Fantasy League [NRR]

Discussion in 'Colorado Rapids' started by TheDoc, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. TheDoc

    TheDoc Member

    Aug 17, 2007
    Tucson, AZ
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I dont know if anyone does this every year or anything, so I apologize if I am stepping on anyones toes.

    I never have done a fantasy MLS League. Are there any worth looking into? If so, does anyone wat to do a Rapids fans private league?
  2. deron

    deron New Member

    Jul 25, 2006
    Centennial, CO
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    I've ran a private league on mfls for the last couple of years. I'd be tickled if someone else would do it this year.

    I think all the fantasy leagues suffer from the fact that the winner seems to be clear by about May 30th.
  3. GoRapids

    GoRapids Member

    Sep 1, 1999
    Boulder CO
    I'm not a big fan of how soccer leagues work ... I like trading and picking up players others drop and such - more like baseball and hockey
  4. The British Bulldog is working on a MLS Fantasy League for this season. Check with Isaac the next time you are there.
  5. deron

    deron New Member

    Jul 25, 2006
    Centennial, CO
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    What? And, did you say the Rapids are providing two season tickets to the winner?
  6. prk166

    prk166 BigSoccer Supporter

    Aug 8, 2000
    Med City
    FYP ;)

    we should talk
  7. NL1NateDogg

    NL1NateDogg New Member

    Jan 7, 2008

    Down with it, and in as well... Money league with prizes?...:cool:
  8. deron

    deron New Member

    Jul 25, 2006
    Centennial, CO
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Great, I hope Mark wins.
  9. RedFive

    RedFive Member

    Jul 8, 2006
    Salt Lake City
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'm a big fan of fantasy sports games, but i really dont like the way MFLS is set up so that a player is not exclusive to just one team. Either way I will still play.
  10. GoRapids

    GoRapids Member

    Sep 1, 1999
    Boulder CO
    :D I will turn them into doctors, presidents, soccer players, CEOs, & Firefighters!
  11. Daminada

    Daminada New Member

    Apr 10, 2007
    Ya, those fantasy leagues are kind of lame. If somebody puts one together where there is a draft, a player is only available to one team etc.. then I would be interested.
  12. Riccardo55

    Riccardo55 Member+

    Mar 11, 2001
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    As winner of one of the Fantasy Leagues last year, do I get Free Season Tickets???Really???

    Next, having played the MLS and the EPL leagues for year, winning three times, and having strong finishes about half the time, I disagree with the "over by May" theory although in the Salary Cap leagues, a few good undervalued players will make one too strong to catch some years.

    I truely agree that early bad breaks can put one so far behind that you just forget about it and don't even check your team. I have been guilty of that in the past. SOme leagues run a "Tournement" in the last part of the year. One year I was in the bottom half of the table but came in second in the Tourny, losing by one point. This included a hilarious "0 points beats -2 points" victory when I was matched with another team that held many of the same player, and they all sucked that week.

    This year I had a good month in EPL and went from Mid-pack to first, but then had a few butthead weeks and am back to 7-10 out of like 30. You can go up and down. I have not given up as if Ronaldo get's hurt I could still win. (He has been KILLING me). Watch out Deron's Blunderers!

    Riccardo55 "Vertigo"

    Deron, I will do it if you don't want to....I think that the winner each year should run the next year so it rotates. Makes coming in Second the "best" finish.
  13. deron

    deron New Member

    Jul 25, 2006
    Centennial, CO
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    That would be great Riccardo.

    I still like MFLS, but largely because of the cup tournaments.

    Count me in if anyone wants to do a draft type deal. If that is done how is tracking handled? Can you just use the stats compiled by one of the online systems?
  14. GreatZar

    GreatZar Member

    Colorado Rapids
    United States
    Mar 29, 1999
    Denver, CO, USA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I would be happy to run a draft league. Use and then limit who you can pick-up from our own list of available players. A draft can be accomplished quickly via IRC chat (everyone download Pidgin from -- Mac users get Adium at ) so we all don't have to meet for the draft (I know a bunch of us are spread out all over the metro area 20-40 miles apart).

    If you make an illegal trade, you have to bench your highest point players for a week.

    How's that sound?
  15. JasonMa

    JasonMa Member+

    Mar 20, 2000
    Arvada, CO
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    If you aren't working with the MFLS salary cap rules you might get into a situation where you draft players that you can't get onto your team in the MFLS system.
  16. deron

    deron New Member

    Jul 25, 2006
    Centennial, CO
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I was thinking that you could use MFLS just for tracking the returns. You wouldn't have to even have a team for that, as you can look up player performance.

    You could set up a spreadsheet using google aps, which is easily shared among the users and tracks all the changes and who made them. It seems to me that you could fill in results by rotation, let someone else double check. Or, is that too complicated?
  17. GreatZar

    GreatZar Member

    Colorado Rapids
    United States
    Mar 29, 1999
    Denver, CO, USA
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well, during the draft, each player would select the player "live" in either MFLS or Yahoo! using their cap rules.
  18. Riccardo55

    Riccardo55 Member+

    Mar 11, 2001
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    You may recall we did this with, like 8 people, for someone's beta version and it took a few days for everyone to respond (work gets in the way, golly). No reason we couldn't take a week. I am OK with either the MFLS or Yahoo.

  19. deron

    deron New Member

    Jul 25, 2006
    Centennial, CO
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    When I think about it, a draft where there are no co-owned players shouldn't be too hard to stay under the salary cap of MFLS.

    Hasn't Yahoo's game gone bye-bye?

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