Florida referee assault

Discussion in 'Referee' started by code1390, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. code1390

    code1390 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  2. oldreferee

    oldreferee Member

    May 16, 2011
    This is across the bay from me. I haven't heard any of the inside info yet. As best Ican tell, it's an adult house league for a club that plays many affiliated matches. For everyone's sake, I hope they weren't cutting corners with their insurance etc to save a few bucks (but I fear that may be the case).
  3. Law5

    Law5 Member+

    Mar 24, 2005
    Beaverton OR
    "The league and teammates had inaccurate names for the players." Yeah, unhuh. Their teammates didn't know the names of these guys. Sure. Just some stealth guys who show up to play and they put them on their team. Riiiiighhtt. :sneaky:

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