Ferdinand Drug test.

Discussion in 'Premier League: News and Analysis' started by kopkat, Oct 6, 2003.

  1. CrewToon

    CrewToon Member

    Jun 13, 1999
    Greenbrier Farm
    Actually, the FA should be lumped in there with everyone else just because its the FA.

    Frankly, I think its news when the FA doesn't do something that is not classified as utter stupidity.
  2. kopkat

    kopkat New Member

    Oct 1, 2003
    rio was told along with three other players at the finish of training that day he was to have a drug test
    he then got showered and chainged along with all the rest of the team and officials including the other three players
    is random drug testing so common that during this time in the changing room that no one mentioned it,
    did the other three players on leaving the changing room not ask rio if he was comming or did everyone not only rio forget ??
  3. thisisanfield

    thisisanfield New Member

    Oct 1, 2003
    In the end, whatever the facts, Rio is going to spend the rest of his career with a cloud hanging over him...

    It is perfectly acceptable to think that he went out the night before, did a couple of lines of coke, turned up for training, was told he was lined up for a drug test, buggered off as quick as he could, got a call from man utd later to let him know they had gone so he phoned and asked if he could have it now knowing he couldnt... he spent three days drinking water and pissing like a hose, and when he was clean redid the test...

    On the other hand, it was a genuine mistake and he shuldnt be punished..

    but hes always going to be tarred...

    From an additional point of view, some of the side effects of long term drug abuse... - speech problems, big red noses, paranoid schizophrenia, delusions, feelings of invicibility, and deteriorating looks... from the manager down, im starting to wonder if the whole man utd team should be tested on a daily basis..
  4. kopkat

    kopkat New Member

    Oct 1, 2003

    it all becomes clear
    this is why they sold luke chadwick and japp stam
  5. melwood

    melwood New Member

    Oct 4, 2003
    Agree with you. No excuse. And if the club or the manager supports him on this, then I say punish them both.

    Man.... what an excuse! He should have said he was pregnant...lol

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