Review: FA - FO - the 2024 Front Office, etc. Thread.

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by morrissey, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. morrissey

    morrissey Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 18, 2000
    West Los Angeles, Calif
    DC United
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    United States

    We FA in the offseason, our FO will now Find Out.

    Discuss here.
    GumbyG, Alejandro 10, Winoman and 2 others repped this.
  2. shawn12011

    shawn12011 Member+

    Jun 15, 2001
    Reisterstown, MD
    DC United
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    United States
    If we used crayons, the big box, and construction paper our FO could not find out who shot JFK.
  3. morrissey

    morrissey Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 18, 2000
    West Los Angeles, Calif
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  4. Daniel le Rouge2

    Apr 16, 2015
    DC United
    Now really, that’s a bit unfair. If you ask Oliver Stone, neither could the FBI.
    shawn12011 and GumbyG repped this.
  5. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
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    Brock Purdy
    shawn12011 repped this.
  6. GumbyG

    GumbyG Member+

    DC United
    Mar 22, 2007
    Chesapeake, VA
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    Given those items, could you?:p Sounds like my son's art class.
    shawn12011 repped this.
  7. shawn12011

    shawn12011 Member+

    Jun 15, 2001
    Reisterstown, MD
    DC United
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    The CIA shot JFK and setup Oswald. ;)
    GumbyG repped this.
  8. GumbyG

    GumbyG Member+

    DC United
    Mar 22, 2007
    Chesapeake, VA
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Finally, the Rain Man investigative journalism has been crying out for!
    shawn12011 repped this.
  9. Q*bert Jones III

    Q*bert Jones III The People's Poet

    Feb 12, 2005
    Woodstock, NY
    DC United
    I love our SG's but one could barely feel any difference at all between an alleged boycott and their normal behavior. Either go or don't.

    Also, the bootlicking Screaming Beagles can eat shit.
    shawn12011 repped this.
  10. shawn12011

    shawn12011 Member+

    Jun 15, 2001
    Reisterstown, MD
    DC United
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    United States
    Bootlicking sellouts.
  11. song219

    song219 BigSoccer Supporter

    Apr 5, 2004
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    At one time the FO was trying to set up their own in-house supporters group. With the actions of the Eagles they realized there is no reason to bother.
    Q*bert Jones III and shawn12011 repped this.
  12. Section 107

    Section 107 Member+

    United States
    Jul 18, 2018
    I was the op on this latest issue with the SGs, but reading upthread in this and the other thread, I am not understanding how/why exactly you feel the SEs "soldout"?

    They were in attendance, just as all of the other "boycotting"* SGs were in attendance. The SEs didnt play any drums, wave flags or banners - just like the boycotting SGs didnt. So what's with the vitriol?

    What is pathetic is our in stadium SG presence that no longer creates a home field advantage. They make pretty picture for advertising, but they ALL suck at creating an intimidating environment.
    fatbastard repped this.
  13. Q*bert Jones III

    Q*bert Jones III The People's Poet

    Feb 12, 2005
    Woodstock, NY
    DC United
    All the other groups signed on to the protest. But the Screaming Beagles, who it seems only care about privileged access to the front office, did not. Now we can argue whether the protest worked or not but it's that bootlicking behavior which makes me angry at them.

    The SGs protest was to go to the games but not be organized (or something). So I'm not sure that now is the time for you to be judging their in-stadium presence. Having said that, La Banda are the loudest, biggest, and most interesting group in the Chico stand and they've been completely banned (except from DC United advertising materials where they are featured prominently).
  14. Section 107

    Section 107 Member+

    United States
    Jul 18, 2018
    The "official" jock strap, er, athletic supporter groups, are all bootlicks. They have to be or they will lose their discounted tickets, special stadium access passes, special meetings with manglement, special private events with the players/staff, etc. They all signed up to be an "officially" recognized SG. They are all the same. So I disagree that it is fair to call out one for behaving the same as all the others just because the one didn't add its logo to a statement by the others.

    [I might be wrong but I do not believe BP Social are "official" and I believe La Banda is still PNG].

    If you track my postings on here about the SGs, there is nothing new about my judgments of their in-stadium ineffectiveness. I am not judging in-stadium presence on this past weekend. Unh-unh, no way, Jose. I judge them based on their lack of in-stadium presence over the last 5 years. They are a caricature of our former selves, now just an effete, entertainment sideshow except for when they yell "F U Ref" once in a meaningless while.

    And lest one think I am just the cranky old man from the quiet side shouting at clouds, I have watched many games chanting, cheering and sitting with, traveled to away games with, and tailgated with, La Banda, Echa Panza, la Norte, the Ultras, the Barra and yes, the SEs for a couple of decades (holy crap, kinda cool DC"U has been around that long we can say that). My kids, now almost out of their teens, have banged the drums, chanted wings of an eagle, and waved the flags and received baptismal beer showers since they were 2 years old.

    I would just like our vaunted SGs to once again be worthy of their reputation - to once again create an intimidating atmosphere for the visitors. It is actually easier to do it at EagleBank Arena East since the bulk of the Chico Stand is now not more than 30 feet from the opposing keeper/defenders for 45 minutes whereas they were MUCH further away at RFK.

    For some reason I remain hopeful - just like I am about us winning another Alan I Rothenberg/Uncle Phil Anschutz trophy in my lifetime. :)
    shawn12011, DCU and Q*bert Jones III repped this.
  15. fatbastard

    fatbastard Member+

    Aug 1, 2003
    Lincoln (ish), Va
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Cheering from behind the goal is always going to be and seem less effective - the FO put them there for a reason - to fill crappy seats and make it so they can be completely ignored - except for PR shots.
    Sounds from behind the action over in the back are never going to be very loud-sounding (unless amplified for the rare use of FO advertising)

    We were most effective at RFK because we were in the middle of the stadium, where noise does not go to die. And camera shots can't easily ignore.

    And people were more into it when they were allowed to show up early, relax, and tailgate at the stadium to get warmed up/coordinated, instead of having to commute in on the train individually.
  16. Section 107

    Section 107 Member+

    United States
    Jul 18, 2018
    For sure, on the fo actions. But the sidelines used to actually heckle players. And i have been behind the goal at rfk, which was farther away than at AF, and impacted the game w my heckling (it was the game Deleon came back from injury and scored our 5th in a trouncing of i think the Fire?). Imagine if the chico stand, in a coordinated way, actually heckled the gk and other players as the se/bb used to do? But now they just sing "vamos" 40 times a game and start the freaking wave. Ole! Whatever....

    If the SG and team were actually interested, they would put the away team behind the north goal 2nd half so the bystanders currently posing as chico's legacy might have a real opportunity to be a 12th man.
    Winoman and fatbastard repped this.
  17. fatbastard

    fatbastard Member+

    Aug 1, 2003
    Lincoln (ish), Va
    DC United
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    United States
    True - it sure would be nice to see the SGs actually sound like they were watching the game again - we used to be clever in the old days and make stuff up that had something to do with what was going on on the pitch, for sure.

    We used to make stuff up and get others to join in, besides the good old classics.

    That seemed to stop when the two main groups were fighting over stupid shit and one just decided to always sing the song promoting themselves over anything else that got started, organically or not.

    I do miss heckling the players - getting one to stop, and even laugh, was always fun. We completely owned Bo at the Cup in 2004 (when we were forced to be behind the goal).

    You can only really get in the keeper's head from the cheap seats - but they don't seem to even bother with that these days; maybe after this "protest" they'll get their groove back on; one can hope
    GumbyG, Winoman and revelation repped this.
  18. fatbastard

    fatbastard Member+

    Aug 1, 2003
    Lincoln (ish), Va
    DC United
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    United States
    okay, I missed this part on my first read (denial, probably) - the SGs used to be able to completely kill the wave when folks tried to start that nonsense - participating in it is shameful (for an organized supporter's group; if you and your pre-teen kids want to do it, that's your business; I'll still roll my eyes at you, but go on with your bad self).
  19. griffin1108

    griffin1108 BigSoccer Supporter

    Dec 5, 2003
    Last year, when I still had season tickets, I steadfastly refused to participate when the wave went through my section. It was silly in the 1970's and just pathetically sad today. If you want to show support, be creative, sing, chant, masturbate, whatever, just Don't. Do. The. Wave.
    sitruc, Mountainia, PSURoss and 4 others repped this.
  20. revelation

    revelation Member+

    Dec 17, 1998
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    FC Sankt Pauli
    Hey, we aren't in Florida so keep y'all's clothes on and hands away from your junk!
    sitruc, PSURoss, Winoman and 1 other person repped this.
  21. shawn12011

    shawn12011 Member+

    Jun 15, 2001
    Reisterstown, MD
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    United States

    I would disagree with this statement. I was Tony Meola's worst nightmare. I was close enough to drive him to the top of the box for one half.
  22. Section 107

    Section 107 Member+

    United States
    Jul 18, 2018
    I think the railing of the old "vw garage" area was farther away than the front row of the north stand. But even if equadistant or not, there are WAY more people in the north stand than could be close to the goal at RFK, so the Chico stand should be much more domineering.

    Good on ya tho. More people need to be yelling about donuts and body image, especially if playing a Losada team.
    fatbastard and shawn12011 repped this.
  23. John L

    John L Member+

    Sep 20, 2003
    Alexandria, VA
    for better noise from the north stand, how about a roof to stop the rain and keep the sound in?
    DCU and Winoman repped this.
  24. Winoman

    Winoman Drinkin' Wine Spo-De-O-De!

    Jul 26, 2000
    DC United
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    United States
    How about for both ends, except the visitors section. Leave that open to the elements. :thumbsup:
    sitruc, PSURoss, fatbastard and 2 others repped this.
  25. Section 107

    Section 107 Member+

    United States
    Jul 18, 2018
    I am still okay with no real roof over the uber-expensive club and field level seats, too.
    sitruc, PSURoss and fatbastard repped this.

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