Eliminatorias: vs Brasil, dom. 7 sep. (R) (News, etc...)

Discussion in 'Chile: Selecciones Nacionales' started by JAIME CHILE, Jul 10, 2008.

  1. kingkong1

    kingkong1 New Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Rio, Brazil
    Flamengo Rio Janeiro
    Nat'l Team:
    Sorry, moçada, por el mau jeito :p ...

    Nos regalaron el liderazgo (y mira que estábamos en sexto)...

    No creo que Paraguay gane a Venezuela el Miércoles...

    Los vino tinto van imitar a Dunga y 'jalar' un empatezito (si no una victória por 1 x 0) en Asunción.

    Cuanto a Bolívia en Rio - sin chance.

    Bye, bye America.
  2. posteador

    posteador Member+

    Dec 29, 2006
    Lincoln, UK
    If Suazo is not on fire...Chile has no goal...we are 90% dependant on his form at the moment...
  3. Ohiginiano

    Ohiginiano Member+

    Jul 16, 2007
    El Teniente Stadium
    O Higgins Rancagua
    Bravo: Was the best one, if if wasn't for him, we could have received at least two more goals.
    Medel: Really low, and the third goal was his entired fault.
    Jara: The best of the defenders, but still we received three goals playing home.
    Estrada: The worse one. Commited a penalty, lost the position against Luis Fabiano on the second goal. It was obvious that he was not feeling well playing as a stopper.
    Carmona: Really irregular. Plus he received a yellow card for persistent infringment. I think he is suspended now, I am not sure about it.
    Droguett: I think he was playing a decent game until he was replaced.
    Vidal: Good first half, he tried a couple of shots but he was not lucky. Was replaced during half time.
    Fernandez: Good first 30 minutes, after that he simply vanished from the game. He is still in debt, and is really far from the level he showed in 2006.
    Gonzalez: Did not produce much playing as a left wing. It is obvious that he is not feeling well playing at that position.
    Suazo: Definitely something is wrong with this guy. He lost two clear chances during the first half. I hope he wakes up against Colombia.
    Sanchez: Really low. He has to pass the ball quickly.
    Bouseajour: Ran a lot but did not produce too much
    Cereceda: Same thing as Bouseajour.:confused:
  4. Yañez

    Yañez Member+

    Oct 11, 2005
    Santiago, Llolleo
    Univ de Chile
    Nat'l Team:
    Dude what the hell are you talking about. The goals were defensive errors, not tactical errors.

    Lets all be honest, we expected to lose but why does the damn ref keep sucking on us? If it was Chile that kicked like the Brasilians did, then every camera would of caught it and the player would have been sent off, but if a brasilian does it, no one sees it. Like I have been saying, why keep using Valdivia?!

    To resume, like I said, we expected to lose versus Brasil, lets get pissed if we lose to Colombia.

    And stop committing suecide for losing to Brasil, when we lose at home to peru or bolivia then ill be the first one to kill themself.
  5. HeartandSoul

    HeartandSoul Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    The Garden State
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    The team that started against Brasil.

  6. HeartandSoul

    HeartandSoul Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    The Garden State
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    C. Bravo: fue el punto más alto del equipo chileno. Evitó varios goles, uno a Robinho y luego a Luis Fabiano. Además, contuvo un penal da Ronaldinho. Lo mejor del cuadro de Bielsa.
    G. Medel: se mostró lento y con problemas físico. Rápidamente sucumbió ante la dinámica de Robinho. Pierde la pelota en el tercer gol. Estuvo muy lejos del nivel que tuvo ante Bolivia y Venezuela.
    G. Jara: fue el más regular de la zaga, pero tampoco brilló. En muchas ocasiones se vio complicado con la potencia física de Luis Fabiano y no estuvo atento a las coberturas.
    M. Estrada: tuvo un primer tiempo horrible, donde cometió errores claves en la salida. De sus fallas nacieron el segundo gol y también el penal que contuvo Bravo. Se notó que no es su puesto ideal.
    A. Vidal: se mostró muy movedizo y registró el primer remate ofensivo de Chile. Pero su poca participación en la contención de los contragolpes brasileños. Jugó sólo el primer tiempo.
    C. Carmona: la velocidad y las constantes paredes de los brasileños complicaron al volante de la Reggina y se vio algo perdido en la cancha.
    H. Droguett: había tenido algunas ocasiones, pero su aporte en defensa había sido escaso. Pagó las consecuencias de la obstinación de Bielsa de no alinear a Valdivia y Fernández desde el primer minuto.
    M. Fernández: comenzó muy bien, pero lentamente empezó a perder presencia. En momentos da la impresión que no es capaz de llevar la conducción del equipo por sí solo.
    A. Sánchez: siempre que complicado para la defensa brasileña. Le cometieron un penal que no fue sancionado, pero en muchas ocasiones abusó de los enganches.
    H. Suazo: no estuvo prendido, por el contrario, malogró muchas ocasiones de gol. Dio la impresión de que dudó en cada definición y eso le pasó la cuenta.
    M. González: una jugada interesante tuvo el volante del Betis. La falta de fútbol por la lesión en la rodilla izquierda le pasó la cuenta y no mostró un rendimiento constante.

    J. Valdivia: ingresó a los 39 por Droguett. Tuvo algunos chispazos, pero que se vieron opacados por la expulsión que sufrió a los 61' y quedó marginado de Colombia.
    R. Cereceda: ingresó a los 46' por Vidal, tuvo movilidad, pero perdió muchos mano a manos. Su aporte fue escaso.
    J. Beausejour: ingresó a los 46', por González. Generó ocasiones, pero le faltó la última jugada, cerrar los desbordes que lideraba. Al final terminó agotado.

  7. HeartandSoul

    HeartandSoul Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    The Garden State
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Este partido lo perdió el argentino Bielsa, así de simple:


    Mi uno a uno:

    Bravo: el mejor de Chile. Evitó un gol de penal, y evitó un par de goles más. En los 3 goles no tuvo responsabilidad. Cortó bien los centros, y fue valiente.

    Jara: si bien se inició de líbero, el puesto que le corresponde y donde más rindió jugando por Chile es de LATERAL DERECHO (con el Pelao ACOSTA, en la gira europea del 2007). Hoy no pudo con Luis Fabiano. No cumplió.

    Medel: aguerrido, pero NO ES CENTRAL. No es culpa suya, sino de BIELSA. Debe ser titular sí o sí de MEDIOCAMPISTA.

    Estrada: el PEOR de Chile hoy. Perdió 2 pelotas saliendo de forma RIDÍCULA, cometió un penal por el lado derecho, lo único bueno que hizo fue mandar al corner de cabeza un balón que se metía.
    No es central, sino volante izquierdo, pero ¿de quién es la culpa que haya jugado de central? DE BIELSA!!

    Carmona: impidió que Diego brillara, pero no fue generador de fútbol.

    Vidal: Bien. Para mí, BIELSA LA CAGÓ AL SACARLO. Al menos tiró al arco, y le tapó las cagadas a Estrada. Mostró buen fútbol a ratos.

    Droguett: ¿de qué jugó hoy? No entiendo porqué Bielsa puso a 4 giles por el mismo lado izquierdo, dejando apenas 2 por derecha.

    Fernández: si bien siempre ha sido un arrugón cuando se pone la Roja, hoy al menos corrió. Futbolísticamente lo mismo de siempre: pases malos, un tiro libre pa'fuera, y muchos amagues. Jugador SIN PERSONALIDAD.
    Físicamente livianito, perdió todas las divididas.

    Sánchez: Individualista como siempre. Hoy al menos corrió, y lo mejor que hizo fue jugar de lateral derecho marcando a Robinho:eek:
    Lo otro bueno fue que provocó la expulsión de Kleber.
    Ofensivamente 0 aporte, perdió todas las pelotas divididas.

    Suazo: otro que para mí no existe. Se perdió 4 goles hoy, lo que se suma a los 85 goles que se ha perdido antes jugando por Chile...
    ¿Cómo cresta no va a haber un CENTRODELANTERO DECENTE en Chile?
    Para mí si bien Canío no es un 9 neto, podría dársele una oportunidad. Gazale cuando la tuvo no mostró personalidad ni gol.

    M.González: insisto en que este flaco no es futbolista, ¡es atleta!!
    Corre y corre, y NO PASA NADA. No sacó ningún centro. Pa'la casa nomás.

    Cereceda: es lateral izquierdo, para mí no hizo gran cosa.
    Valdivia: Entró, dio un par de buenos pases, y la cagó con una falta clara.
    Beausejour: No hizo nada, ollazos a Sánchez o un centro a nadie cuando debió tirar al arco.

    Bielsa: el culpable.

    El público: Público DE SELECCIÓN, o sea, no son futbolizados, 0 apoyo en el 2º tiempo...

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Errores de Bielsa.

    No puede poner a 2 chicos como Medel y Estrada, de CENTRALES! (contra Bolivia y Venezuela da lo mismo, porque no existen, pero contra BRASIL es un pecado!)

    Y respecto a lo 2º, te recuerdo que hace 54 años que Brasil no nos ganaba en Chile por Eliminatorias.
    (seguimos batiendo récords negativos con este argentino, ya que jamás nos habían goleado en Chile, y nos goleó Paraguay en el 2007 y Brasil en el 2008).:mad:

    Hasta con el perro verde llevábamos más puntos que con este Bielsa.

    JAIME CHILE Member+

    Apr 26, 2006
    V.Alemana y Stgo
    Cobreloa Calama
    Nat'l Team:
    Welcome to the chilean forum.

    Since 54 years that Chile didn't lose against Brazil here in our country, in WCQ.

    And Chile never was "goleado" in our country, until this WCQ with Bielsa (0:3 against Paraguay; 0:3 against Brazil).
  11. toepunt

    toepunt Member

    Aug 24, 2003
    North America
    Dude, soccer is not a game of minimizing errors, everyone commits errors. Soccer is a game of passing a ball around, strategy, set plays, smart plays, ball skills, shooting, etc. etc. All of this, usually under the direction of a coach who is solely responsible. In your view, Brazil did not make any errors and that is why we didn't score??
  12. Caturro

    Caturro Member

    Aug 3, 2004
    Santiago Wanderers
    Nat'l Team:
    The last week or so has been, to summarize it all into one word, BIZARRE. I think this post reflects what I'm trying to say the best way possible:

    Old, forgotten characters capitalizing on la Roja with bold statements predicting a comfortable victory... empty headed bimbos enticing players with their own interests in mind... cartoons based on the current roster, capitalizing on the interest that the media itself creates, feeds and excretes... witches predicting ridiculous scores... "journalists" selling successfuly to the public that this Brazil is as bad as Belize... more cartoons, more crazy adds...

    ...the exception is displayed by the few wise, old cracks of the past calling for an amount of measure... Brazil is Brazil, they say...

    ... their voices drowned among all the crap that pollutes our media. All the pundits looking for a way to figure... of course, the same ones that at this very time attack ruthlessly the way the team played or, even worse, look for easy way out criticizing the refereeing, the crowd, the weather...

    ... and everyone seems to have forgotten about the players. No, not our players. THEIR players. About the game ITSELF. By the time the game had started today, it felt like it had already been played 4 times during the past week. All of them generous Chilean victories, of course.

    Bielsa was cautious during the week... Bonini was exceptionally vocal about it. Luckily the players got the hint... too bad nobody else did.

    Luis Fabiano was a monster today, same thing with Robinho (who's used to score against us by now). Everyone else hacked, hacked and hacked. Diego cried. This is not the conventional Brazilian game, no sir... but it sure as hell worked for them tonight. It's Dunga's game which, sadly enough, worked perfectly against what Bielsa set up on the field. Nos ganaron a la paraguaya... surprise?

    If I have guys like Luis Fabiano and Maicon countering with speed and strength, using their physique to the max... I can't have someone like Estrada (who is NOT a defender) or Jara (he can't be taller than my little cousin...) be part of the defense. Gary isn't out of place only because what he lacks in height he more than makes up in attitude (he played a more than decent game, by the way... although the third goal was an unfortunate mistake). A technical defense for sure... but definitely lacking on the physical side.

    After the press conference, Bielsa recognized he lost the game by making this crucial mistake. There's no doubt in my mind that we needed someone like Waldo Ponce out there tonight. Or Riffo.

    Our attack volume? Generous as always. Our finishing? Frustrating, as always. We can't depend on Chupete... we need an alternative. When he on fire, great. When he isn't... well, we saw what happened today. Also, if we are going to use a center forward as reference, then we ought to get someone tall enough to fight for those balls. I know, we don't have anyone else... but if Bielsa can make Estrada a defender and Gary a stopper, then he can definitely make Sebastian Pinto into a good players? Maybe nationalize Lucas Barrios?

    Ok, maybe I went too far.

    I won't mention Valdivia's... lapse. Let's just say it wasn't very unexpected... as much as I like him playing for Chile, it's hard to trust someone with two neurons. And he uses one of them only to chew gum, keep that in mind.

    Nothing's lost, nothing's gained... Bielsa made a mistake, some players had horrible performances. C'est la vie... the process continues, losing against Brazil was one of the options for today and hopefully the mistakes comitted today won't show up on Wednesday.

    Don't know what else to say tonight... there's still hope. :D
  13. Caturro

    Caturro Member

    Aug 3, 2004
    Santiago Wanderers
    Nat'l Team:
    By the way, Estrada had today the worst game of his life. No doubt people are ready to crucify him for all those mistakes during the first half (PK included). I happen to think he did the best he could... he doesn't play there, Bielsa put him there. It's Bielsa's responsability.

    And Bielsa is not perfect. No one is. For example, I'm still wondering whether it was a good idea to sub Vidal... or to let Mark start... Vidal was definitely having a good game.

    Matias had his best game today. Sadly it didn't last more than 50 minutes for him. Hopefully one day he'll execute those FKs like he once did...

    Also I'm half expecting Bielsa to never call Valdivia again. What he did today (well, yesterday) is inconceivable.
  14. HeartandSoul

    HeartandSoul Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    The Garden State
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    The only comfort I can gather is that the next game is in a matter of three days.

    The players and their corresponding positions were way off, Medel playing as right back could have worked better (Toulon), but only if Vidal was playing on the right instead of the left and not taken off. Situations such as the penalty could have been avoided.

    Cereceda and Beausejour, no matter how they performed second half should have started the game, with Bielsa making adjustments from that.

    Estrada made one too many mistakes, but we also need to keep in mind that he was playing that defensive role against Venezuela and in parts of the game against Boliva. Brasil will always be a stronger opponent, so we paid dearly for those simple mistakes. Neither Bolivia or Venezuela have an equilavent for Luis Fabiano or Robinho.
  15. Yañez

    Yañez Member+

    Oct 11, 2005
    Santiago, Llolleo
    Univ de Chile
    Nat'l Team:
    Soccer is a game of minimizing errors. The goals , similar to the ones versus paraguay were gonna happen despite using a 4-4-2 or 3-2-2-3, cause it has nothing to do with the tactics.

    You are over criticizing Bielsa for losing against Brasil, if we look at it that way, then 99.5% of the world's coaches would need to get fired.
  16. Arañas

    Arañas New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    There's an old saying from an Italian coach "The perfect game is one that ends 0-0, because no one made a mistake".
  17. Caturro

    Caturro Member

    Aug 3, 2004
    Santiago Wanderers
    Nat'l Team:
    If we REALLY analyze yesterday's defense, all those players were improvisations. Estrada didn't look out of place against Bolivia and Venezuela (obviously the opposition wasn't as strong) but against Turkey he already displayed some inefficiencies (he abilitated the Turk forward that eventually scored). Jara generally plays on the left and Medel usually doesn't really play defense... although he performs ANYWHERE you put him, it seems.

    Medel's only disadvantage is his size... Luis Fabiano was probably 20 cms. taller and a few kilos heavier. In a match like yesterday's, it makes a difference (like in the last goal). Bielsa pointed to this in the conference, I found it a valid excuse yesterday (when I wasn't as drunk as I would've liked :D ) but not so much today.

    He's trying to make these improvisations work. Some do (Medel, Vidal) others don't (Droguett as an DM? Estrada ANYWHERE in defense?) and he plays like these against all opposition. It'd all be good if Parauga was like Venezuela, or if Brazil was like Bolivia... but they aren't.

    I'd like Bielsa to play differently when the opposition is superior. We can't interchange hits when our offense isn't as effective as it could be and our defense has been... well, improvised. Let's remind ourselves that before these qualifiers began Chile had never lost by more than 2 goals in Santiago. Now, in the same process, we've lost TWICE by three goals... we need to stop doing this.

    Now, I didn't criticize Bielsa before and I won't do it now. Things seemed to work before this game (somewhat) and, who knows, Estrada might end up being the next Roberto Carlos. Everybody makes mistakes, and two drastic defeats at home is a good indication that something's not quite right. But Bielsa needs to put at stop to this now. If there's something you're doing wrong, fix it. Keep these improvisations to the minimum, definitely DON'T experiment at home when you have to play Brazil of all teams.

    I'm starting to think we shouldn't play so liberally at home. It works wonders as a visitor, but at home the most important thing is to GET those points. If it means we have to play more conservatively, then so be it. But let's stop losing points at home.
  18. Caturro

    Caturro Member

    Aug 3, 2004
    Santiago Wanderers
    Nat'l Team:
    Being how the objective of the sport is to score in order to achieve victory, I can only wonder how a perfect game could end up scoreless...
  19. MetroChile

    MetroChile Member+

    Jan 13, 2001
    NJ; Valpo.
    Santiago Wanderers
    Nat'l Team:
    Ahora resulta que todos me copian el analisis. :D:p
  20. mcready

    mcready New Member

    Jun 21, 2007
    El problema con Chile son los defensas, lo mismo que nos paso con Paraguay, vieron a Luis Fabiano ganandole con el puro hombro en el mano a mano del tercer gol a Medel?
    nada que hacer, no puede ser que ponga a dos pigmeos de defensas centrales, Medel y Estrada aparte no juegan en ese puesto en sus clubes, ellos son grandes jugadores pero de contencion, de hecho Medel es el Gatusso Chileno, pero no tiene fisico para un puesto como el de central.

    Espero que se arregle el naipe atras con Pablo Contreras (que aun no entiendo porque no lo puso)
    Deberia llamar al central de la UC Marcos Gonzalez...
  21. Caturro

    Caturro Member

    Aug 3, 2004
    Santiago Wanderers
    Nat'l Team:
    Podria haber jugado Waldo, tambien... ya volvio Riffo... no se, por lo menos son jugadores con mejor fisico y algo decentes...

    Que se le va a hacer... me parece que Tello es mas que Cereceda o Droguett y tampoco jugo ayer...
  22. HeartandSoul

    HeartandSoul Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    The Garden State
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    Need I say more

  23. Caturro

    Caturro Member

    Aug 3, 2004
    Santiago Wanderers
    Nat'l Team:
    Canal 13 es una ************.
  24. HeartandSoul

    HeartandSoul Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2007
    The Garden State
    CD Colo Colo
    Nat'l Team:
    La pizarra no cambia nunca ;)



  25. Ohiginiano

    Ohiginiano Member+

    Jul 16, 2007
    El Teniente Stadium
    O Higgins Rancagua
    A ver: Alguien vio el zoom deportivo ayer?
    Bien sencillo, me voy a basar en los comentarios de Carcuro y Guarello para dar mi analisis. Hasta ahora, Chile le ha ganado Peru, Bolivia y Venezuela, a estos dos ultimos de visita. Se ha perdido con Argentina en Buenos Aires( ninguna novedad) y con Paraguay, y Brasil como locales, ambas derrotas por un categorico 3-0. Quizas con Brasil era esperable perder de local pero no de esta manera, ni con ese marcador, que de no ser por Bravo, hubiese sido mayor aun. Frente a Paraguay nos hicieron un gol de contragolpe, el primero, y otros dos de pelota parada, es decir juego aereo. Ayer, cada centro al area de Chile era un "suplicio", practicamente no ganamos ninguna. El partido con Paraguay nos hicieron dos goles igualitos, los de da Silva. AL parecer, nuestros defensas no saben marcar en el juego aereo, o sencillamente no tenemos defensas de peso, a nivel internacional, como si los teniamos el 97 con Reyes, Margas, Fuentes y el Cheito Ramirez. Nos hace un falta un defensa que "asuste" por presencia, asi como Lugano en Uruguay, o Heinze en Argentina.
    Opciones para mejorar el deficit en el juego aereo defensivo: Olarra, Rocco, Marco Gonzalez, no se si habra otro.
    Por todos es sabido que Bielsa no tranza en cuanto a los tres atacantes, pues bien por salir a "atacar" a Paraguay y Brasil, nos comimos tres en contra. Es decir, hay que analizar profundamente esto, ya que dos goleadas en contra como local, sin duda que preocupan. Pensemos, que todavia tenemos que recibir a Argentina en Santiago, dios nos pille confesados, como decia el recordado Julio Martinez.
    En cuanto a la ofensiva, Suazo sencillamente anda "peleado" con la red, y Sanchez tiene que entender que el futbol es un deporte de 11, en el cual hay que entregar la pelota, y no comersela todo el tiempo.
    Mark Gonzalez no es puntero izquierdo, es mas bien volante por izquierda, por lo que Bielsa deberia darse cuenta que por ahi no rinde mucho, como si rinde mas Bouseajour, ya que en O"higgins juega en esa misma posicion.
    En resumen hasta ahora, le hemos ganado a los que debiamos haberles ganado por obligacion, perdimos un partido que jamas debimso perder como local(Paraguay), y perdimos con los dos "gigantes" Argentina y Brasil respectivamente. Por ultimo, le arrancamos 2 puntos a Uruguay en el Centenario, lo que si puede ayudarnos en el futuro.
    Ojala Bielsa no sea tan porfiado y recapacite, analize los errores y los corriga de cara a lo que viene, que es este miercoles cuando nos enfrentemos a Colombia. Un partido ganable pero dificil.:confused:

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