Every team has a tw@t, ours is JT (Appreciation Thread)

Discussion in 'Chelsea' started by Blueallthru, May 27, 2012.

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  1. Blueallthru

    Blueallthru Member+

    United States
    May 15, 2012
    The Interwebz
    Chelsea FC
    I'm not always a fan of his antics, and really his behavior off the pitch is pretty pathetic, but I like JT. He leads by example on the pitch.

    I was reading on ESPN about how Arsenal uses JT as code for an ugly chick when they are out. Really, what the feck has it come to.

    Lets use this thread to build up the wanker, but he's our wanker.
  2. Dear_Claudio

    Dear_Claudio Member+

    Feb 6, 2005
    Buffalo, New York
    Chelsea FC
    Cool thread.
  3. Blueallthru

    Blueallthru Member+

    United States
    May 15, 2012
    The Interwebz
    Chelsea FC
    I feel for the lad. Arsenal, use his name for a code word. I just can't believe how much here the guy gets. Some is deserved sure, but not all. The backlash he received from the CL celebration has been ridiculous. How can you fault the guy for celebrating with his team, who has worked his arse off. Yes he made an absolute bonehead mistake against Barcelona, but does that negate everything else he's done?

    He's a lightning rod, and while some is surely warranted, not all is. He's like Tiger Woods. Bad person, great golfer. I don't care what he does during his free time. I care what he does on the pitch. It has nothing to do with whether or not I'd hang out with him.

    There Keane and Suarez and countless others. JT may be a dick, but he's our captain, the man needs some support.
  4. Blueallthru

    Blueallthru Member+

    United States
    May 15, 2012
    The Interwebz
    Chelsea FC
    I realize the title could use a tweak, but I had a couple to drink and had just read the ESPN article.
  5. Kerry Dixon's Boots

    Staff Member

    Jun 6, 2006
    77 degrees
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    You don't say :D
  6. Walter3000

    Walter3000 Member+

    Apr 8, 2004
    gainesville, Florida
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    So anything else you want to tell us
  7. Blueallthru

    Blueallthru Member+

    United States
    May 15, 2012
    The Interwebz
    Chelsea FC
    It was the afternoon on a Sunday. The missus said it was okay!

    The article did piss me off.
  8. Blueallthru

    Blueallthru Member+

    United States
    May 15, 2012
    The Interwebz
    Chelsea FC
    I'm no longer on the sauce. I don't have anything useful to add, not that I ever do anyways.
  9. Blueallthru

    Blueallthru Member+

    United States
    May 15, 2012
    The Interwebz
    Chelsea FC
    If anyone knows how to get rid of the thread, by all means.
  10. Wrath

    Wrath Member+

    May 4, 2007
    New York
    Chelsea FC
    Naah I think it is ok. JT is someone who the opposition fans love to hate. We all love him :)
  11. fernb8

    fernb8 Member+

    Aug 12, 2002
    another example of why I propose reviewing the board for an appropriate thread prior to posting

    perhaps the News example- since this thread began with a "news" article regarding JT- would have been advisable in this matter

    really no need to constantly clog up the board with needless threads imo
    Eddie26 and hudson hooligan repped this.
  12. Clan

    Clan Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    What kind of a twit came up with this thread title?

    Eddie26, Robdog and Walter3000 repped this.

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