I'm not trying to steal this guys thunder. I actually want to get him going more. This is something that we should all get behind. So, c'mon brotha! Let's hear it. FIRE MIKE BURNS!
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Mike Burns is only part of the problem. Yes, he's made some terrible decisions and should have never been promoted in the first place. However, look at some of the other people in this organization who have had absolutely no success at all in their roles. The marketing and PR for this team are both absolutely embarrasing. This is something which should have been addressed years ago, yet people are still getting promotions and sitting comfortably in their roles. The amount of complacency that exists within this organization is sickening, especially considering we're one of the worst franchises in the league. I could understand Seattle being complacent, but I dont' understand how a franchise with this many issues isn't making more radical changes to their front office staff.
The sad part is Seattle, KC, RBNY and those teams aren't being complacent. We are horrid record wise, for the second straight year, and no one seems to have any idea how to fix it.
You can't solve all the problems, if you don't start with one of the problems. FIRE MIKE BURNS! then Kraft Out
“We feel like we have a number of forwards now that can play and compete for positions on the field,” Too bad they can't score goals “Over the next few weeks, we're going to look to add some depth in defense.” Really? late August after the MLS transfer window closed is the time to find quality defenders?
Roster freeze is August 27th. Can't wait till we hear about some of the great players coming in to fill the 3-5 roster spots that are open.
as we wait the next 4 weeks in hope that they wow us with a great signing, we will ultimately be shit on again
When they keep making the same mistakes (signing the wrong player, letting resources go unused, etc.), you can expect the same response from us.