What's this with El Jefe becoming a moderator of the Revs forum? Is Dustin a closet Revs fan or is he perhaps bucking for SuperModeratorship? Are more dual team moderators in store for us? God forbid kebzach becomes a Burn moderator!!
A couple of weeks ago, the Revs forum didn't have a single moderator. So I e-mailed Huss to volunteer. He grudgingly accepted and the rest is history. Truth be told, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the Revs, though. I was even a Pictures of Chairman Mao subscriber back in the day.
my application has been filed with Huss. I expect to be moderating away in this forum by the end of the week. at which time, all of you wankers will not be allowed to post in here anymore. except for 3rd Degree, because his practice observations are good reads. but the rest of you suck. have a nice day.
Re: Re: El Jefe a Revs moderator?? Projecting yourself onto others. Signs of a very weak mind. La locura rojinegra
Famous last words... More to the point, why did all the Revs mods "give up" on the Revs board. Have they finally given up on their team? Or did they just get jobs where they can't get on the computer all day?
Hey good for you guys. But I'd much rather be 2 points from the Suppporters Shield than 4 points out of a playoff spot. But go get 'em I say. Grab KC's spot.
More to the point, why did all the Revs mods "give up" on the Revs board. Have they finally given up on their team? Or did they just get jobs where they can't get on the computer all day? * Combination of: a. Lack of time, increased workday obligations b. disillusionment with the club & team c. tired of being a traffic cop for a board where the level of debate was getting progressively less-informed. The Magpie Former Revs moderator
It looks like El Jefe has an ability to see into the future that would make Miss Cleo proud. Either that, or he's quite the good luck charm. New England record with El Jefe as a Revs moderator: 4-0-1 Burn record while El Jefe has been a Revs moderator: 1-3-0