Not a big deal in itself, but it's how she got herself suspended that puzzles me. Read the article and get back to me. OK, she was at a roast and she made fun of Notre Dame and Jesus. Now, I have never been to a roast. I have always thought the idea was to make some pretty offensive, unfunny comments while drunk. At least that's what Comedy Central taught me. And I do not know what she said about Jesus. But again, at a roast, I believed that anything went. That if someone called me a cheap kike, I was supposed to laugh. But again, thank you, Comedy Central, their roast of Chevy Chase proved that you can't always laugh at yourself. Have you seen that roast? Agonizing. At the end of the MSNBC link, there is a reference to the lynching comment made the other day on the Golf Network. Again, without knowing what was said about Jesus at a roast, is this even in the same universe of stupid comments? Any reference to "lynch" and a black person, no matter what the intent, is pretty much a no-no on our nation's airwaves. I don't know. Not being able to mock freaking Notre Dame is an abomination. Even when you aren't at a roast. Your thoughts? I think this is a knee-jerk, ass-covering reaction to the situation, that the crowds would be irked to high heaven if ESPN didn't take some action. So, I understand that. But when you can't say something incredible stupid and insensitive at a roast, what's that mean?
The problem? I would like to party with that woman. Just party, go out drinking, absolutely nothing else. But my wife might take it the wrong way.
I can certainly get behind the first two statements. Even the third, in context, strikes me as one of the more benign utterings of the phrase "F Jesus" Trotting Jesus out into a football stadium is pretty ostentatious. I get it. Notre Dame is based on Catholic fundamentals, of which Jesus is the personification. Which one does football represent? I blame Charlie Weis for this one.
Judging by your avatar, I can see why you would feel that way. She should be suspended. You are supposed to be funny at a roast. Getting liquored up and slurring obscenities with no real punch line shows a lack of respect for the whole roast concept. Bring the funny or don't drink at all you ignorant slut.
"An article in The Press of Atlantic City the next day said that Jacobson “made an absolute fool of herself, swilling vodka from a Belvedere bottle, mumbling along and cursing like a sailor as Mike & Mike rested their heads in their hands in embarrassment.” She was booed off the stage." Shouldn't this be on youtube? "No video of the incident has been released."
I literally had some dude start a fight with me back in October for having the audacity to take a picture of TD Jesus while wearing a BC t-shirt. NJ Guido Douchebag type kid (approaching me with 3-4 of his friends): "What, you're taking a picture cause you wish you got into Notre Dame??" Me: "Come on man, my buddy's a huge ND fan and has never been here, I'm just taking a picture to send to him, relax" NJGD: "Haha, yeah right, you just couldn't get into ND" (this goes back and forth several times) Me (sensing that these idiots couldn't have gotten into South Bend Community College let alone ND): "OK, which of you guys actually went to Notre Dame, let me see your diploma" Kid shoves me, I shove him back, he tries to grab my throat, I grab him and get a couple shots in before his friends pull him away. I'm sure Jesus would be proud of you, d-bag.
I half agree with this post. One of my life-long goals is to achieve enough for my friends to roast me (I want that for my 40th birthday). I want them to tell me I'm a useless piece of crap, that I'm fat, sexually unappealing, stupid and perhaps gay or a child molester. But I want them to be funny about it so everybody knows they are kidding. Roasting is a true art form. It's about crossing the boundaries of good taste in an effort to show that you respect the person being roasted enough to say bad things about them and they know you don't truly mean it, even if you do kind of mean it. I haven't heard what this particular person said, but accounts seem to indicate that it was little more than a drunken rant attempting to insult and shock with none of the inherent humor and obvious joking that goes with a roast.
This is exactly right. What's said at a roast should be vulgar, obscene, and complete unfit for public consumption. HOWEVER, it should be said about the "guest of honor" or the other roasters. Now, if she had implied that Golic, a graduate of America's most famous Catholic university, only did a show with Mike Greenberg because Greenberg, of all the ESPN personalities, most resembles a little boy, that would be comedy. If she had followed that up by stating that it helped that Greenie was flexible enough to accomodate his fat ass, that would've been even better. If she had then followed that up with some joke that tied together Greenberg's being Jewish and Golic's being a fat pig, THAT would've killed. But "******** Jesus"? Nah. That's just crap.
The F*** Jesus line went to far. But F*** Notre Damn, F*** Touchdown Jesus, if your a ND hater, that's said every Saturday.
If it makes you feel better, I saw a BC kid start a fight with a Wake kid on virtually the same premises (minus the Jesus, but with plenty of "you couldn't get into school here"). Neither could deal with the fact that, despite their pretentions, they weren't nearly as tough or smart as they thought they were. A significant portion of my highschool went to ND, every last one of them a douchebag.
Isn't the art of roasting to be able to offend the intended target without offending anybody else? For example, 'it was stupid of your wife to marry you' is ok, but 'you married a stupid wife' is not.
I'm a Purdue fan that from 5 years old to 16 years old saw us lose by 30 points in football to Notre Dame almost every year. So I'm making this comment about a rival, and I'm Protestant. If I'd ever gotten the opportunity to go to Notre Dame, I'd take it. And let's be honest, it's not like they're any worse than the Ivies or the southern elitist schools as far as "getting there because they were someone's son" and really weren't that smart. Remember the phrase "hard to get into, not hard to pass?" This is a private school thing, not a Notre Dame thing. My favorite story is from a Vanderbilt professor that said he hated teaching there cause: "Most students deserved an F, I would give them a C, and the chancellor would personally call me asking why the son of such and such donor didn't get an A?" And lord. We had some Boston College s*its at NC State, and from how much crap they talk as if they're actually a big deal, no one would raise a finger to help them if they got mugged out of the blue with a baseball bat. Take your typical El Tri soccer fan and multiply the annoyance factor by 10. Reminds me of North Carolina fans. That's why everyone else in the state calls them "Wal-Mart Nation".
The BC guy was actually a Wake grad student BC graduate--that was what was so silly about it. There were a few loud Bostonians there that somehow were always sure they were very tough, but always seemed to underestimate cornfed Jed right before his redneck ass taught them a lesson or three. Both Chapel Hill and Duke fans are hilarious--the Carolina fans are usually a little more ridiculous, but I always liked asking Duke fans what their connection to the school was..."Um, my great grandiddies half neice's roommate had a friend that went there, told my uncle about it, who then showed me a game on tv. I've done nothing but buy Duke shit ever since." I guess I only halfway agree about ND--they might not have the grade inflation that some of the Ivies do, but I wouldn't have gone there if you paid me. ND has to be one of the most boring schools in the country. I'd much rather be in Raleigh than South Bend.
Roast What if they're not kidding by then? You've got about 7 years to go. Is brutal, albeit humorous, honesty acceptable?
Just for clarification, Touchdown Jesus is not inside the football stadium. It's on the side of the library overlooking the stadium. Of course I have seen a lot of rosary beads inside lately
NC State fans are cute. They legitimately think (hold your laughter for a second) that Tom O'Brien will win a division title for them....let alone a conference title. That's f**king hysterical. You realize your coach is the biggest choker in college football and that's why we (and I was personally a proud contributor to pushed him out of Boston?? Have fun waddling in mediocrity until he retires to Daniel Island.......the sad thing is you guys don't have any better expectations than the Boise Bowl he'll bring you to.
We are aware of the subtle references in this case but thanks just the same for your gridiron illustration. The facts at issue here are these: an ESPN anchor gets a relatively minor punishment for a major lapse in judgment and insults the world's foremost religion and all its faithful with her vulgar mouth-she probably should have been fired if you ask my opinion. Had the deity being cursed been Mohammed rather than our Lord, lots of folks would have been calling for her head like a teddy bear moment not long ago. The ESPN anchor should be thankful she is getting out of this mess relatively unscathed; Christian forgiveness is a good thing! There is no doubt a lesson to be learned here for journalists; the hiring of females who may easily inebriated with refreshments and lose control far too quickly of their faculties, and their mind, may be something ESPN may wish to look into and avoid on subsequent occasions.
Really? I've never met a Duke fan that didn't have a pretty direct relationship with the school. You can find ND fans (and ND haters) wherever you find a Catholic church.