The latest contest with and some big company (Chevy in this case) is the "WHO'S NEXT" contest. Here's what it says: Cast your vote for the NEXT Athlete — Tomorrow’s “can’t-take-your-eye-off-him”, redefine the game, breakout player — and you could be headed to Hollywood for some stargazing at the 12th Annual ESPY Awards to see who’s NOW compliments of Chevrolet. Just another head scratcher...choices are: (1) Little Matsui (Japanense Shortstop) (2) Sebastian Telfair (High School Point Guard) (3) Michelle Wie (13-yr old golf prodigy) (4) Michael Phelps (Olymipic Swimmer) (5) Dontrelle Willis (Florida Marlins Pitcher) Can someone please explain to me why Freddy Adu doesn't fit the criteria listed above? And was Willis THAT impressive that he is considered the "next best thing" -- I would put Josh Beckett on that list before Willis.... Also...we have KIDS on this list (not sure about Phelps), and then...A pro baseball player...that doesn't seem to fit the list. THERE IS A WRITE IN OPTION: GO NUTS....
Could someone give a link (it's on the front page of -- I already voted, so it screws up the link.
Phelps is a teenager. I think he's 15 or 16, but he's been a record breaking swimmer. He's in the Washington Post all the time because he's from the DC/Metro area.
IIRC, Phelps set like 3 or 4 world records at the most recent world championships and he is only 17 or 18.
So basically we have: (1) kid (2) kid (3) kid (4) kid (5) Florida Marlins pitcher Doesn't seem to fit in very well...would have made a LOT more sense to include Freddy instead of Willis.
well, I'm not a "media conspiracist" -- but I know for a fact that Freddy has received more attention with the mainstream media than that swimmer. It just seems very strange that he's not on there. And, I wanted people to vote for him... There is a media bias against soccer, we all know that...but that's not the basis of this post.
I haven't been following him either....I figured someone who had the nickname of "Little" must be young or a prodigy of some kind. I figured he was a Jose Reyes-type of player. (That makes even less sense...that's like saying Chris Weinke is going to be the "next best thing".) If he's as great as they say he is, he'll just end up a Yankee anyway...but that's a conversation for another post.
Well, you know what they say happens when you assume... They call him "Little Matsui" to distinguish him from Hideki Matsui who is "Big Matsui", sort of like Ronaldo and Ronaldinho (who isn't much of an -inho either). And I will bet you a Rolex and an Escalade that Little Matsui won't end up with the Yankees unless they find Derek Jeter in bed with two underaged boys and his right arm dismembered. But back on topic. While Freddy may have more of an upside than any of the players chosen, he's at least a year or two away from making an impact at the top level. Little Matsui is a free agent and will receive offers from multiple MLB teams. Telfair is expected to be a superstar in college if he doesn't make the jump to the pros, unprecendented for a high schooler -either way, he'll be making headlines. Wie may start winning LPGA events soon. Willis is a curious choice - hasn't he broken out already?
I clicked on the "who's next" link from the ESPN homepage expecting to see Freddy. I was actually a bit surprised that he wasn't among the choices, given his massive potential, accomplishments to date, and fawning press coverage. And how awesome is that? That I expected him to be among the candidates? That he has had so much pub so far that I was surprised I couldn't vote for him? I agree with Skipshady: Freddy is still several years away from breaking out. It wouldn't really be appropriate to include him in the voting.
"Little" Matsui isn't a kid either. He's a pro baseball player in Japan and a damn good one too. He's like 26 or 27.
He's 18, he has multiple world titles and broke some national records this in events he rarely swims - he just wanted to swim in them for fun. He's the kind of talent we hope Freddy to become.
Because they know that somebody would post a link to that poll and BigSoccer would stuff another ballot.