Saw this in another forum... if the Chivas USA team is functioning next year, what players would u leave unprotected. Lets say that u would have to leave 5 instead of 10 palyers unprotected since its one expansion team and not two like in years past. Discuss.... Regan Williams Arena(no brainer) Nugent Moreno
1. DiGi 2. Arena 3. Moreno 4. Grafer 5. LeBlanc I only listed 5 but here are some others: the 2 Argies, Ziadie, Regan Boderline: Leitch, Edgar, Williams (he's getting old), Nugent (I haven't seen him play but is he better than Magee, Woly or Jusko?)
Moreno, Addo, Grafer, Regan, Arena. If Addo or Moreno retires, then Leitch and/or LeBlanc. Of those five, only Grafer would get a smell from any expansion team. Who's completely untouchable: Pope, Jolley, Clark, Magee, Gaven, and possibly Walker. That's about it. I would not be surprised in the least to see Mathis with Chivas USA next season, though it would be through some other trade deal instead of just putting him into the expansion draft.
We lose Mathis at the end of the year regardless.. we have no say if he goes to Chivas or not unless we sign him again. The boca boys are loan deals so we cant place them on the list anyway cuz they dont belong to us. This is for the question regarding Nugent being better then Woly, Magee, and Jusko. If he was better then we would have seen him alot more if not starting, but he hasn't seen any regular season PT. I would also like to swap Nugent out for LeBlanc(forgot about him) on my list.
I believe this is wrong. If Mathis resigns with MLS, he belongs to you guys. In order for him to end up with another MLS club, it'd be by something you guys did -- either make him available to the expansion draft or via a trade. It's not like he can just go sign with another MLS club -- he either signs with MLS or he can sign with another club overseas.
I think teams are going to have to leave more than 5 players unprotected. Otherwise, Chivas is getting very slim pickins.
If he re-signs with MLS, Metro retain his rights. That's what "no free agency" means in MLS right now and is one of the things that the MLSPA is fighting for. We can do what in the NBA is called a "sign-and-trade", but MLS cannot just re-sign him and allocate him to Chivas.
I stand corrected... i simply forgot the fact that we dont use a free agency system like in other sports.
Jusk-Slow Arena Williams Grafer Addo These guys listed would be a reach for any team to take and let us maintain who we want next season. No reason to submit anyone else to waivers as this should suffice. If any team such as chivas wants them , good luck.
the only players i would protect are Ricardo Clark (P-40) Eddie Gaven (P-40 Amado Guevara (SI) Steve Jolley Chris Leitch Mark Lisi Mike Magee (P-40) Clint Mathis ( then trade him for someone else ) Eddie Pope Jonny Walker Mike Nugent (DP) ? he played against China, he seemed fast and skilfull, he scored in that game why Bradley doesn't give him a few minutes i will never know Everyone else on the team is replaceble, they stink, and some are to retire
I'm not quite sure why some people have listed Grafer as an unprotected option. I would say he's just about the best backup keeper in MLS and I don't know why we would be rid of someone who is decently skilled, quite popular, and from what I understand, fairly cheap.
He's not the best backup in MLS. To me, a backup goalie is almost good enough to start on a different team, e.g. Meola/Zack, Ammann/Howard, Howard/Countess. Grafer is not better than Countess. So let's take this expansion thing further, what happens after the draft, do the players we left unprotected but were unselected go back on our roster or something?
the answer is yes, one team can only loose a limited number of players in an expansion draft, might be limited to 4 players per team . I think each team must give a list of 10 unprotected players.
We retain their rights if we choose to do so. In 1997/98, our unprotected players were: Brian Bliss Braeden Cloutier Cristian da Silva Matt Knowles Manuel Lagos Andrew Lewis Joao Luiz Zach Thornton Jeff Zaun Kerry Zavagnin Thornton, Lagos, and Lewis were all taken in the draft. However, each time a player from a team was selected, that team had the opportunity to pull one player back from the unprotected list. So da Silva, Zaun, and Z-man were pulled back and all made the '98 roster. Bliss, Cloutier, Knowles, and Luiz were all left unprotected and subsequently cut.
OBIE, YOU ARE WRONG Kanobie, as Cloutier was loaned to indoor and then traded to San Jose. He was not cut.
You resurrected a four-month-old thread for this? You have to be a Cloutier family member or Braeden himself. So tell me Braeden, what'd we get in return for you from SJ?
First of all...Grafer is no longer a backup keeper. Stop talking about the argentines and the Just-o-slow guy. They are going to be cut from the roster soon.
haha, spoken like a true bitter Metro 'fan'...those posts were from october, no one here (i hope) thinks Grafer is still on the squad...i am wondering though, it seems Garber is set on an expansion partner for Chivas, and if Cleveland doesnt get its SSS in a timely fashion, Rochester could become the other expansion team...anyone have any idea how Rochester would turn their current roster into one that could compete in MLS?...anyone think they could compete with fringe, unprotected expansion draft players, MLS-style allocations, and their current roster?...granted, Rochester may not even come into the league, but the draft didnt do much for my offseason appetite so i felt like throwin this out there..