Freddy grew an inch and gained 5 pounds this season

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by pokemoncards, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. pokemoncards

    pokemoncards New Member

    Aug 17, 2003
  2. Tweaked

    Tweaked Member

    Jan 30, 2003
    The Hill
    Apparently when I was in high school I grew 6 inches in one there's hope for Adu yet!
  3. mcontento

    mcontento Member

    Jun 26, 2000
    Catalina Wine Mixer
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    And he apparently helped to pay for his own salary based on United's attendance bounce 1667/game at approx $22 per ticket = about $550K. ;)
  4. ursula

    ursula Member

    Feb 21, 1999
    Republic of Cascadia
    Huh. I didn't know that 25 year olds can still grow like that.
  5. TEConnor

    TEConnor New Member

    Feb 22, 1999
    Thank you, we've got that one out of the way now.

    I stopped growing when I turned 15. I think if he were really 15 he wouldn't still be growing. This, frankly, is further evidence to my theory that he is in fact younger than reported.

  6. ursula

    ursula Member

    Feb 21, 1999
    Republic of Cascadia
    Actiually I thought he was thirtysomething. You know: in the fading years of his career.

    PS Don't make me have to put a stupid emoticon on this or I'll call for a bone scan.
  7. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    I stopped growing around 13-15 y/o but most kids grew a little until 17-18.

    Can't resist, but will leave it open. Who wants to make the lewd joke here? I'm leaving it out there for someone who can do better.
  8. kravi

    kravi Member

    May 3, 2004
    Section 134
    Uhm. Most people still grow a little bit in their late teenage years, and again a growthspurt (strangely) in the early twenties is fairly common. Just because you stopped growing at 15 doesn't mean the rest of the world should.

    I think he's 15. I think his age is accurate, and I think his documentation is highly suspect. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

  9. drew_VT_6

    drew_VT_6 Member

    Feb 22, 2000
    Orange County, CA
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Scottie Pippen grew 4" in college as did David Robinson. Maybe he's really 19 or 20! :eek:
  10. JohnR

    JohnR Member+

    Jun 23, 2000
    Chicago, IL
    I've given up believing anything that's written about Freddy.

    Now I use the Nowak yardstick. Freddy was an inch shorter than Peter this spring, which meant that he was about 5' 6", rather than the 5' 8" that he has been listed as for several years.

    On opening day 2005, I'll use the Nowak yardstick again, to see where Freddy's at.
  11. sch2383

    sch2383 New Member

    Feb 14, 2003
    Northern Virginia
    Men can grow until they are 20 or 21. Growth spurts and the like depend on genetics, for instance all the male kids in my friends family are short until their junior year of high school and then they grow 5 or 6 inches over the course of that year (this has held true for the 1st 4 sons). So Freddy could hit a huge spurt, I doubt it, but its possilbe. However, if he does, it would throw off his game for a period of time as he gets use to his body.
  12. swedcrip34

    swedcrip34 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
    Hopefully Nowak won't shrink.

    There are families where everyone has a huge growth spurt late (usually puberty is delayed). But otherwise it's uncommon to grow much after 17 y/o for most people. The start of puberty is usually the best way to predict. Anyone want to tell me about Adu (don't really want to know!). Maybe someone around College Park can ask around :). Adu's mom is short, right?

    I don't think he'll be more than 5'8" unless he's getting some special vitamins (HGH)
  13. neilgrossman

    neilgrossman New Member

    May 12, 2000
    Hoboken, NJ
    I think Scottie Pippen grew about 5 inches in college. It's different for different people. Who knows, maybe Freddy will be 6'3".
  14. onefineesq

    onefineesq Member+

    Sep 16, 2003
    Laurel, MD
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    and David grew 7 or 8 inches. He was around 6'5" when he entered the Naval Academy. He ended up 7'1". the point is still valid though. most people are done growing by 17 or so.
  15. Pints

    Pints Member

    Apr 21, 2004
    Charm City

    OK Sex Education 101......again.

    "Boys begin their development on average around age 11 or 12, but it can begin as early as 10 and as late as 15. Girls and guys who start developing earlier or later than these ranges can still be normal, but they should be checked by their doctor just to be sure"

    When will I get my.....

    I'm in my 30's and I started growing when I was born and haven't stopped, of course the growth switched to more focused areas. Generally around the mid section.... :D
  16. T Nitty

    T Nitty New Member

    Jun 3, 2004
    I really hope that doesn't happen to Freddy unless his weight and coordination can keep up. Does DC really need two Ezras? :eek:
  17. kravi

    kravi Member

    May 3, 2004
    Section 134
    I'd rather have to Ezras than two Prideauxs... :D

  18. DCUnited401

    DCUnited401 New Member

    Jul 4, 2002
    germantown, md
    i'm not sure if this is true, but i remember reading somewhere on here that adu's dad was 6'4''...

    and i'm pretty sure that his younger brother is something like 5'10''
  19. terp fan

    terp fan New Member

    Nov 21, 2000
    The height and weight gains help prove he's not 21 as previously reported unless he's a very late bloomer.
  20. Cweedchop

    Cweedchop Member+

    Mar 6, 2000
    Ellicott City, Md
    I lost nearly 115 pounds this year...

    I kicked her sorry arse to the curb!! :p
  21. Wallydrag

    Wallydrag BigSoccer Supporter

    Jul 24, 2002
    Oklahoma City
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I don't know how scientific this is, but just general observation is that most males tend to follow the growth trends of their fathers more than their mothers. I'm 6' 2" and my mom's 5' 1" but my dad's 6'. I've also known quite a few other guys that if their dad's tall then they'll be about as tall give or take an inch or two either way, irrespective of their mother's height.

    I also quit growing around my senior year of HS when I was 18 y/o.
  22. TEConnor

    TEConnor New Member

    Feb 22, 1999
    You all have got to know by now that I haven't written a serious thing on these boards since around August 2000, right?

    When I said that because I stopped growing at 15, that this proves Freddy is younger than 15, please say that you knew that I was making a silly rhetorical point, please.

    Thanks for the sex ed, nonetheless. Goodness knows that back when I went to school it was illegal to teach sex ed and evolution, so it's good to get the education sometime.

  23. pokemoncards

    pokemoncards New Member

    Aug 17, 2003
  24. sch2383

    sch2383 New Member

    Feb 14, 2003
    Northern Virginia
    No its not
  25. TEConnor

    TEConnor New Member

    Feb 22, 1999

    I thought it was established that Fred's "Uncle Tony Yeboah" was not THAT Tony Yeboah. Or did you post that just as another example of a guy who stopped growing before he turned fifteen?


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