Fire on Fox News Fox is running commercials for a story they are doing on The Fire during the news tonight. They had shots of section 8 from last Sunday during the commercial. Pretty cool!
Getting back on topic, why the hell are they airing it tonight? That does no good whatsoever -- the freakin' game will already be over. In other news news, WBBM radio apparently doesn't know or care that there's a game tonight. Bastards. Later, COZ (interviewed for said story, but still annoyed, and will be taping the game, thankyourverymuch)
My thoughts too. Non soccer fans might see the bit, think the Fire would be worth checking out only to discover the next home match is next year. Non soccer fans have short memory will then forget about it next year !!! Screwed by the media again
Can we maybe stick to the subject here? We're talking about Fire coverage on local WFLD Fox 32 News. You know, the station with such high minded in-depth features as "Does it work" or live opinion polls, often about any number of barely newsworthy issues. Well, anyway, stick to the subject
I dont care if the freakin Weekly Standard covers the Fire, almost any coverage is good. Besides, if Faux News covers the Fire, maybe we'll get more dittoheads to come to games. I would welcome the dittoheads into Section 8. While they're not exactly the most creative types and rarely come up with their own material, they do know how to sing loudly in unison if their leaders keep the chants simple enough.
Don't look at me, I get my news from The Daily Show, which is probably a better option than either of those two networks. Liam, maybe you could change the title to "Fox 32" or "Fox Chicago News at Nine" so as not to fan the flames. Later, COZ
gee Greddy, what happened to "celebrating diversity"? Does that only apply to someones sexual preferance and not their opinion? I dont think MLS, Big Soccer should exclude liberals or conservatives, we need all the fans we can get.
Jon Stewart is a hoot, much better than Kilbourn. "Faux News"...excellent. Anyone wants to continue the political debate, go to the off topic thread, which I have just bumped.
Just to continue making this about other things that the topic at hand, I don't think you can even compare the two. Stewart is great, but Kilborn's version was more straight unflinching parody than comedy, which was brilliant in it's own right. The original version of the show would never laugh at it's own jokes, and I loved that. And I mean "can't compare" as in "apples and oranges" rather than saying Kilby was better. I will say the original correspondents we a lot better, though. Later, COZ
Unelated discussion can now be found here:
You know, they could have said they were airing the segment on Friday night, knowing full well that the only people who would get mad if they didn't actually air the segment would be at the game, taping the game, or watching the game... So? Anyone? Bueller? Later, COZ
you realize that Jon Stewart was a pretty high level soccer player? Stewart, then Jon Liebowitz, played Div 1 for my alma mater, William and Mary.