What's going down everybody? It's that time of year again. Fantasy Premier League 2012. Let's do this thing and be sure to invite other hangooks! The code to join the league is: 882325-227622 I designed the poster. I hope ya'll appreciate it. KJC, KSY, aren't in the league but they 'might' be. LCY is in there because he is BOSS. I'm sure you guys don't mind, enjoy. If you are new to FPL... Go to http://fantasy.premierleague.com Register, name your team, design your kit, and create your squad. After you complete that, click on 'LEAGUES' and input the code 882325-227622. You should be good to go. If you have any questions message me or comment on the thread. SPREAD THE WORD! Goodluck shibal! 'click to enlarge'
Damn, I might have to play my wildcard already. I'm off to a terrible start, even when my guys are on the team of the week - I left them on the bench. Waiting for Ki to be assigned to Swansea...
I wouldnt use the wildcard its only week 3. We have atleast 33 weeks to go, also international and other league cup breaks.
first week i benched michu who was top player for mark noble and jaskelaainen and cuellar who both had clean sheets for negative scoring qpr defense green and fabio. second week i was ruminating between switching mata out for kagawa and keepin torres or switching torres out for rooney and keeping mata. i switched out torres for rooney. torres is a high scorer and kagawa scores a goal. i also captained rooney who just happens to get a portal to a new dimension opened through his thigh. lost 50 points so far. im an idiot.
I'll see that & put JDW, PJS, & KSY all in the starting lineup. If Bolton didn't go down I'd have 4 Koreans suiting up.
just like to remind evryone that i'm winning. not that anyone seems to care. edit: oh and you can buy yun suk young now. any takers?