Famous person is dead. R.I.P. [R]

Discussion in 'Movies, TV and Music' started by That Phat Hat, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Nacional Tijuana

    Nacional Tijuana St. Louis City

    St. Louis City SC
    May 6, 2003
    San Diego, Calif.
    Seattle Sounders
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    song219 and superdave repped this.
  2. taosjohn

    taosjohn Member+

    Dec 23, 2004
    "Goodbye Jumbo" was my album of the year for 1990. "Private Revolution" was a nominee in 1987.

    song219 repped this.
  3. TheJoeGreene

    TheJoeGreene Member+

    Aug 19, 2012
    The Lubbock Texas
    DC United
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  4. Goodsport

    Goodsport Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 18, 1999
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  5. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    That’s pretty high praise. I had both of them, and I love that sound they were going for, and wouldn’t rate them that high. But it’s all subjective.

    The Waterboys with him was IMO peak Waterboys.
  6. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Fiorentina's general manager Joe Barone has passed away. Aged 57

    "All of Fiorentina are destroyed by the terrible loss of a man who offered his great professionalism, his heart and his passion for these colors."

    RIP, Joe. [​IMG][​IMG]

  7. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    When I read this, I had forgotten about the song about him. But I’m listening to Dramarama’s greatest hits record and it’s on there and I remembered

    Len repped this.
  8. Nacional Tijuana

    Nacional Tijuana St. Louis City

    St. Louis City SC
    May 6, 2003
    San Diego, Calif.
    Seattle Sounders
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  9. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
  10. TheJoeGreene

    TheJoeGreene Member+

    Aug 19, 2012
    The Lubbock Texas
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
  11. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  12. Len

    Len Member+

    Club: Dallas Tornado
    Jan 18, 1999
    Everywhere and Nowhere.....I'm the wind, baby.
    Clarence "Frogman" Henry - 87 (March 19, 1937 - April 7, 2024)

    unclesox and song219 repped this.
  13. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
  14. TheJoeGreene

    TheJoeGreene Member+

    Aug 19, 2012
    The Lubbock Texas
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    My favorite OJ moment of all time, about 1:10 into the promo.

    This is the debut promo for "The Gangstas" in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, the last of the southern territories where the top babyface at the time was Tracey Smothers who wore a jacket to the ring with the rebel flag on it.

    Len repped this.
  15. taosjohn

    taosjohn Member+

    Dec 23, 2004
    Trina Perlson Robbins, 84, stroke.

    Seamstress to rock stars and originator of comic books with powerful female protagonists.

    She was a Lady of the Canyon:

    "Trina wears her wampum beads

    She fills her drawing book with line

    Sewing lace on widow’s weeds

    And filigree on leaf and vine."

    TimB4Last and Dr. Wankler repped this.
  16. TheJoeGreene

    TheJoeGreene Member+

    Aug 19, 2012
    The Lubbock Texas
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Dr. Wankler, superdave, Len and 2 others repped this.
  17. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    One of the greats, almost certainly underrated because he managed in Missouri and not NYC or Boston or LA.
    Dr. Wankler repped this.
  18. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    Len, Dr. Wankler and taosjohn repped this.
  19. Roger Allaway

    Roger Allaway Member+

    Apr 22, 2009
    Warminster, Pa.
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Read about Erskine in Roger Kahn's "The Boys of Summer". Erskine was a great, great person, the best person among those 1950s Dodgers and maybe the best in all of baseball.
    Dr. Wankler and TheJoeGreene repped this.
  20. Len

    Len Member+

    Club: Dallas Tornado
    Jan 18, 1999
    Everywhere and Nowhere.....I'm the wind, baby.
    Forrest Richard Betts - 80 (December 12, 1943 – April 18, 2024)

  21. falvo

    falvo Member+

    Mar 27, 2005
    San Jose & Florence
    San Jose Earthquakes
    Nat'l Team:
    In Memorial of Roman Gabriel.

    Gabriel, former NCST QB and NFL MVP, dies at 83

  22. Dr. Wankler

    Dr. Wankler Member+

    May 2, 2001
    The Electric City
    Chicago Fire
    One of the best QBs not in the Pro Footnall HoF
    SetPeace, TimB4Last and Auriaprottu repped this.
  23. taosjohn

    taosjohn Member+

    Dec 23, 2004
    But please, let's not start a lobby; let's let him just be what he was-- a tremendously enjoyable player to watch, one who left a mark on his era. Let's not make him yet another notch on the inflation of the position. It is bad enough that Stabler is in, that we'll have serious arguments about Eli- let us not keep mining the past or we'll have every Clements, Shiner and Theofiledes in before ya know it...
    superdave and Dr. Wankler repped this.
  24. Auriaprottu

    Auriaprottu Member+

    Atlanta Damn United
    Apr 1, 2002
    The back of the bus
    Nat'l Team:
    I'll take your word- I remember watching him a bit, but I was waaay too young to know about the sport. His name stood out.

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