they had to wear the masks going in because insurgents never wash. It is an improvment when they die they smell better just like the french
Victims of the War on Terror. Unfortunately, there are civilian casualties in any war. Our soldiers are doing a tremendous job limiting the damage and succeeding in their mission.
The Invasion of Iraq was not about the War on Terror. Saddam is a bad man. That is why we invaded. They are victims of the War on Saddam.
Well, except for the succeeding part. Headline at the WaPo page is about us having to re-take Mosul. Apparently, 80% of the police there fled when the insurgents rose up.
No need to dance around the issues, Ian. I agree with you that ironic as it may seem, the military seems to try a "cleaner" war than usual. But, then again, it is also ironic that someone could be charged with murder during a war. But hey, you think since these wars are needed, necessary, shouldn't we see what is being done in our name? I know you get the Michigan Militia jokes around here, but just let me tap your true patriotic heart here and assume that you would never give carte blanche (too French, think blank check) to the government and hope father Bush knows best. We need to keep tabs on these sort of things. I could agree that the website may be trying to sensationalize the war, but don't the pictures speak for themselves anyway? How about a NO SPIN WARZONE? I was thinking to myself that I wouldn't turn this thread into yet another war for/against, war pro/con diatribe, but get back to the pictures. Should we be allowed to see them? I know this is verybdog's own stash of war-porn, but we can't limit ourselves to the roses. I mean, seriously now, when these soldiers come back (many to most of them just kids, young men to me) will these images go away from their minds, too, just because they don't care see them? It's not like the VA will get the funds needed or focus to treat these "silent" victims let alone the physical victims. But for you, I guess, close your eyes and it will all go away. Too bad the government didn't issue red ruby jackboots so the soldiers could just click their heels and come home to Kansas.
Ok, what I am going to say is going to sound harsh. Deal with it. First, all of the soldiers whose pictures were on this site were volunteers. If you volunteer for the armed forces, there is a chance you will get hurt or get killed. If you join the Marines, there is probably a greater chance that one or the other will happen. This is the military. Military folks are in business of fighting, as well as handling dangerous weapons and equipment. People get hurt. People lose their lives. Now, that does not make it any less tragic or heart rending for relatives and family. But no one was coerced here. This is what they signed up for. Second, all of the innocent civilians in these pictures knew we were coming in; they were given ample warning. They could have left the city, as apparently thousands upon thousands of the 300K population of Fallujah did. Why were they still there? As far as one can tell, they weren't coerced into staying. They chose to stay. Third, all of the Iraqi/foreigner anti-democratic fascist jihadists (really, let's dispense entirely with the chic expression "insurgents") in those pictures lying dead knew we were coming with our armor, our superior forces, and our superior firepower. They didn't have to scurry from house to house ambushing USA troops. They didn't have scuttle in underground tunnels, bopping from weapons cache to weapons cache. They didn't have to booby trap the streets (and dead bodies, apparently), set up IEDs, and othewise cause havoc. They too could have left, or surrendered (as apparently quite a few have) or, better still, decided that they ought to give up the idea of fighting entirely and join the inevitable -- yes, liberal pessimits out there-- INEVITABLE political process. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, they too were not coerced; this too is what they signed up for. They wanted it; they got it. While I have sympathy for the civilians and our soldiers who have been wounded and killed -- tempered of course by the fact that both parties had alternatives -- I have zero sympathy for the anti-democratic-homicidal suicide-bomber-supporting-hide-behind-mosque-ex-Baathis-jihadist-facist-criminals. Good riddance. I am sorry, this notion that this death and blood and destruction is all OUR fault is just a lot of hooey.
KK, I am dealing with it every day. Too many times the govt doesn't take care of its own people after the fact. But, that was a sidenote to this debate. Where did you want the civilains to go? Camp Mohammed for the weekend? Their ranch in Crawford, Iraq? It would be funny, if not so darn sad (in military terms) that the majority of insurgents, terrorists all took you up on your suggestion to leave. Not only leave Fallujah, but took their terror to other cities, cities considered "safe" in terms of a nation at war. I actullay agree with you. You describe what is known as the fog of war. These pics, the topic here, help clear that fog. Thus, they serve a purpose, deal with that or not. It's up to each individual.
Paraphrasing a quote from a british geologist:" ...the life of a soldier, consists of long periods of boredom and short periods of terror". Why should we be shocked by this? It is reality and all wars have victims like these pictures display. Has TV and film desensitised us?
To me this indicates that some American soldiers aren't coping and they're hardly to blame. What I would worry about is what happens when these soldiers return to American society. Are they given any sort of support when they go back?
at a loss for words. This isn't trolling anymore. This goes far beyond mere trolling. Benito, approximate age: 6