Yes waiting for Cat 3. The Cat 2 tickets were downloaded yesterday. I suspect it's to do with what happens with England and German FA allocations and where they put people, most of these will be Cat 3 tickets.
Still waiting for 3xcat2s to appear. Also - is anyone still having the Error 502 when using WiFi? I can only log on without WiFi at the moment and don’t really understand why.
Mine only works with 4G or with a VPN. Maybe IP addresses are being blocked once you hit 1000 refreshes
Equally I cannot think any too many grounds round the world where I would celebrate surrounded by opposition fans.
That's my England v Germany tickets, Cat 3 , just been added to my ticket app NOW. Tickets bought on Wednesday 23.6.21
I’m still getting that problem and I can’t get in through 4G either, I can’t even get into the portal page even if I’m logged out to log in! I have sent UEFA a message but who knows?
Weird. The only other thing I could think of is that access code ‘vaccinated’. I tried that to see if anything else came up.
I had to move from 4G on my phone to WIFI and it worked fine. Not entirely sure why it was acting up.
Message to WST Ipswich. I don't know much about computers but you are having the same 502 error problem that I am and from your details it seems you are from Berkshire. Me too. That can't be the reason can it ?