English players Dual Nationality thread #2

Discussion in 'England' started by roverman, Sep 26, 2020.

  1. AJ123

    AJ123 Member+

    Man Utd
    Feb 17, 2018
    It might just be that he hasn't been good enough to get a call up recently as his first professional loan has only really just stated to come good. That said, he still seems to be first sub off for Ipswich.

    He has turned down a call up to the Jamaica senior squad already so perhaps he is happy to bide his time. It wouldn't be a massive surprise to see him get call up for England in the next break.
  2. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    #5027 horrisengleton, Feb 27, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
    Would be good to see, I'm being presumptuous about him not wanting to play for England youth anymore because I assumed he would've at least been called into one of the squads in the past year.

    I think the fact he's turned down call-ups to competitive squads for Jamaica shows he still wants England in the long run though.

    EDIT: I've just seen he's been called into Jamaica's preliminary squad for the Nations League next month. Not unsurprising, but will be interesting to see if he accepts their eventual call. https://mcusercontent.com/78d3589fb...7d9-7c98c38e89b1/CNLF_Preliminary_Rosters.pdf
  3. itfcjoe

    itfcjoe Member+

    Oct 8, 2014
    Ipswich Town FC
    All 4 of our front players will go off in every game, it's really a squad management thing here and 'starters and finishers' to borrow rugby parlance. But he is in sensational form at the moment, I would be amazed if he goes away with Jamaica too in the next break as won't want to jeopardise his club form and don't think he wants to accept a competitive Jamaica call up as yet
    roverman repped this.
  4. Crvena Zvezda

    Crvena Zvezda Member

    Manchester United
    Apr 11, 2017
    I see Cadamarteri in their squad list too. Hopefully he gets an Under-19 call up. We can't afford keep losing our young strikers to other nations.
    With Hutchinson, he had played Uefa qualifiers for England before playing for Jamaica so can't switch back, unless he could play friendlies for them without formally switching?
    roverman repped this.
  5. roverman

    roverman Member+

    Dec 22, 2001
    Jamaica call up every player they can find. Desperation tactics
  6. Athlone

    Athlone Member+

    Feb 2, 2013
    Nat'l Team:
    Omari Hutchinson has turned down at least 3 call-ups in the last year. He was on the provisional squad for the 2023 Gold Cup as well, which was one of those call-ups he turned down. His inclusion in this provisional squad means nothing. The next time he sets foot on the pitch for Jamaica, be it in a competitive game or a friendly, he will be cap-tied, and it is abundantly clear he's trying to avoid that outcome to keep his England future (the one he really wants) open.

    I think he would absolutely accept an England youth call-up over a place in Jamaica's senior side and that is exactly what he is angling for. As far as I'm concerned, he's not part of our player pool.

    I'd like to be wrong about this, as he is a talented young prospect, but I do not think I am.

    Desperation? How? Is Cadamarteri the desperate call here?

    Do you know how many players in the EFL are eligible to represent Jamaica? It's in the triple digits, and most would accept a call - just a fraction ever get one.

    Cadamarteri is not even 19 and already a regular in a league many (and I am among this many) consider right about top 10 on the planet. How many sensible sides do you think are out there that wouldn't consider a player like that? The only ones I know of are those with player pools so deep he can't possible hold up (England, Germany, etc).That's a fraction of the world. In most of the 200+ FIFA nations out there, he'd either be THE star man of the side of one of its top 2 or 3 players.

    And Jamaica is a side that is short on young center forwards with Antonio in his twilight. There's no Jamaican center forward under age 25 playing at Cadamarteri's level right now.

    How does Jamaica get taken to task for approaching a player like that? Doesn't make sense. We're not England with dozens of EPL forwards to call.
    horrisengleton and roverman repped this.
  7. AJ123

    AJ123 Member+

    Man Utd
    Feb 17, 2018
    It's just a classic Roverman response. This is the state of play now, there's no point in crying about it.

    How good is Cadamarteri anyway? He's never been called up for England and whilst he is playing in The Championship his stats are fairly dreadful, aside from a few goals. Granted he's young but are we really that worried about losing a player of this profile?

    Athlone and roverman repped this.
  8. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    The striker shortage is pretty bad through.
  9. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
  10. AJ123

    AJ123 Member+

    Man Utd
    Feb 17, 2018
    Is it? I wasn't aware there was one to be honest. Unless you mean in football in general?
  11. AJ123

    AJ123 Member+

    Man Utd
    Feb 17, 2018
  12. Fireburn47

    Fireburn47 Member+

    West Ham United
    Nov 5, 2021
    I mean there are not that many English strikers post 2000. We can’t afford ones to switch and they turn out to be the best of the crop.
  13. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    Having Kane (30), Watkins (28), Toney (27) and Solanke (26) is not pretty bad.

    There's plenty enough there to keep us going for a while yet which leaves plenty enough time for someone else to emerge. I've said it on here a million times but a striker's development is not easy to predict. Players can blossom out of nowhere and many are late bloomers, while youth team prodigies often can't make the jump to men's football. Watkins and Toney don't have a single cap for an England youth team.

    Even then, in Joseph, Stutter, Lankshear, JJM, Mhueka etc in various youth teams I don't think the pool is anywhere near slim enough to claim a pretty bad shortage.
    roverman, Marcho Gamgee and AJ123 repped this.
  14. AJ123

    AJ123 Member+

    Man Utd
    Feb 17, 2018
    Dom Ballard another one and Alejandro Gomes. I mean if we're so short of strikers then surely Cadamarteri should be getting called up?
  15. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    Exactly. It's not our strongest position at youth level but that doesn't mean it's a barren pool either.
    AJ123 repped this.
  16. ADM99

    ADM99 Member+

    Apr 28, 2019
    Remarkably, we have a second 2008 born double-barrelled name who is off to Serbia. Man United's Edward Ibrović-Fletcher has reportedly agreed to play for them.
  17. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    Just typed his name into Google to see a swathe of articles in Serbian about his decision so it seems like fairly big news there. Quite a surprise given I've never heard of him; I can't claim to have seen him play but if he was some sort of wonder kid surely we'd know more about him. Although while writing this I have just clocked 08s are still only 15 so maybe he is a serious upside talent.
  18. AJ123

    AJ123 Member+

    Man Utd
    Feb 17, 2018
    I don’t know, not heard much about him on any United forums either. It’s probably just because he’s a United youngster that it’s causing some hype over there.
  19. roverman

    roverman Member+

    Dec 22, 2001
    We should be tempting Lewis koumas to switch. If only for the laugh as the Welsh go into a frenzy
    Inter Row Z repped this.
  20. Crvena Zvezda

    Crvena Zvezda Member

    Manchester United
    Apr 11, 2017
    I'm sure he would be due a call up, but hadn't broke in to SW first team at time of last Under-19 matches and now Jamaica could have jumped in ahead of us. Others like Fraser and Koumas we may have also lost by not being the first ones to call them up. Sure we have enough quality to be going on with if international football were to cease at the end of 2024 but for the future there is a real dearth of striking quality actually playing first team football so we can't afford to keep missing out on the English strikers that do come through. Hopefully Cadamarteri etc are in FA sights though...I know Koumas is at least so we'll see if its too late.
    AJ123 and roverman repped this.
  21. BarryfromEastenders

    Staff Member

    Jul 6, 2008
    The FA asked about Koumas a while ago. Same time as they took the other dual nationals from his age group (Buck and Kellyman). He’s obviously a Welsh player and with his Dad’s career it would have been a big push to get him to switch. Not to mention that he would have had to actually compete for a squad place for us. He would not be guaranteed even an U19 playing role. Whereas with Wales he’s the main option for them. People are dreaming if they think this scenario suits us.

    I’ve not seen Fraser from Wolves but from the others mentioned I think we have the best CF’s in our set up already. Cadamarteri probably gets a call up at some level if he wants it but he’s hardly been ignored. Not been on the scene for long.
    roverman and horrisengleton repped this.
  22. AJ123

    AJ123 Member+

    Man Utd
    Feb 17, 2018
    So on the day a major striker shortage is declared Joseph scores 2 against Chelsea and Danns scores 2 against Southampton!
    hussar and roverman repped this.
  23. manutd 01

    manutd 01 Red Card

    Man Utd
    Feb 24, 2024
    Won't get Koumas now. But there will be a serious drought of english strikers talent. koumas has the talent to be the next big thing at Anfield . If he can become a regular at Liverpool . I can't see how playing for England wouldn't be on his radar.
    roverman repped this.
  24. Marcho Gamgee

    Marcho Gamgee Member+

    Apr 25, 2015
    Somewhere in English Arrogance land
    Manchester City FC
    Why is there a big panic about striker options going forward. We still have a decent range of strikers within the senior set up plus there will and usually are late developers that come forward from the lower leagues. I’m not overly concerned about this but maybe others know more and fair enough for their reasons.
  25. horrisengleton

    horrisengleton Member+

    Jul 18, 2023
    Valencia, Spain
    We have no idea if there'll be a drought or not. Nobody cannot project the future of a whole load of 16/17-year-olds that accurately.

    Also, is Koumas even a striker? From what I can see he plays predominantly as a left winger for Liverpool's youth. Played left wing last night too.
    AJ123, LUFCGGRAY and Fireburn47 repped this.

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