EJ running mate candidates

Discussion in 'FC Dallas' started by Chamo, Nov 22, 2004.

  1. mudpoet

    mudpoet Member

    May 16, 2004
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Arg. I said my last post was my last post on this topic. Okay, this one really is. If you want to continue the debate, PM me.

    First, there is no reason TIDN couldn't replace BigSoccer's FCD forum. I wish it would. Then I wouldn't have to go to 2 sites for the same thing.

    Second, I don't think you should pay for BigSoccer. I never said that. I don't think anyone should pay for it. Use it for free...that's FINE. I'm simply defending BigSoccer's stance of asking for money. There's nothing wrong with them asking for money to post on their forum. They did the work of putting it up, they added the extras that PHPBB doesn't come with standard, they do the technical upkeeping when stuff goes down, they pay for the servers, etc etc. To say that them asking for money is wrong or evil is just silly.

    Third, on the "and somehow that board is free": the-inferno.net doesn't have a paid staff maintaining it. With 66 registered users, it requires little maintenance which I can do in my spare time.

    I'm done with this in the forum. PM me if you want to continue.
  2. ArsenalTexan3

    ArsenalTexan3 Member

    Sep 24, 2002
    Arsenal FC

    We can dream can't we? ;)
  3. yawnysan

    yawnysan New Member

    Sep 9, 2002
    Land of Gar
    FC Dallas
    hey, arsenal texas3 i read your points and i can certainly see where you are coming from- it would be great to get a young talent like him here. and i didn't mean the sarcasm to be so heavy. it's just that if wenger would loan him out it would only be to a championship side so they can keep an eye on him. look how they treated pennant and i don't think they are that high on him. another example-matthew upson-cheers
  4. ArsenalTexan3

    ArsenalTexan3 Member

    Sep 24, 2002
    Arsenal FC

    Fair point, but at the same time, whats the worse they can say, no?
  5. MLSLinks

    MLSLinks New Member

    Oct 12, 2004
  6. texgator

    texgator New Member

    Oct 28, 2003
  7. MLSLinks

    MLSLinks New Member

    Oct 12, 2004
    So if a fellow Dallas fan asks for help with links, will he get any help? :cool: :) :D
  8. ArsenalTexan3

    ArsenalTexan3 Member

    Sep 24, 2002
    Arsenal FC
    You do know having a sock does violate the BS ToS right?
  9. BulaJacket

    BulaJacket Member

    Columbus Crew (hometown), Minnesota United (close ties), Colorado Rapids (now home), Jacksonville Armada (ties)
    United States
    May 9, 2003
    Ashtabula, OH / Denver, CO / MN / Jax
    Colorado Rapids
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The page listed above is a early unpolished collaboration between myself (mostly), brother, and buddy of mine for a comprehensive working MLS links directory.
    I did post using that name as I was using my computer to update links on the web page just prior.
    I am always logged in as myself on this (my) computer and wasn't thinking when I posted the link.
    I did not want any attention to myself for the page, so I deleted the post, and re-did it.
    As for the logon, we thought it would be a good idea to ask for links at places like BS, but I did not want to give them my login and password info, and they didn't post, so we created it with the same known info as we log on to geocities in order to get link information. I have never used other names outside of this, and I don't need and shouldn't use that one. I'll make sure to leave that on here to them.
  10. ZenCarver

    ZenCarver New Member

    May 26, 2003
    Richardson, TX
    :eek: i never come here barefoot. you won't tell, will you?
  11. Scipio Gothicus

    Aug 6, 2001
    Cabo San Lucas
    Celtic FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    "Look at the history of HSG in Dallas. While they may be actually trying to round the corner on their way of thinking, (or giving it lip service), they admit their short commings in this area. Why do you not take their word for it? The last couple of years have been the great Latino purge. Do the math. When you have facts to support your fiction, send us a copy."

    The "Great Latino Purge" was a result of trades, made in desperation by a desperate coach. To say HSG is racist, as you imply here and have posted in bold in the past, would place that burden of proof on you. Pity you can be bothered to post cant like this, but not to come to the THMs. If you actually cared about FCD, you would bring your concerns to GE. He will undoutably listen, and note that FCD is trying to acquire a hispanic player or two. Unlike you, however, they will judge the players with criteria beyond "Is he hispanic?"

    "Come on Scipio, even if you are on I mind altering acoholic bender,"

    To qoute Hemmingway, "An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with his fools."

    "you cannot mean what you write. You are not implying that HSG have given us "the best player available"? Who? Garlick? Quill? Simo? Talley?"

    I have expalined this time and time again. Clearly, I must do it one more time. CC was never happy with DJ, no matter how much Janice liked him. A vetran 'keeper was needed, and Garlick was the clear choice. He had some excellent games before his injury, and then could not win his place back. Cassar. Who knew? Eric Quill was brought in because the team would need an expereinced left wing, as Davis was to be moved to the middle. This move failed, and niether Davis nor Quill produced the kind of season they are capable of. Everybody on this list should have known that CC was going to bring in a d mid with a discovery. Simo was that discovery, and has certainly justified CC's pick. Talley was more of a throw in, but a versitile player like Tally is always valuable. You will see that next year, as he will fill in for Simo ocassionally as the d mid.

    You see, Theo, CC was working on the defense last year. With the exception of Quill, each of these players had a role in making the Burn a better team than the previous year. The best players available? I would argue that only Simo, the Burn's last MVP, fits that term. I very much doubt that there was a player of Simo's calibre and expereince who could have been purchased with a discovery and played so well at d mid. Again, note that d mid was the only position that CC was looking for. Tidy up A, then move to B.

    This year, with an MPA, a YSA, and some room under the cap, CC will have the chance to get the besty player available. Since you are clearly under the illussion that the best player available is simply the best palyer in the world (well, the best hispanic player in the world, in your case), I will have to expalin what that means. Please get out your dictionary, Theo, and look up available. It should not take you more than an hour or so. Now let me explain waht that means to FCD. The player must want to come to the MLS, not exclusivly but probably out of contract, and fit under the restraints of the MPA and the cap. With the Burn right against the cap last year, and with all the SI slots filled, there was no realistic chance to use the MPA. This year, it will almost certainlyh be filled.

    Rather complicated, I know.

    "Do you proof your thoughts prior to clicking the post button?"

    Always. I would reccomend this system to you. It works better than the blind rascism upon which you depend.

    "As for Wanchope, we can all forget about him."


    "Do you really believe that CC wants a player who's style of play, methods of training, methods of injury rehabilitation, culture, ect ect will put them on a collision path?"

    If the collision you post of is clearly inevitible (a difficult concept, at the very least), I would doubt it. The galring error is that not all Europeans will mest with his style, and not all hispanics will clash with him. further, you might consider that long beofre the signing, there will be many long discussions. Chemistry tests, if you will. Careers are on the line. This often produces excellent work. Now, using your criteria, I would think that John Jiro Trellez and Percy Oileveres are high on your list. I would hope that CC look beyond ethnicity, even if you cannot.

    "Remember last year's thread about whether or not CC's trip to SA was simply a ruse. Sure enough, as predicted...nada. One trip to Euro, and voila, Simo the hack."

    All right. HSG is too cheap, but will send the coach to South America on vacation to trick people. Truly amazing logic. Moreover, the Burn tried to sign a few players, but it never worked out. It happens. the right player, the MVP, was in the East Midlands. Right about the game was invented. Oh, by the way, Simo is not a hack. As he player for Derby, he is a sheel shagger. Trust me, I did not want to see one of those with the Burn. He won me over with his conistently excellent play. Again, I do not think you could have found a better d mid in a postion to play for the Burn.

    "First of all, diving and fouling are the same."

    No. A foul results in a free kick. If FIFA and MLS follow the rules thye claim to, a dive is a card.

    "How hypocritical of you to sneer at diving."

    Again, IF the rules are enforced, diving will hurt your own team. It also leads to a very slow and unattractive game.

    "Secondly, Mexicans getting the message? WTH? That is so offensive on so many levels."

    If you attended the US Mexico Super Calssico in the Cotton Bowl, you would have noticed that the traditional Mexican dive and roll was not to be seen. No playacting, just soccer. That is what I meant. Would you like to see my FM3? In case you are wondering, that makes me a Resident Alien in Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Notice where I am from? Think about it.

    "We have some of the most piss poor officiating at all levels, especially at the professional ranks in this country."

    STRONGLY AGREE. As the quality of MLS players has improved, the refs have not cuaght up.

    "Mexico, on the other hand, is extremely world class in this regard."

    I would not go that far. I suppose I have seen too many games at Estadio Azteca. Better than the MLS? Certianly. World class? A few of them, like every other nation.

    "So you are now Mr Sunshine. A year ago you boasted about your negativity. In fact you would issue some negative diatribe and call it "vox fatum". What is the cause of your sudden conversion? For a guy who used to say was "as hard on the team as anyone", you have made an inexplicable transformation. Do you even know what you stand for? It sure doesn't seem like it."

    I express my gratitude, Theo, for your kindness in bringing this up. Soem of you have heard this story. Others have not. Where do my loyalties lie? That is an easy one. First and last and always, upon my honor, my heart, my mind, my body and my sould, I stand with The Inferno. In clearly the biggest mistake of a well lived life, El Jefe brought me in the first year of MLS. It was also El Jefe who first game me the nomen if The voice of Doom in 2002. I knew Mike Jeffries was a disaster, and two decent easons hardly justfies the heap of smking ruins he left the team in.

    My reputation as "Vox Fatum" was cemented by 2003. I simply noticed that, as the other teams upgraded, the Burn stood pat. I was flamed far worse than you for pointing this out. This was, by the way, the font of my alliance with Brushes, as strained as it is now. I was also the first to note that Dragon Stadium would a disaster of the magnitude of, well, Mike Jeffries.

    This year, you and I were in agreement. The Burn were going nowhere. Clearly, we underestimated the boys, though. Niether you nor I expected them to be in the hunt for a playoff birth in the last game.

    Have I changed my tune? Not at all. I have no reason to think that FCD will finish any better than the Burn did last year. I, however, am of the opinion that GE "gets it." I base this on some long conversaations with him at the THMs. The plan for a winning, if not Cup lifting, team is well laid out. I admit I would be much more confident if Jeff had not pointed out it sounded a lot like John Kerry's endless secret plans.

    It may be that, as the chips fall, I will return to my customary position of Vox Fatum. Or I mgith be very optimistic. Probably, I reserve judgement. Of course, I said that in 2002, and I was calling for Jeffries to be fired 35 minutes into the season. The only differnece this year is that I have hope. It has been a long time since I have had hope. I find it bracing and tonic. You, Theo, as well, can hope. Hope for those "stylistically imprinting" players you long for, but FCD has never had the chance to acquire. Or wear ash and sackcloth if CC signs European players.

    The simple fact is, Theo, that one discovery signing and the trade of one hispanic player who was not going to be sseing much time is just not enough to judge GE and CC.

    Very well. Enough. Hope is all I have. It is all any of us have. It is a great deal more than any of us have had in a long time.

    Sir Drinxalot

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