With the release of our game's calendar a promotion (tv commercials etc.) will be launched pretty soon...I bet you that in this commercials there will not be ANY MENTION OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE SUPPORTERS GROUPS. The supporters groups, we need help from the FO, I'm not asking for money. all I'm asking is for a little promotion from the FO's part. For Example: -Discounted price tickets for Casbah and Ultra's sections. -informing people of our existence. Any other ideas...?
While I agree they should mention the supporters groups eventually. I think the initial message should just be about the team existing again for people that may have missed it.
I welcome additional ideas for promoting the supporters' groups, but before this thread gets out of hand, let me say that the club has been promoting the supporters' groups. In fact, the two in-stadium supporters groups (1906 Ultras & Casbah) did get the lowest priced tickets for their Sections (101 & 109 at Buckshaw in Santa Clara). In the case of 1906 Ultras' portion of Section 101, that amounted to a discount over the regular rate for that section so as not to discriminate in ticket pricing between the two supporters' groups. Also, the Quakes made a point of including info on the supporters' groups on the club website (the groups each got to submit their self-descriptions). Additionally, Quakes ticket reps were given a protocol for their interviews with season ticket deposit-holders to ask ticket purchasers about interest in the supporters' groups. Although the two upcoming exhibitions against Houston are general admission, a supporters group section has been carved out in both venues (Casbah hosting at PAL Stadium & 1906 Ultras hosting at Kezar). The supporters' groups have been given the opportunity to set up recruitment tables at these matches. And a Club Quake / Casbah tailgate for the February 13 match has been authorized notwithstanding the limited supply of parking at PAL Stadium. . . . and, you may recall, the Quakes' initial internet marketing campaign featured video clips of Guy Gayle banging his drum in downtown San Jose. (What could be better promotion than that?) If the above is not sufficient evidence in itself, I can tell you from my own discussions with Quakes officials that they recognize the importance of the supporters' groups and are happy to take reasonable steps to assist them grow and thrive.
I don't know how you can consider that promotion. I doubt anyone who didn't already know who Guy Gayle is has viewed that commercial. A hidden web-gem advertisement can hardly be considered.
Maybe the Quakes Media people could direct some of the local media to do some sort of article/interview with our supporters groups/key people?
I don't think the Quakes have that much pull yet that they can direct local media to do anything. But they could always ask. Or the supporters groups could ask the local media in concert with the team. Two pronged attack maybe?
My tongue was somewhat in cheek on that, but I did hear that the commercial aired at one point on TV, so Guy's perhaps a little more famous than he already was. Anyway, an advertising campaign that associates soccer with its crazy and colorful fans sounds the right note and is inherently supportive of the supporters' groups. So I give the Quakes credit for the internet campaign, even if its reach was limited.
I suppose this is somewhat in line with IBT's comment, but I think the only people that campaign reached were the crazy and colorful fans it was talking about.
As do I. This ownership group has done more to highlight the supporters groups then any group has before. Hell, one ownership group even tried to run one of the groups out. Give it some time folks. I'm sure the FO will do what they can to help grow these groups once things get up and running. But, the biggest way to grow your groups is by making the game day experience an exciting one. That self promo will go a long way. Kudos to the front office for the promo they've done so far. It's good to see they are making an effort to support both groups.
Obvious Define type of support groups which will be supported by the Quakes (I.e. not all can be supported) Provide discount ticket package based upon number of supports in a group Include Support Groups information on website and have links to the support group's web sites Provide easier access to Quake team (management, players, etc.) Not So Obvious Provide free beer Provide free beer Provide free beer
this may be a FO thing or maybe not. it's always nice to have a ton of SJ fans down in l.a. for those games. since the FO already has connections with transportation and hotel accomidations, i wonder if they could hook us up a bus ride down and possibly get us hooked up with some hotel discounts. also, they may have some inside connections to the hdc to get us a supporters section.