fire leaves whitfield ring williams dipsey buete countess bouciout perez unprotected national team
Anyone know why (both articles mentioned) Boucicaut is on the draft eligible list? According to the roster he is, has been, and will be a TI, and according to the draft rules TIs don't need to be protected (ie, aren't eligible for the draft).
I don't see that rule here: Boucicout is a TI but he's on the senior roster just like Damani was. So he's subject to the same provisions as everyone else I gather.
True, but there they don't mention TIs at all. On the other hand: "The rules of the Expansion Draft state that each team may protect 12 senior roster players. Those classified as Project-40, transitional internationals and developmental players do not have to be protected. Further, only one senior international can be left unprotected." from here.
I'm a bit confused on Henry Ring, I didn't think he did a bad job. Getting out of Chicago is probably the best thing that can happen for Whifield and Buete. Most folks have grown weary of Whitfield's bonehead play, and the love affair with Buete never really got off the ground. Somewhere there's an "A" League team licking their chops over the thought of Dipsy. I was not in favor of signing Bouciout, as I never saw him as a difference maker. Andy "Jekyl & Hyde" Williams at times played well, but thats the problem - those times were few and far between. The only defense Perez could start on in MLS was the FIRE; a new day has dawned - Adios Amigo! Countess, well perhaps somewhere he'll do the job.