Nantes veut Jean-Jacques Pierre 15/07/2005 Le FC Nantes a décidé de passer à l'offensive pour la venue du défenseur haïtien de Penarol, Jean-Jacques Pierre. Recommandé par Nestor Fabbri, Pierre est la priorité défensive des Canaris. Fabbri est d'ailleurs très impliqué dans ce dossier, puisque c'est lui qui gère les relations entre Pierre, Penarol et Nantes. Le club uruguayen est vendeur, mais le FCNA devra faire vite pour éviter de se faire souffler le joueur. "Les dirigeants nantais m'ont dit qu'ils voulaient Jean-Jacques à tout prix", a expliqué Fabbri. "J'espère le bloquer jusqu'à la fin de la semaine. Mais après, Penarol voudra le vendre et Nantes se fera doubler", a averti l'Argentin. Agé de 24 ans, Pierre constituerait selon Fabbri le renfort idéal pour la défense nantaise. "C'est un jeune joueur, vif et rapide. Ce serait vraiment une très belle acquisition", a-t-il déclaré. English Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pierre 15/07/2005 FC Nantes decided to pass to the (or look for offence) offensive for the arrival of the Haitian defender of Penarol, Jean-Jacques Pierre. Recommended by Nestor Fabbri, Pierre is the defensive priority of the Canaries. Fabbri besides is very implied in this file (involve in this project), since it is him which manages the relations between Pierre, Penarol and Nantes. The Uruguyan club is a salesman (wants to sales), but the FCNA will have to make quickly to avoid being made blow (disregard) the player. "the Nantes leaders said to me that they wanted Jean-Jacques at all costs", explained Fabbri. "I hope to block (resolve) it until the weekend. But afterwards, Penarol will want to sell it and Nantes will be made (pay) double ", the Argentinian one informed. 24 years old, Pierre would constitute according to Fabbri the ideal reinforcement for Nantes defense. "It is a young player, sharp and fast. It would be really a very beautiful acquisition ", it declared
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Guys! Jean Jacques Pierre has some troubles with penarol and want to leave the club. In Practice on last thursday, he was marking the captain of Penarol Gabriel Cedres who was not happy and punch Pierre in the face.It seems this Cedres is a racist and usually has this kind of problems with foreign players of Penarol squad. Pierre who was invited at a radio show talked about the "agression"and say that in those conditions cannot continue with Penarol.Morena, the coach of Penarol sentenced Cedres and since yersterday sentenced also Pierre because he revealed the matter publicly( the Penarol administration was not happy).Penarol traveled to Brasil yesteday to play against Gremio(they lost 1-0)without Pierre and Cedres.The Penarol staff accepts that he can leave if he wants and they also accept to reduce the amount they ask before (700000euros) in order to allow him to go.Now, i don't know what his agents decide if it still gonna be Nantes or an other club. jorge Castelli , ex Coach of the national team and who is coaching a club in Argentina that just moved to 1rst division" Tiro Federal" ask him to come but i don't know what's gonna happen.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Message posted by MetroChile in BigSoccer forum: Speaking of Haitians abroad, Pierre (Penarol) has been linked with a move to Tiro Federal (Argentina), by Fox Sports Noticias. The interest of the team could be helped by the fact that TF is coached Jorge Castelli, who was in charge of Haiti's NT a few years back.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Nantes would be a much better move for him.
Nacional de Montevideo's Suarez, left and Penarol's Pierre battle for the ball during the second match of the Teresa Herera summer soccer tournament in A Coruna, Spain Sunday Aug. 14, 2005. National won the game 3-1.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Transfert - Nantes relance le défenseur haïtien Jean-Jacques Pierre jeu 18 aou, 22h08 NANTES, 18 août 2005 (AFP) - - Le directeur sportif nantais Robert Budzynski a été dépêché en Espagne pour rencontrer le défenseur haïtien de Penarol (1re div. uruguayenne) Jean-Jacques Pierre, en stage avec son équipe dans la péninsule ibérique, a-t-on appris jeudi auprès du FCNA. Les premiers contacts entre le club et le FCNA datent de mai 2005. Le joueur n'est pas libre et le montant de son transfert est estimé à 1 million d'euros, selon des sources dans l'entourage du FCNA. Les droits du joueurs appartiennent à hauteur de 40 % à son club et à 60 % à une société, dont un des représentant est l'Argentin Nestor Fabbri, ancien libero vedette de Nantes. Ce jeune défenseur polyvalent nous intéresse, mais il fait partie des joueurs que nous avons supervisés sans avoir encore engagé la moindre négociation avec son club", avait indiqué M. Budzynski le 18 mai à l'AFP, au moment des premiers contacts. Le FCNA cherche un défenseur central, car le club s'interroge "sur la capacité à enchaîner les matches de Mauro Cetto", selon l'entraîneur Serge Le Dizet. Le défenseur argentin est en effet soumis à un régime particulier en raison d'articulations fragiles. English Transfer - Nantes starts again the Haitian defender Jean-Jacques Pierre play 18 aou, 22h08 NANTES, August 18, 2005 (AFP) - - the sporting director Nantes Robert Budzynski was dispatched in Spain to meet the Haitian defender of Penarol (1st div. Uruguyan) Jean-Jacques Pierre, in training course with its team in the Iberian peninsula, one learned Thursday at the FCNA. The first contacts between the club and the FCNA go back to May 2005. The player is not free and the amount of its transfer is estimated at 1 million euros, according to sources in the entourage of the FCNA. The rights of the players belong to height of 40 % to its club and 60 % to a company, one of the representative is the Argentinian Nestor Fabbri, old libero high-speed motorboat of Nantes. This young general-purpose defender interests us, but it forms part of the players that we supervised without to have still entered into the least negociation with its club ", M had indicated. Budzynski on May 18 with AFP, at the moment of the first contacts. The FCNA seeks a central defender, because the club wonders "about the capacity to connect the matches of Mauro Cetto", according to the Serge trainer Dizet. The Argentinian defender is indeed subjected to a particular mode because of fragile articulations.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi l really would be hoping Pierre stays with Los Aurinegros, he's been pretty good in the Copa Libertadores. l doubt Nantes could match the offer, but they seem very persistent in trying to get him.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Transfert - "Tout est réglé" pour l'Haïtien Pierre, pas encore à Nantes sam 20 aou, 21h27 NANTES, 20 août 2005 (AFP) - - Nantes (L1 de football) a affirmé samedi avoir réglé les détails de l'éventuel transfert pour trois ans du défenseur haïtien de Penarol (1re div. uruguayenne) Jean-Jacques Pierre, actuellement en stage avec son équipe en Espagne, mais qui n'a pas encore signé son contrat. "Tout est réglé", a assuré l'ancien président nantais Jean-Luc Gripond (écarté de la direction mais toujours dans l'organigramme du FCNA) en charge des négociations. La direction nantaise attendrait le feu vert final de l'entraîneur Serge Le Dizet, qui ne devrait pas s'opposer à cette arrivée possible, selon des sources proches du club nantais. Les premiers contacts entre le club de Penarol et le FCNA datent de mai 2005. L'Haïtien n'est pas libre et le montant de son transfert est estimé à 1 million d'euros, selon des sources dans l'entourage du FCNA. Les droits du joueurs sont dispersés entre son club actuel (40%), son club formateur (20%) et différents manageurs - dont l'Argentin Nestor Fabbri, ancien libero vedette de Nantes désormais agent de joueurs - qui se partagent les 40% restant. Le FCNA cherche un défenseur central, car "la capacité à enchaîner les matches de Mauro Cetto" est mise en doute par l'entraîneur Serge Le Dizet. Le défenseur argentin est en effet soumis à un régime particulier en raison d'articulations fragiles. English Transfer - "All is regulated" for the Pierre Haitian, not yet in Nantes Saturday 20th August 21h27 NANTES, August 20, 2005 (AFP) – - Nantes (L1 of football) affirmed Saturday to have regulated the details of the possible transfer for three years of the Haitian defender of Penarol (1st div. Uruguayan) Jean-Jacques Pierre, currently in training course with its team in Spain, but which did not sign its contract yet. "All is regulated", ensured former Nantes president Jean-Luc Gripond (isolated of the direction but always in the flow chart of the FCNA) in load of the negotiations. The Nantes direction would await the final green light of the trainer Serge Dizet, who should not be opposed to this possible arrival, according to sources close to the Nantes club. (Publicity) The first contacts between the club of Penarol and the FCNA go back to May 2005. The Haitian is not free and the amount of its transfer is estimated at 1 million euros, according to sources in the entourage of the FCNA. The rights of the players are dispersed between his current club (40%), its formative club (20%) and various managers - of which the Argentinean Nestor Fabbri, old libero high-speed motorboat of Nantes from now on agent of players- who share the 40% remainder. The FCNA seeks a central defender, because "the capacity to connect the matches of Mauro Cetto" is questioned by the Serge trainer Dizet. The Argentinean defender is indeed subjected to a particular mode because of fragile articulations.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Transfert - Nantes ne doit pas "prendre pour prendre", selon Le Dizet dim 21 aou, 13h39 NANTES, 21 août (AFP) - - L'entraîneur de Nantes (L1 de football), Serge Le Dizet, a estimé dimanche qu'il ne fallait pas "prendre pour prendre" sur le marché des transferts, renvoyant la balle à ses dirigeants concernant Javier Portillo et Jean-Jacques Pierre, deux recrues possibles. "Moi, je suis entraîneur, pas responsable du recrutement, je ne gère pas ça, a expliqué le technicien à la presse. Allez voir le président, je me suis trop dispersé, il faut que je me focalise sur mon équipe". "Pour le recrutement, il faut anticiper, on est à une semaine de la fin du mercato, mais ce n'est pas pour ça qu'il faut prendre pour prendre", a encore ajouté Le Dizet, annonçant qu'il ne s'exprimerait plus sur le mercato (Tournament). Nantes a approché l'attaquant espagnol Javier Portillo (Real Madrid/1re div. espagnole), dans l'optique d'un prêt, et le défenseur haïtien de Penarol (1re div. uruguayenne) Jean-Jacques Pierre, dans l'éventualité d'un transfert de trois ans. Le président nantais Rudi Roussillon avait indiqué samedi concernant Portillo que "tout est fonction de la décision de Serge Le Dizet". Or l'Espagnol n'est pas le premier choix du technicien nantais, qui désirait l'attaquant kenyan Dennis Oliech (Al Arabi/élite du Qatar). Robert Budzynski, directeur sportif nantais (encore à son poste avant l'arrivée de Japhet Ndoram), s'est refusé à tout commentaire sur Portillo. "Bud" a en revanche reconnu avoir supervisé Pierre, en amical avec Penarol en Espagne: "il a fait un match correct, sans plus, c'est une belle plante". English Transfer - Nantes should not "take to take" (Should not take, just to take) according to Dizet dim 21 aou, 13h39 NANTES, August 21 (AFP) - - the trainer of Nantes (L1 of football), Serge Dizet, Sunday estimated that one did not have "to take to take" on the market of the transfers, returning the ball with its leaders concerning Javier Portillo and Jean-Jacques Pierre, two possible recruits. "Me, I am a trainer, not responsible for recruitment, I do not manage that, explained the technician with the press. See the president, I dispersed too much, it is necessary that I focus myself on my team ". "For recruitment, it is necessary to anticipate, one is at one week of the end of the mercato, but it is not for that that it is necessary to take to take ", still Dizet added, announcing that it would not be expressed any more on the mercato (Tournament). Nantes approached the Spanish attacker Javier Portillo (RealMadrid/1re div. Spanish), in the optics of a loan, and the Haitian defender of Penarol (1st div. Uruguyan) Jean-Jacques Pierre, in the possibility of a three years transfer. Nantes president Rudi Roussillon had indicated Saturday relating to Portillo that "all of the decision of Serge Dizet is a function". However the Spaniard is not the first choice of the Nantes technician, who wished the Kenyan attacker Dennis Oliech (Al Arabi/elite of Qatar). Robert Budzynski, Nantes sporting director (still at its station before the arrival of Japhet Ndoram), refused with any comment on Portillo. "Bud" on the other hand admitted having supervised Pierre, into friendly with Penarol in Spain: "it made a correct match, without more, it is a beautiful plant ".
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Transfert - Portillo, du Real, attend une réponse de Nantes lundi dim 21 aou, 21h43 NANTES, 21 août 2005 (AFP) - - L'attaquant espagnol Javier Portillo (Real Madrid/1re div. espagnole) attend lundi une réponse de Nantes (L1 de football), qui réfléchit toujours sur l'acquisition de ce joueur dans le cadre d'un prêt, a indiqué dimanche l'agent du joueur Hermino Menendez. "Le président de Nantes Rudi Roussillon doit me téléphoner lundi pour me dire si tout est réglé, auquel cas le joueur pourrait arriver dès mardi", a expliqué le conseil du joueur, interrogé par un correspondant de l'AFP. Mais au FCNA les discours divergent. M. Roussillon a assuré dimanche que c'est à l'entraîneur nantais Serge Le Dizet de décider s'il veut ou non de ce joueur: "libre à Serge de choisir, je le soutiendrais, il n'y a aucune volonté de lui imposer ce choix". Or Le Dizet a renvoyé la balle dans le camp de ses dirigeants. "Moi, je suis entraîneur, pas responsable du recrutement, je ne gère pas ça", a indiqué le technicien, glissant au passage "qu'il ne faut pas prendre pour prendre", sous prétexte que le mercato "se termine dans une semaine". Portillo n'est pas le premier choix du technicien nantais, qui désirait l'attaquant kenyan Dennis Oliech (Al Arabi/élite du Qatar). Mais bizarrement, le défenseur haïtien Jean-Jacques Pierre (Penarol/1re div. uruguayenne), qui faisait partie des joueurs suivis par Le Dizet, se retrouve lui aussi dans l'expectative, après avoir été approché pour un éventuel transfert de 3 ans au FCNA. English Transfer - Portillo, of Real, a response (wait for) of Nantes Monday dim 21 aou awaits, 21h43 NANTES, August 21, 2005 (AFP) - - the Spanish attacker Javier Portillo(Real Madrid/1re div. Spanish) Monday a response of Nantes (L1 of football) waits, who always reflects on the acquisition of this player within the framework of a loan, Sunday the agent of the player Hermino Menendez indicated. "the president of Nantes Rudi Roussillon must telephone Monday to me to say himself if all is regulated, in which case the player could arrive as of Tuesday ", explained the council of the player, questioned by a correspondent of AFP. But with the FCNA the speeches diverge. M. Roussillon ensured Sunday that is to the Nantes trainer Serge Dizet to decide if he wants or not EC player: "free in Serge to choose, I would support it, there is no will to impose this choice to him ". However Dizet returned the ball in the camp of its leaders. "Me, I am a trainer, not responsible for recruitment, I do not manage that ", the technician indicated, slipping with the passage "that should not be taken to take", under pretext that the mercato "finishes in one week". Portillo is not the first choice of the Nantes technician, who wished the Kenyan attacker Dennis Oliech (Al Arabi/elite of Qatar). But oddly, the Haitian defender Jean-Jacques Pierre (Penarol/1re div. Uruguyan), who formed part of the players followed by Dizet, it in the expectancy is also found, after having been approximate for possible a 3 years transfer to the FCNA.
I did not know where to post this, but oh well I guess we could add it in here. I am looking to start a thread on Haitians playing abroad, I guess I could give it a go here (note:I am including players that play for other NTs with Haitian Blood, players that have not yet declared who they are going to play for as well). Let'see -Jean Beausejour, half Araucano (Chilean indigenous race) half Haitian, has played for Chile; currently with Beveren (Belgium). -Oliver Occean, canadian-born I believe; has played for Canada if I am not mistaken currently with Odd Greenland (Denmark, correct me if I am wrong). -Jean Baptiste, canadian-born (I think he was playing in the A-League with the Battery, no?) -Josue Mayard, another canadian-born Haitian (I read somewhere that he left to play in Portugal). -Josmer Altidore, just drafted by the Metros; plays for US U-17s. -Fabrice Noel, currently with the Colorado Rapids. -JP Peguero, currently with the Colorado Rapids. -Pierre, I loved this guy when I watched Penarol (as a matter of fact he was the only player I liked as I am not too fond of uruguayan teams); precisely on this thread it was reported he could be going to Nantes; I lost track of him, and I also remember that he had a chance to play for Tiro Federal in Arg. when it was coached by J. Castelli (same chap who coached Haiti a few years back). -Fucien, played for Cobreloa, and then left for Zaragoza's B team. I checked out both their 1st and reserve squads, and he is on neither one which makes one assume he has left. -Johnny Descollines, plays in El Salvador I think (not sure? Someone please confirm or deny? -Velten: funny story how I found out about this guy. Last year I was playing WE 8 (the video game), and I came across him while using one of the NEtherlands's smaller clubs (I want to say it was Utrecht but I can't exactly remember); I did some poking around and he was born in Port-au-Prince. I hope to add more in the future. Metro
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Alexandre Bouciccaut - Playing for Colorado Rapids Reserve Squad Stephane Guillaume - Just sign this week with Miami FC - USL First Division Jerrod Laventure - Playing in NY/NJ Metrostars Reserve Squad Johnny "X" Exantus - Playing for NY/NJ MetroStars Development League .. Ricardo Pierre-Louis - Playing at Lee University in Tenesse .. Neremie Doronvil - Playing at Lee University in Tenesse Check dedicated to Haitian soccer around the world.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Hey Thanks! -There is also one guy that was like the best HS player in Florida (maybe that's Guillaume)? -Last summer I played against a Haitian U20 player during the summer. I think he was playing with the Metros Reserve at the time.. -Felix Brilliant, canadian-born; he was with the Revs, I do not know where he is now (I assume he could be playing in the USL). -Pierre is with Nantes.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi I just found out. -Tim Velten played for FC Twente last year (one game, actually against Feyenoord); born in Port-au-Prince; do not know his allegiance yet.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Felix Brillian has already play for the Canadian National Team Jean-Jacques Pierre maybe in Trouble in FC Nantes ... He may or their trying to get ride of him . in french
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Is Haiti playing any international friendlies anytime soon? I would think it might be a good idea to divert the attention off domestic problems.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Haitian U-20 or 21 club is getting ready to play on Concacaf Qualification against Trinidad and Dominica ....around March 29 thru April 4 ... As fare as the Haitian NT .... I don't beleive any game has been schedule ....
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi yeah it's the u-21 team that will be in qualifications for the Central American & Caribbean Games later this year. speaking of the Haitian select teams, when does olympic qualifying begin? I guess the national team has to wait for either qualifications for the gold cup 2007 or world cup 2010 to begin but i definitely like their chances of qualifying in the digicel cup.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi Oh right.. forgot about that. Haiti plays T&T on April 4th in Trinidad, will probably go to that game.
Re: FC Nantes veut Haitian Jean-Jacques Pierre ...... FC Nantes wants Jean-Jacques Pi They need to get a coach ... First thing First .... Right Now,Carlo Marcelin is the Haitian NT coach ... I have reservation about that.... Second, We don't even know the make-up of the team or who the players are? Third, The Last time the NT play a FIFA sponsor games was a year ago (February 3, 2005) against Guatemala in Ft Lauderdale which they lost 2-1 ..