Couldn't avoid seeing this story a few minutes ago on RTPi. The player is complaining of poor working conditions, and not being allowed to train with the team. Having to train alone during lunch time, and some others. The players union has come out in his support, and are requesting a contract annullment. Source: O pai e empresário de Bruno Moraes mostrou-se hoje desagradado com o facto de o avançado brasileiro estar a trabalhar à margem do plantel às ordens de Jesualdo Ferreira e já avançou com um pedido de apoio ao Sindicato de Jogadores no sentido de ser reintegrado. "Um jogador profissional como o Bruno não pode estar a treinar-se separado. Há um contrato assinado e não pode ser assim discriminado, por isso falámos com o Sindicato para que o Bruno possa ser reintegrado no plantel", afirmou Aluísio Moraes à Rádio Renascença. Apesar de garantir que não pretende "dar margem para que haja qualquer problema" e que vai esperar que "as coisas sejam bem encaminhadas", o pai do avançado portista admitiu a possibilidade de rescindir o contrato. "O Bruno é um trabalhador normal, logo, se o FC Porto quiser avançar para a rescisão, teremos de respeitar", concluiu. Data: Quinta-feira, 7 Fevereiro de 2008 - 16:40
he's back from a bad injury and according to Porto's medical staff needs some solo practices before he's even ready for group practices; bottom line is we all know Porto is playing tough ball for his comments at the end of last season. Nothing new here, Porto doesn't have to play him, loan him or sell him. I'm not saying what they're doing is right but Porto players will think twice before making their comments and feelings public thru the papers...
I'm sorry, but when you bring in politics or positions into a players career it only hurts the game. As a player I was always against it, and continue to do so. Players are humans, and entitled to their opinions. If management has a problem with it/him then release him. Not torture a player with unjust working atmospheres, it's not only unprofessional, but inhumane. So just as the shame on Sporting over the Iordanov situation, the same goes for Porto, only I consider this a little bit worse since were still talking about a active player, and just might be ending his career.
According to O Jogo B. Moraes has been back in practice with the rest of the team since this past Thursday. He is not registered to play anymore till the end of the season though: