Just wondering if anyone has any info on the location of any club Fan shops in Parma. I'm traveling there second weekend in Feb., and would like buy a shirt, scarf, what have you. (Would also like to attend the game v. Milan the same weekend, but am having trouble figuring out how to try to buy tix.). In any case, sorry to take up space here, but any help would be much appreciated. Also sorry if this is the wrong place for this!
FC Parma official store is in downtown Parma, via Mameli 9/c. Tickets, you can either get them at the stadium ticket shop (not on gameday), on www.ticketone.it (I think they aren't on sale yet...I could only find those for Parma-Atalanta) and, apparently, at bar/tabaccheria crocetta (Via Emilia Ovest 36/B, open all day except sunday). I strongly suggest you either try online or go to the stadium...I think though the game may be sold out (plus, Tardini is known for being expensive...curva tickets start at 25 euros). Keep an eye on this page (http://www.fcparma.com/it/ricercaNews.aspx ) to see when tickets go on sale and when the stadium ticket shop will be open.