I know people go on and moan about how much they all get paid and stuff but if u compare them to other sports stars, they aint paid shite in comparresson! Them basketball players get paid shite loads! Some earn in a year as much as say Gary Neville has earned in his entire career!!
Well you gotta look at it like this, There are only about 11 players on a Basketball team, and thus the teams have sufficient financial funds to pay the players more, because there are less players to pay where in futbol there can be as many as 30 players on a team. Plus you gotta look at the outrageous transfer fees that teams are paying to get certain players. It would be interesting to look at the comparisons between the average income for proffessional athletes in each sport and the average payroll.
Nah it's true. Dirk Nowitzki could probably buy the entire German football team. That's why I took up basketball as a kid, but it never really worked out. Formula 1 is even better though.
No seriously. Compared to the Average wage there paid loads. Dyer and Craig Bellend thinking there bigger than NUFC.
Yep, of course they're paid loads. I'm all for salary caps, would stop teams like Real Madrid and Chelsea. That can only be a good thing.
Well, theres two points of view. None footballer and footballer. If i was a footballer, i'd want the most i could get from the game. And an ordinary fan, who pays to watch the sport he loves. Theres a balance somewhere in there, but its late, i'm tired, been on here for hours, so i dont want to think to hard fella.
Yep fair enough. Who knows what would happen with salary caps anyway. About your post before. Dyer not popular in Geordieland then? Wasn't there this rape thing, but then again that sounded like a dodgy accusation anyway. And I might mix it up.
It was Dyer's hotel in Lawwnden, but he wasnt actually there, when the inccident took place. It was dropped by the courts anyway.
The skirt would of knew what she was doing. Woman are not simple creatures. There devious, vicous little things, men should be protected from them. Horrible breed, there alright on a Friday night though.
My daughters a darling, sweet little girl, tis only when they turn into adults they become horrible nasty creatures. Thats not my opinion, tis FACTOMONDO. Can i just say, that when my daughter reaches adulthood, she will be an exeption to the rule. My princess for ever.
Factomondo my arse. There's lots of nice girls out there, you hang out in Newcastle's meat markets too much (not that I blame you... lived in Edinburgh for a while, bit similar there).
FACTOMONDO indeed. The shite that i have went through for access, to see my princess, you would not believe. It has put me of the breed known as woman, for life. I would happily walk down the aisle tommorrow and marry my porno collection. ( Which incidently, my mates borrowed half, and wont give me it back, strange that )
Might not make your parents happy, of course... I just imagine Rowan Atkinson as a priest saying 'you may have a wank now'. Excellent. Hmm. Anyway porn is rubbish, I can recommend some clubs in Edinburgh which are far better. Subway West End, good god. The only time in my life where I actually had to push away a girl cos she was touching my bum. And nah I'm not that fussy.
Nah mate, my minds made up, the girl i end up with will be stunning,. My daughters 5, she is the most important thing in this world to me. If she goes Dad, i dont like her, its see ya later pet, shut the door on ya way out. Were watching Big Dave on the Disney Channel.