Read this on I don't care who you support, or what your politics are, this sort of thing is completely outrageous: (For those too lazy to click, someone was passing around a legalize marijuana petition which was actually a Republican voter registration form.) (And of course, I mean "outrageous" in a good way. The world needs more Republicans with a sense of humor. Here's to you, anonymous dirty trickster!) (Even if it cost Kerry a single vote, which it won't, it's still hilarious.)
this happened to me at my college, i told my dad and asked him why they would do that, he told me to write randi rhodes, but i got no response. the scenario was a little different. there was a petition for harsher sentences for people who sexually abused children, i signed it, but then they very smoothly tried getting me to fill out something else (a voter registration/update form) without really telling me what it was (although i did know what it was), then they are like just check here (republican party box), and i said i wont do it, the guy said it doesnt mean i have to vote republican and that they need me to do it so they can get their funding, pretty much i told him i could give two sh¡ts and that i wouldnt do it. anyway, what is the point of this? why would they want people registered as republicans? do they think having someone registered as one could equal more votes? i just dont get it.
Are you saying you're not for harsher sentences for people who sexually abuse children? I honestly don't know what's currently on the books, but I do know that nothing is harsh enough for that kind of scum. (except, of course, flat-out putting them to death. that would be too kind.)
This reminds me of the "petitions" the socialist student groups circulated when I went to the University of Iowa. For example, they once asked me to sign a petition to ban the death penalty in Iowa. Problem is, Iowa doesn't have a death penalty. When I asked them how they planned to use a different petition (I can't remember what it was, but it was something equally absurd), they told me they didn't really have any interest in sending it anywhere. They just wanted to get the phone numbers as a tool to "organize."
[Threadjack] Everyone's school gets the bible beaters (either students or non-students) who like to hand out material and/or mini-bibles, etc. One particular spring week my junior year, it was bad. They were outside the union, on street corners, near the dorms, even in front of a couple bars. If I took half the mini-bibles offered to me I would have...well, I'd have had a ****load of mini-bibles. A friend of mine (lifelong Catholic) became so annoyed with these people that he (with my help) decided to go on line and find a satanic webpage "bible," create a mini version of it, and hand copies out to those who offered him a mini-bible. We cut and paste text from a site, shrunk it, and created about 30 mini satanic bibles. As promised, he gave away one everytime he was offered. "It's a fair trade." Within a day and half they were gone...and so were the bible beaters. [/Threadjack]
I'm saying that the idea of someone circulating that kind of petition (who's against harsher penalties for those who sexually abuse children? Anyone? Bueller?) is so completely absurd - absurd enough to arouse suspicion on its face. Was this after he signed the petition to get Big Fun to play at his prom?