Longing to see our LAG win some games, I jumped into my FIFA07 to play some games, but wanted the new kits. I did come across the new white kits online, but not the blue ones. I attempted to make some blue ones as seen in the photos below. Home/Away LAG Kit files (two BMPs): HERE -you'll need to unzip them. You'll also need FIFA07 2GK "KitRaptor" software to install them into your FIFA07 game. You can get it: HERE If you look around online (like FIFA Korea website) in the downloads FIFA07 section, you can also find LAG sideline adboards, of which you'll need to find an adboard importer program to upload them into your game. Or just wait until FIFA08 comes out soon. I know they have a nice playable demo with teams like AC Milan, Man U, NYRB, and a few other teams that are playable.
wow, impressive. you even made sure he had long sleeves. when is the realease date for the new game anyway?
Here is the website... http://fifa08.ea.com/us/ 08 Demo here (its like 480 mb): http://largedownloads.ea.com/pub/demos/Fifa/08/FIFA08_PC_Demo.exe Graphics getting even better. Gameplay very nice. My wife says Im wasting my time, but I like to play it once in a while in between my busy schedule. Im not really good, but, you know, I think Im good. Kinda like the Galaxy!
Man, is FIFA08 better than 07', I hope so. FIFA 07', the gameplay is sooooo slow. It's like every player is towing a sack of bricks, and shooting sucks, it's more chance than skill. Any feedback on the new one.
Eh, not to give a game review or anything, but Fifa games have been getting worse and worse. You would think since they spend all that money on league rights and such, they would do a better job and making the players look real, or make the players look like they actually look. Clint Dempsey with long hair, JPA with long hair. Plus they just throw 300% bloom on everything and call it a day. Almost impossible to tell players apart sometimes. Plus they are notoriously easy. Even on max difficulty. I give them a chance year after year and they disappoint me. Hopefully this years PES game is better, or I'll just keep playing PES 5 for another year. /review over