FARINELLA: What rivalry? "I don't include Major League Soccer in this brief comparison because I don't really care about anything in that league. But again, it's not like those teams actually play in Boston or New York. " Granted he didn't include Major League Soccer in his brief comaparison, because he doesn't care. But he Did include Major League Soccer, and that might already be good. I might even think that he cares, he has to remind himself and his readers that he doesn't care, so he and his readers shouldn't care about that annoying little league that is growing over there, I mean everywhere. He doesn't care, then select the parograph and delete it. Did he leave it there so MLS fan should write him, telling him he is a basher, and perhaps his email count will jump "sky-high" thus telling and licking his boss' ass, that he's such a popular writer? Perhaps he is, and perhaps this is just me especulating and being sore because the man doesn't like my league and my game. Or it's this Sunday morning's coffee kicking in.
The Giants and the Revs play in exactly the same stadiums that the Red Bulls and the Pats play in. If MLS "doesn't actually play in Boston or New York," then neither does the NFL. I don't think his childish little Jim Rome wannabe line about MLS is at all insulting when it comes from someone as completely ignorant as that. Forget it.
Actually, I don't mind the statement at all. If you read it in context of the article you see that he's trying to dismiss all rivalries between the two cities. He has different reasons for doing so in each sport and his reason for MLS is that he doesn't care about the league. No biggie. Though it is ironic that he says "I don't include MLS" when in fact he is including them. There are other sports leagues with teams in Boston and New York and he didn't take the time to say that he didn't care about them.
A few years ago, I woulda come on here and typed" Yeah, well at least he mentioned MLS at all!!!!" and been happy. Now, I don't care about guys like this. Their loss, and they are ridiculous for pretending no one cares. I am too busy enjoying MLS way too much to give a rip anymore what people like this think. I know at my place of employ here in LA, NO ONE under 30 bashes MLS anymore. No one!
As a NYer, I hate those Ma$$hole Revfans. It will be fun watching Kraft lose another Final next Sunday.
Using his logic, perhaps we shouldn't care because he writes for the Sun-Chronicle. If he was the Herald or the Globe, perhaps then we should give it more than a moment's thought...
Are these kinds of articles really "News", and are we still so insecure that we need to "Analyze" them? We've moved past the point where people start threads every time they see an MLS jersey/poster/hat on a television show or in a movie. Can we please move past the point where every time a non-soccer columnist makes the mere mention of MLS?
That's a good question. People clearly still want to talk about "soccer shoutouts and soccer bashes," but I'm kinda thinking it's a bad fit here, too. Let me know what you guys think. -- At any rate, one thing we do learn from pieces like these is the extent to which the league's standing in the media is hurt by the lack of visibility of its New York franchise. At some point, NYRB is bound to do some version of what the Galaxy has done (probably when the stadium opens), and when that happens the other shoe is going to drop for the league as a whole.
Funny thing about that is, while I think putting a team in Queens would be a great, great, greatgreatgreat idea, failing that the most plausible option is Nassau County, which wouldn't technically be NYC either.
Do you hate the armpit hair of Mass that is my lovely state too? I need some vitriol tea to wash down my perfect season sandwich.
I went to Hofstra which is near where such a team would play. If you think that New Yorkers don't get out to Jersey all that often, Nassau County is much worse.
My answer to Stan is evidenced by the forum switch. The only surprising thing is that Farinella addressed his non-addressing of MLS at all. Makes little sense except as designed to generate a load of irate responses from MLS fans. So don't.
He does mention it: As for his "I don't care about MLS" line, the word "care" sounds a lot better to his readers than the word "know."
My personal opinion is neither team would need to draw much from Manhattan. North Jersey (about 3 million people) and Long Island (7.5 Million on the whole island, probably a good 5 million in the area) are both big enough to support MLS teams.
Yea yea yea, your just green with envy because your gang never win anything--NOTHING ! The Revs at least have 4 ECC pieces of Crystal and the 2007 USOC Trophy.
Your sentence skills are a testament to the quality of your state's educational system. Actually, our gang won in '72, '77, '78, '80 & '82. If the rest of North America's soccer establishment didn't harbor such resentment for those successes, we wouldn't have had to endure the karmic retribution that is MLS's version of parity.
Point taken. I promise myself not to unearth this kind of jewels anymore. Even if the Sunday morning seems boring and there is nobody on line.