Not a very good referee. Whoops! There was a Gimenez special shot to stands. He has not had a very good game. Numerous passes to wrong team!
83rd minute and total of 1 shot on both teams. Hard to win a match without shooting on goal. New York with their first shot on target... for a goal, but fortunately offsides.
Well, that was "something" but not sure what it was. Fire with 77.5% of the possession, but only managed two shots on goal for the entire match. Pathetic.
Fire draw...Also apparently Donald Trump was the ear....but is alive. You can't win them all.
Rafa played well….why was he subbed??!! Guti and Gaston were good. Acosta was both visibly and measurably the weakest. GG did have 1 ‘bad pass to the other team’, but not a howler and nowhere near as bad as Acosta’s consistent turnovers. The production difference between them is stark…Kellyn is in line to replace Shaq as ‘our biggest disappointment’ Guti continues to improve, and is our best creator, but is just still not yet a ‘run everything through him’. Bring on a DP for him to support!
Drove a bit to get back for the game… My wife reluctantly replaced my son, so couldn’t follow as detailed as I normally do… How did we end up with Rafa and Wyatt out? If they are both injured our 6% chance at the playoffs is now officially zero… Note: that’s over the last couple of days…only 500mi today