When Bravo fired our coach and ripped the house apart they told us that we would get exciting, attacking soccer. Well against our most hated foe this stat just jumps out at me: Colorado RapidsAttempts on Goal 3Shots on Target 0Shots off Target 3Out of 11 players on the field over a 90 minute time span this exciting attacking soccer style managed to actually kick the ball 3 times in a direction that was somewhere near the goal. Seriously? Do we really have to wait until the end of the season to fire Bravo?
The subject of us only kicking the ball towards the goal 3 times? I don't see any other thread, please point it out to me.
Are you here for any other reason than to troll when we lose? Read the RSL-COL thread, the Pareja thread, the What's Wrong with the Rapids thread, the Oscar thread and so on. Bravo's failures, our offense's failures, Pareja's failures are already being discussed plenty there.
I'm reading this thread as who's really in for the long haul. I was mortified when Smith was fired and they announced they were revamping everything from coaching staff to "style " of play. I couldn't understand why since the Rapids were not far removed from a Championship. I did understand we were looking at probably 3 yrs minimum to get back to any semblance of efficiency on the field. New coach, new philosophy = new players. This is not done overnight. Mgmt was probably hoping we'd just sit down and shut up. DamPt2 ain't having any. That's ok too!
It's the failure of the offense and the style, which is touched on in all those threads that you're too lazy to read. I'm glad you didn't answer my first question though, because it was too obviously rhetorical.
Actually I will answer your question, I'm not here to Troll. In fact, I didn't post for the first half of the year because I didn't want to be the downer.. but there comes a point where you have to stand up and WTF. Just listen to the announcers of the game, they spend 70 of the 90 minutes telling us how great the team really is, how it takes time, how we are going to get on fire the second half of the season.. come on, it's time to get with reality and stop being fan bois.. this team and system sucks and Bravo is to blame. It's time for a firing.
You can express disappointment with the team without calling for Pareja's head after half a season (which screams knee-jerk reactionary). And I wouldn't say that saying that changing style, wrong players, or the new coach learning curve are necessarily excuses; just a rational assessment of the situation. But just for the sake of it, let's follow DamindaPt2's line of reasoning to its logical conclusion. The Rapids clean house, fire Pareja, Bravo et al. Bring in a Gary Smith clone. Gary Smith clone gets rid of all of Pareja's guys. Smith clone doesn't have the right players to fit into his system and has tough first season. DamindaPt2 calls for his head. Repeat cycle.
Whatever makes the losing end. I don't care if we get Darth Vader to coach if we are getting results.
Follow my line of reasoning? You are not very good at it, I'm not calling for Pareja to be fired, I'm calling for Bravo to be fired. I don't see Pareja being successful with Bravo making the extremely poor decision that he is making. Get rid of Bravo, remove him from the Hall of Fame because of the damage he has done, go find somebody who knows how to probably manage a business/organization and knows how to identify and acquire real talent. From there, that person can decide the direction of the team. See, the mistake Bravo made was that he took a team that most fans loved and destroyed it.. and no, you guys are not most fans. Most of the fans loved GS, loved the style of play, loved the work ethic and enjoyed watching the games. Bravo destroyed all of that and put in the most boring, pathetic style of play I have ever seen. It's more entertaining watching my neighbors 9 year old on Saturday mornings. Now, with a new person coming in they will most likely have to make drastic changes.. the difference is they will be forced to do that. Bravo had no reason to do what he did, the new guy will be forced to rebuild the team. To be clear, Bravo didn't need to rebuild anything, he had a couple positions he needed to address and that was it.. but he didn't do that.. he ripped the Rapids apart and here we are.
Considering how short that list is and how overpriced and terrible they all are, I honestly fail to see that as a bad thing. In fact, its pretty safe to say that a replacement coach couldn't do any worse with player acquisitions.
Seriously? Call me in the Bravo camp if you want (I'm not) but how the hell do you justify taking a man who was honored for his accomplishments as a player out of the Gallery of Honor due to his failures at running a team? That's ridiculous. Should we take Balboa out of the Gallery of Honor due to his lack of skill at color commentating for the team? If we were to hire Spencer and he struggles like he did at Portland would he be removed? (Now if you want to argue Bravo should have never been there in the first place because his play didn't deserve it then that's a different argument. I would probably agree with you in that case.)
It is diificult to follow your reasoning, plus I am surprised/impressed that you know the mind of all casual Rapids fans. From my experience most fans at Rapids games are more concerned with finding the dippin dots stand than the coach or the style of play. Also you could argue that Bravo's hand was forced by Smith going to the media with their tift. No reason to rehash that argument again though. You are an emotional dude, no shame in that, but I think you are jumping the gun a bit on this one. I hope time proves me right, but if the Rapids still suck this time next year then feel free to ridicule my optimism.
For the record, I really hate it when people say 'next year'. I've been watching sports for way to long to go with that. I'll give Penn State next year.. or maybe next 10 years, but there is no reason why the Rapids should get a next year, or 2 or 3 years as some of you are stating. It should have been this year.. maybe not winning the cup this year but we should have seen positive play, there is nothing positive going on right now.