For Trade: Nike Authentic Barcelona 10/11 Player Issue Size Small

Discussion in 'SwapShop' started by SwordSwayer, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. SwordSwayer

    SwordSwayer New Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Northern Virginia
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Hello everyone, Here I have 2, Brand new with Tags, Blank, Nike Authentic Barcelona 10/11 Home Jerseys, Player issue/style in size Small. I really love these but unfortunately they are a bit too small for me, im hoping i can find someone who has the same exact jersey in a size Medium who would like to trade with me. As mentioned looking to trade my 2 size Small for 2 Mediums in either Used or New condition, and it dosnt matter if it has player printing on them. I would consider selling them, so i guess im open to hear what you have to offer but im mainly wanting to just trade.

    You can either PM me or you can email me at the address below:

  2. SwordSwayer

    SwordSwayer New Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Northern Virginia
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    one jersey has been sold. im hoping i can trade the remaining one i have for a medium. if you have a printed one, i will be interested in it as well, we could work something out and i would pay the difference for the printed jersey whether it be new or used.

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