop laughs.
Yeah, only because the Chinese began a program 20 some years ago that identified non-competitive events (i.e. events where niether Russia nor the U.S. had a strong presence) and created entire training institutions to poach cheap medals. Half of their medals are going to be in badminton, syncronized badminton, and ping pong which is a close relative to badminton. And you want me to believe the Chinese are not manipulating their currency!!!!!!! Ukraine is not participating in a single team event........... ....LOLOLOLOLOL. I mean not even handball, WTF.
Alex Morgan is so much better now then she was last summer. She was my crush last summer but her game was pretty weak, now she's showing some skill. Best is Lauren Cheney though and not just cause she's from Indy, her game is nice as hell. Lol at the story RC nice recap
I noticed a super hot U.S. swim chick in that call me maybe youtube video they all made. I creeped her out and found out her name and that she was asked out to dinner by LeBron the night before from her twitter lol dream shattered
Lochte choked in the last 100m! pretty exciting race though. Well done to Russia, Australia were supposedly heavy favorites for gold but finished 4th
Russia has less golds than North Korea (check the population difference for a good laugh) and are currently 7th overall.....wow Plus don't forget the combat guys that did medal are really Armenian or Georgian or whatev lol
You do know that Russia always starts the Olympics slow right? Seroiusly how misinformed are you? Russia will finish with 60-70 medals, get it through your head lol. Ukraine on the other hand will probably get out medaled by Belarus, lol. How much of a fail can a country be? 50 million people and can't play sports worth for shit.
Just as much Russian as Oleg Blokhin is Ukrainian, lol. Only at least these guys can speak perfect Russian, where as Blokhin hasn't spoken a sentence of Ukrainian in is entire life. Actually most of Ukraine's best greatest ever players are of non-Ukrainian ethnicity. Blokhin, Bessonov, Muntyan, Szabo, Protasov, Buryak, Zavarov, Belanov, and on, and on, and on lol. Even Ukraine's greatest ever Olympian, Klochkova or whatever her name is, is Russian. Without Russian/Soviet backing you're nothing. Just a countyr of 50 mil that sucks ass at sports, lol. Even hillbilly Belarus owns your arses.