For Sale or Trade size 8 Nike Street Gato Black/White/Volt for any size 7.5 or 8 boots (kangaroo preferred). They are like new! I wore them for a coaching course for one day in a classroom and decided they were too small. P.S. I bought 2 pairs a half size up because I loved them still. $40 /obo + shipping.
new: 7.5Dios R10 gold or yellow 7.5 Powercat 1.12 whiteout limited edition: donno if id trade that straight up though. used: 7.5adizero 1 blue leather. not kangaroo though. 8 mizuno ignitus yellow 7.5 Powercat 1.12 whiteout 7.5Dios gold i may have more leathers, gotta go into storage to check. i have a lot of synthetics (vap3-6) both sizes, v1.11, adizeros, f50+.